• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

From the ashes will rise a new Hivemind.

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I am the mysterious professor.
I haven't slept well this week and all the moving didn't help. I'm so tired. I'm actually thinking of taking a nap here at work. My body might do it anyway.:(

Relique du Madde

If you do, make sure to set up a proximity alarm and maybe set up a camera loop or two (if there are any in the area). It should work, or at least it does in the movies.

I can't wait to see Alice and Wonderland... thing that scuks though is that since it's supposed to rain bad tomorrow, I'm not going have a chance to see it with my GF for at least a week. :(

Tinker Gnome

I thought I'd share. My roommate and I moved out of our apartment in the city and moved into a house in the burbs. My experiement with city living is on hold it seems. Oddly enough the racial makeup of the neighborhood hasn't changed much from the apartment. :p

Congrats on the move Aeson! I hope this works out better for you!:D

Relique du Madde

I admit, I was bored, so I stated up some vehicles for M&M. I'm not sure if a scooter should have a toughness of 8 (like regular motorcycles).. However, I will say that I really doubt someone would use a moped or a scooter in a M&M game unless if it was heavily RP driven (or anime).

Micro Car   	20	 5	10	8    Medium  10/2
Moped	        10	 3	10	6    Medium  4/1
Motor-tricycle	20	 5	10	8    Medium  10/2
Scooter	        15	 4	10	7    Medium  7/2

Tinker Gnome

Agility: 7A
Dexterity: 4D
Endurance: 5B
Strength: 7A
Reason: 5B
Perception: 5C
Spirit: 9A
Presence: 9A

Wealth: 8-Nobility
Quests: 10-5 cards
Nature: Resolute
Demeanor: Opinionated

Mysticism Spheres-81 Spell Points

Sorcery Schools-25 Spell Points

A character I made using the Dragonlance SAGA system (Thanks Aeson!)

No he does not have a name.:p

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