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Mesh Hongs Monster Request / Discussion Thread

Mesh Hong

First Post
I was recently asked by someone to come up with my version of a Yellow Musk Creeper and as there is not a lot of monster activity at the moment I thought I would tentatively open up a monster request and discussion thread to see if anyone was interested.

Yellow Musk Creeper

The yellow musk creeper is a plant usually found in the Feywild that attacks any creatures that wander into its reach and attempts to impregnate them with a mind affecting poison that ultimately turn them into yellowish zombie like creatures. The creeper is a large, light green climbing plant with leaves like ivy that conceal a large mass of thick roots beneath. A creeper is usually identified by its sweet entrancing odour and the shape of its bright yellow flowers that seem to sparkle beneath its luscious green leaves.

Depending on how successful a creeper has been it may be found by itself, or in clumps of up to three separate plants. An encounter would usually also contain one to four previously dominated victims of the creeper who may acts to try and lure further victims in. These dominated creatures retain their standard stats but can be identified as being under the influence of the yellow musk creeper by a slight yellow tinge to their skin and green veins in their eyes, possibly a DC15 perception check to notice and a DC20 arcana check to recognise as musk dominate.

Yellow Musk Creeper Level 5 Elite Controller
Large Fey Beast (blind, plant) XP 400

Initiative +2 Senses Perception +7, blindsight 20
HP 124; Bloodied 62
AC 19; Fortitude 18, Reflex 15, Will 16
Immune gaze, poison, push/pull/slide;
Vulnerable 5 fire
Saving Throws +2
Speed 0
Action Points 1

:bmelee: Root Slam (Standard; at-will)
Reach 2; attack +8 vs. AC; 1d6+2 damage; target is pushed 2 squares

:area: Pollen Spray (Move; recharge :4::5::6:) poison, charm
Area Burst 2, within 15; does not provoke opportunity attacks; attack +9
vs. Will; 1d4+4 poison damage; on hit target is pulled 5 squares and
immobilised until the end of Creepers next turn

:close: Brain Drain (Standard; at-will) poison, charm
1 target inside burst 10; attack +10 vs. AC (+12 vs. AC against
immobilised targets); 1d8+4 damage; on hit secondary attack +9 vs.
Fortitude on hit target gains a Musk Point and takes 5 ongoing poison
damage (save ends)

:close: Double Drain (Standard; at-will)
Creeper makes a Brain Drain attack against 2 different targets

Threatening Reach
Creeper has threatening reach (2) with its Root Slam attack

Musk Points
Any creature with Musk Points gains the following effects:
1 Musk Point: target is slowed (no save)
2 Musk Points: target is slowed and takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls (no save)
3 Musk Points: target is slowed, takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls and is
dominated (no save)
An adjacent ally may take a standard action to make a heal check with
the following results 18-22 target loses 1 Musk Point, 23 or more target
loses 2 Musk Points, if the target of the heal check has a bonus to saving
throws vs. Charm effects the healer gains this as a bonus to its roll

Alignment Unaligned
Str 18 (+6) Dex 10 (+2) Wis 10 (+2)
Con 14 (+4) Int 3 (-2) Cha 12 (+3)

edit: added optional rules from idea by Primitive Screwhead
Musk Zombie Optional Rules:

Musk Infestation (level 5 disease)
All creatures who have 1 or more Musk Points at the end of an encounter with a Yellow Musk Creeper develop Musk Infestation at a stage equal to the number of Musk Points they have.

At the end of each encounter starting with the initial encounter (or daily upon waking if the PCs are not involved in strenuous activity) each infected character must make an endurance check, or receive a heal check by an ally (note each PC may only make 1 heal check in this case, and assisting in a heal check is considered that PCs use of the skill).

Endurance Check
15 or less – worsen
16 to 18 – maintain
19 or more – improve

Heal Check
14 or less – worsen
15 to 17 – maintain
18 or more – improve

Disease Track

-1 cured
Target has broken free of the disease

0 dormant
Infected has a slight yellowing of the skin but is otherwise unaffected

+1 infected
Targets skin takes on a definite yellow hue which is more pronounced around the eyes, ears, nostrils and mouth
Target takes a -2 penalty to speed and cannot run

+2 serious infection
In addition to the yellowing of the skin the targets eyes are riddled with green veins which are also visible under the skin around the targets eyes, ears, nostrils and mouth
Target takes a -2 penalty to speed, cannot run, takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls and a -2 penalty to all rolls involving social interaction

+3 consuming infection
In addition to the previous yellowing of skin the green veins become much more pronounced and extensive while the targets eyes become solid mottled green in colour
Target takes a -2 penalty to speed, cannot run, takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls, takes a -5 penalty to social skills (and tries to avoid speaking). Also in this state the infected only goal is to return to the Yellow Musk Creeper (or the place where it died) and try to nurture it back to life, the infected will defend the location or remains of the plant to the death or until the disease loses its hold over them.

I hope you find it interesting.

If anyone has any monsters they want some help with or me to have a go at stating them then please ask away.
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And here I thought you were busy, MH! Starting a thread on mosnter making. Really. ;)

Initially I was disappointed that there was no YMC Zombie. But I like the idea of just tossing a monster into the encounter and say it's a victim. That lets you use monsters that may have no business working together.

Nice touch about the Heal check to remove a musk point, otherwise PCs are going to spend some time dominated (unless they kill the thing fast). Alas my group has no actual leader! (Companion character whee).

The YMC doesn't look like it's going to be doing much damage. Not a real threat. But then, it's supposed to hang back and just stack the status conditions on its enemies.

Overall, nice touch!

How are you with hazards? So far, I'm contemplating brown mold, yellow mold, and a cave full of startled bats flying everywhere as hazards rather than monsters.

Mesh Hong

First Post
And here I thought you were busy, MH! Starting a thread on mosnter making. Really. ;)

Well I am, but I love monster making and talking about monster and encounter making....

Initially I was disappointed that there was no YMC Zombie. But I like the idea of just tossing a monster into the encounter and say it's a victim. That lets you use monsters that may have no business working together.

From my very research I noticed that the YMC Zombies wern't actually zombies at all, just mind controlled creatures with yellow skin. This is pretty much what I have delivered, but it might be an idea to make a shadowfell version of the creature that uses necrotic energy.

Nice touch about the Heal check to remove a musk point, otherwise PCs are going to spend some time dominated (unless they kill the thing fast). Alas my group has no actual leader! (Companion character whee).

I didn't want to use a save ends mechanic, and its always nice to see actual uses for skills in combat. Also note that a high heal check will remove 2 Musk Points which is a nice incentive for missing out on an attack.

The YMC doesn't look like it's going to be doing much damage. Not a real threat. But then, it's supposed to hang back and just stack the status conditions on its enemies.

Overall, nice touch!

Well its a low level controller that has a real chance of dominating more than 1 player, my feeling is that it is more interested in keeping its enemies away and slowly bringing them under its control so I think it should work. Also note that it has threatening reach with a melee basic attack that pushes its target 2 squares, this should help it maintain a certain amount of threat level.

Also its alpha strike would be Pollen Spray (move action), Double Drain (standard action), Double Drain (action point). In an ideal world this would bring 2 PCs 1 Musk Point from being dominated.

Also consider the ramifications of having 2 Yellow Musk Creepers in the same encounter. That could get very damgerous very quickly.

An encounter can also be rounded out by selecting a couple of interesting creatures that have already succumed to the Creeper. If you want more damage a couple of brutes could spice things up, but what about a dozen goblin minions who are hidden in the tree tops and come absailing down on round 2 right into the middle of the fight? Or maybe a lurker waiting to drag off a ranged character who is hanging around out of the Creepers Pollen Spray range?

How are you with hazards? So far, I'm contemplating brown mold, yellow mold, and a cave full of startled bats flying everywhere as hazards rather than monsters.

I generally either allow a nominal amount of xp or no xp at all for traps, hazards and terrain. I can try my hand at the above but I am not sure how balanced they would be :)


Indeed, all very good ideas. And while I generally think only one YMC would become a lightning rod, two would be too abusive. Especially because I want some awesome dominated creatures.

If no one else pops in to propose anything, I'll toss ideas out. But nothing is crucial right now.

Well, aside from a Leucrotta. They are four legged creatures that lure a target out into the wilderness by calling the target's name, and then eat them. I imagine they're a lot like a will-o-wisp, but 1) PCs aren't going to fall for their name being called out and just being lured off alone, and at the same time the Will-o-Wisp's 'pull you and daze you' doesn't seem quite the same, 2) On the one hand, they make more sense working alone. On the other, there's just not enough oomf there for a Solo monster, and yet I don't see what they would work together with. (Although I anticipate they would have a definite trap set up; luring the target through a thick brush and right off the edge of a ridge), 3) Can't think of a good way to address the whole "Lone predator that isn't built to withstand a party coming after it" - and yet still wanting to use it for an interesting encounter.

I like this design, but had three thoughts:

1 - Post-combat should use the 'normal' disease track for a PC Musk Zombie for those who take a short rest while they have 1 or more Musk points. Basically the mold grows stronger and more connected to the target. This makes the hazard longer lasting

2 - the Musk Zombies that may be in the encounter should be slowed and -2 to hit, and dominated.... and have 3 or more Musk points. This gives the PCs an entertaining possibility of 'healing' an enemy combatant from Zombie-hood and gaining an ally :)

3) Move 0 + 15' ranged burst = stand back and Magic Missile it to death. This critter would have to be placed in such a way to be able to get at least two PCs within range in order to avoid being a turkey shoot.

As to other monsters.. I am ahead of Morrus and company in playing 4e WoBS and need many conversions for that campaign :)
But thats kind of a niche market.

Can you post the monster builder xml files for these?

Mesh Hong

First Post
Indeed, all very good ideas. And while I generally think only one YMC would become a lightning rod, two would be too abusive. Especially because I want some awesome dominated creatures.

Of course you are right, but there is no accounting for taste. It is not unforseeable that someone would use 2 of these at the same time, perhaps as part of a higher level encounter (maybe vs. level 7 PCs?).

I like this design, but had three thoughts:

1 - Post-combat should use the 'normal' disease track for a PC Musk Zombie for those who take a short rest while they have 1 or more Musk points. Basically the mold grows stronger and more connected to the target. This makes the hazard longer lasting

Good idea, I have added it to the original post.

2 - the Musk Zombies that may be in the encounter should be slowed and -2 to hit, and dominated.... and have 3 or more Musk points. This gives the PCs an entertaining possibility of 'healing' an enemy combatant from Zombie-hood and gaining an ally :)

Again its an interesting idea, using my optional rules for the disease this wouldn't (strictly speaking) be possible as a different mechanic is in play from the original infection. But you could certainly adapt things to fit.

If you did I would say you can make a heal check as normal with a standard action but it provokes opportunity attacks.

It could make for an interesting encounter with gaining temporary allies as teh fight goes on, then hastey negotiations afterwards as the monsters decide whether to attack the group or flee.

This could also be a cool way of introducing an NPC (or group of NPCs), rescuing it from the clutches of the Yellow Musk Creeper.

3) Move 0 + 15' ranged burst = stand back and Magic Missile it to death. This critter would have to be placed in such a way to be able to get at least two PCs within range in order to avoid being a turkey shoot.

Yes the encounter would have to take into account the creatures weaknesses, either control the area or maybe give the plant a modest crawl speed.

Can you post the monster builder xml files for these?

Sorry I can't. I use Asmors monster maker and copy and paste into word then copy and paste into the forum.

Mesh Hong

First Post
Well here is a necrotic version of the Yellow Musk Creeper that is a native of the Shadowfell instead of the Feywild.

I think I might have spent far too much time designing epic level threats, or in other words this might be a bit overpowered.

What do you think?

Deaths Dream Creeper Level 10 Solo Controller
Huge Shadow Beast (blind, plant) XP 2,500

Initiative +6 Senses Perception +12, blindsight 20
Sympathetic Ingestion (necrotic) aura 3; Creeper regains 5 HPs at the
start of its turn for each undead creature inside the aura, if Creeper
regains HPs in this way all living creatures inside the aura take 10 necrotic
HP 416; Bloodied 208; see Bloodied Bloom
AC 24; Fortitude 23, Reflex 19, Will 21
Immune gaze, poison, push/pull/slide;
Resist 15 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Saving Throws +5
Speed 0, also see Shadow Hop
Action Points 2

:bmelee: Root Slam (Standard; at-will)
Reach 3; attack +15 vs. AC; 1d10+5 damage; on hit target is pushed 3

:close: Wave of Roots (Standard; at-will)
Burst 3; enemies only; attack +14 vs. Fortitude; 1d8+5 damage; on hit
target is pushed 3 squares

:close: Paralysing Spray (Move; recharge :4::5::6:) necrotic, charm
Area Burst 2, within 15; does not provoke opportunity attacks; attack +14
vs. Fortitude; 1d10+5 necrotic damage; on hit target is pulled 5 squares
and immobilised until the end of Creepers next turn

:close: Brain Drain (Standard; at-will) necrotic, charm
1 target inside burst 10; attack +15 vs. AC (+17 vs. AC against
immobilised targets); 2d6+5 necrotic damage; on hit secondary attack +14
vs. Fortitude on hit target gains a Dream Point and takes 10 ongoing
necrotic damage (save ends)

:close: Double Drain (Standard; at-will)
Creeper makes 2 Brain Drain attacks

:close: Living Dream (Standard; recharge :5::6:) psychic, charm
Burst 5; living creatures only; attack +14 vs. Will; 2d6+5 psychic damage;
on hit target gains a Dream Point

Threatening Reach
Creeper has threatening reach (3) with its Root Slam attack

Dream Points
Any creature with Dream Points gains the following effects:
1 Dream Point: target is slowed (no save)
2 Dream Points: target is slowed and dazed (no save)
3 Dream Points: target is unconscious (no save)
4 Dream Points: target is reduced to 0HPs and is Dying the Dream (see
separate description)
An adjacent ally may take a standard action to make a heal or religion
check with the following results 22-27 target loses 1 Dream Point, 28 or
more target loses 2 Dream Points

Dying the Dream
While in this state the target is dying and cannot spend healing surges
unless it rolls a 20 on a death save (which ends this effect and removes
all dream points), if the creature fails a total of 3 death saving throws it
dies and on its next turn rises at half HPs under the control of the Creeper
(has a full range of actions but cannot use encounter or daily powers), is
considered undead and gains resist 10 necrotic and vulnerable 5 radiant. If
the Creeper is reduced to 0HPs this animated corpse collapses as a lifeless
sack of flesh and bone (creature may be brought back with raise dead).

Shadow Hop (Move; recharge :6:) teleport
Creeper teleports 8 squares as a move action

Bloodied Bloom (Immediate Reaction; encounter) when first bloodied
When Creeper is first bloodied its Living Dream power recharges and it may
use it as an immediate reaction if possible; also 4 Dream Zombie Sleeping
Hosts emerge from the ground each in any free square within burst 3 (see
separate stat block), these Zombies act on initiative 5

Alignment Unaligned
Str 20 (+10) Dex 12 (+6) Wis 14 (+7)
Con 16 (+8) Int 3 (+1) Cha 16 (+8)

Dream Zombie Sleeping Host Level 10 Brute
Medium Shadow Animate (undead) XP 0 (see Deaths Dream Creeper)

Initiative 5 Senses Perception +3, darkvision
HP 80; Bloodied 40
AC 22; Fortitude 22, Reflex 19, Will 19
Immune disease, poison;
Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed 5

:bmelee: Head Grab (Standard; at-will)
Attack +13 vs. AC; 2d6+4 damage; on hit target is grabbed (escape ends)

:melee: Burrowing Fingers (Standard; at-will) grabbed target
Target must be grabbed by Zombie; attack +11 vs. Will; 3d8+4 necrotic
damage; on hit the target either loses a healing surge or gains a Dream
Point (targets choice)

Eternal Sleep radiant
If Deaths Dream Creeper is reduced to 0HPs the forces animating the
Zombie fail and it collaspes dead as a ball of radiant energy bursts from
within it; all living creatures adjacent to the Zombie regain HPs as if
spending a healing surge

Alignment Unaligned
Str 18 (+9) Dex 12 (+6) Wis 6 (+3)
Con 10 (+5) Int 3 (+1) Cha 3 (+1)

I am not sure that this is balanced, but it might still be an interesting or at least challenging encounter base.

The creature has a few things that I think are open to discussion, what does anyone else think?

Mesh Hong

First Post
Well, aside from a Leucrotta. They are four legged creatures that lure a target out into the wilderness by calling the target's name, and then eat them. I imagine they're a lot like a will-o-wisp, but 1) PCs aren't going to fall for their name being called out and just being lured off alone, and at the same time the Will-o-Wisp's 'pull you and daze you' doesn't seem quite the same, 2) On the one hand, they make more sense working alone. On the other, there's just not enough oomf there for a Solo monster, and yet I don't see what they would work together with. (Although I anticipate they would have a definite trap set up; luring the target through a thick brush and right off the edge of a ridge), 3) Can't think of a good way to address the whole "Lone predator that isn't built to withstand a party coming after it" - and yet still wanting to use it for an interesting encounter.

Well this is an interesting one, and yet another creature I have never come across. You have already spotted several problems with the design in your request so I have made a few thematic changes that might make it easier to weave a Leucrotta into a plot and give a few openings for encounters.

1. I have made it a shapechanger so that it can gain entry into civilised areas in order to find its victims. Even when it has assumed a humanoid form it is still essentially the same creature underneath and I would play up its feral qualities and attitudes. I would also be tempted to say that the humanoid form it takes always retains its lions tail, or if you want to make it easier to spot its stag hooves.

2. I have made the creature an elite(plus) or in other words given it more HPs and a heal every time it uses shapechange. I have also given it some pretty aggressive powers so it should be able to cause a group an nasty shock if they think it will be easy to defeat.

Anyway, take a look and tell me what you think.


The Leucrotta is a mysterious and savage creature of unknown but ancient origin. Many communities have folklore surrounding mysterious strangers stealing babies or luring away gullible young men. The Leucrotta are probably responsible for these tales for that is exactly what they do…

A Leucrotta has two forms, its natural beast form is that of a wild predator with the body and legs of a stag, with a lions tail and a savage looking head not unlike a deranged badger. In this form a Leucrotta is ferocious and fearless, knocking its prey to the ground and goring it with its razor sharp teeth.

A Leucrotta’s secondry humanoid form is slightly more subtle but still contains the instincts and desires of a beast. The Leucrotta uses its humanoid form to enter small settlements and select its prey, luring them to a secluded spot or even away from the comfort of its settlement where it transforms and delights in to chasing it down before devouring it.

Each form shares the same HP pool, but each form has access to its own action point. The creature is designed to change forms a few times during combat in order to heal and recharge its powers for maximum effect. This creature could also work well in a multi location encounter as it tries to fall back or escape a fight it is losing.

Leucrotta Level 6 Elite Skirmisher
Large Natural Magical Beast (shapechanger) XP 500

Initiative +8 Senses Perception +8, lowlight vision

HP 200; Bloodied 100
AC 21; Fortitude 19, Reflex 18, Will 19
Immune charm, illusion;
Resist 10 psychic
Saving Throws +2
Speed 8
Action Points 1

:bmelee: Bite (Standard; at-will)
Attack +11 vs. AC; 2d6+4 damage

:melee: Hoof Flurry (Standard; at-will)
2 attacks against the same target; attack +11 vs. AC; 1d6+4; if both
attacks hit the target takes an additional 2d6 damage and is knocked

:melee: Savage Feast (Standard; at-will) requires combat advantage
target must be granting combat advantage; attack +13 vs. AC (includes
CA); 4d8+4 damage; on hit target takes 5 ongoing bleeding damage; on
miss target takes half damage

:close: Mental Blast (Minor; recharge :5::6:) psychic
Burst 3; attack +9 vs. Will; on hit target is knocked prone and dazed
(save ends)

:close: Lure of the Leucrotta (Move; recharge :5::6:) charm, standing targets
Standing targets only; burst 10; attack +9 vs. Will; on hit Leucrotta slides
the target its speed and the target takes a cumulative -1 to its Will
defence until the end of the encounter

Shapechange (Move; at-will) polymorph, heal
Leucrotta assumes the form of a unique medium sized humanoid creature
with all its recharge powers refreshed (see example stat block), when
Leucrotta uses Shapechange it regains 35 HPs

Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages common
Skills Bluff +12, Stealth +11, Thievery +11
Str 18 (+7) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 10 (+3)
Con 14 (+5) Int 12 (+4) Cha 18 (+7)

Leucrotta (Human Form) Level 6 Elite Controller
Medium Natural Magical Beast (shapechanger) XP 500

Initiative +6 Senses Perception +8, lowlight vision
HP 200; Bloodied 100
AC 20; Fortitude 19, Reflex 18, Will 19
Immune charm, illusion;
Resist 10 psychic
Saving Throws +2
Speed 6
Action Points 1

:bmelee: Dagger Slash (Standard; at-will) weapon
Attack +11 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage

:melee: Slash and Escape (Immediate Interrupt; at-will) weapon, attacked
by adjacent target
When attacked by an adjacent target Leucrotta makes a Dagger Slash
attack against its agressor as an immediate interrupt action; on hit the
target is also slowed (save ends) and Leucrotta may shift 3 squares

:ranged: Dagger Toss (Standard; at-will) weapon
Range 5/10; attack +9 vs. Reflex; 1d6+4 damage

:ranged: :melee:Lure of Dark Promise (Standard; recharge :5::6:) psychic, charm
Melee or Range 10; attack +10 vs. Will; on hit target is dominated
(3 saves ends) aftereffect target takes a cumulative -1 penalty to its Will
defence until the end of the encounter; the dominate effect ends
immediately if Leucrotta hits the target or if the target takes damage
whilst performing a dominated action

:close: Split the Herd (Standard; encounter) charm
Burst 10; enemies only; attack +10 vs. Will; on hit Leucrotta slides the
target its speed, target is stunned (save ends) and at the start of its turn
while it is stunned Leucrotta slides it its speed, if the target takes damage
while sliding in this way the stun effect is immediately removed

Shapechange (Move; at-will) polymorph, heal
Leucrotta transforms into its natural form with all its recharge power
refreshed, when Leucrotta uses Shapechange it regains 35 HPs

Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages common
Skills Bluff +12, Stealth +11, Thievery +11
Str 18 (+7) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 10 (+3)
Con 14 (+5) Int 12 (+4) Cha 18 (+7


The Dream creeper looks good.

Hm. The Leucrotta is interesting, to say the least. I was actually intending to use it when the PCs were camping, luring the one standing guard away, but this seems to require more ... effort.

Now, the first question: with Lure of the Dark Promise and Split the Herd, the effects end if the target takes damage "While performing the action". Now, do these mean if they are ATTACKED by someone else, or if they are moved into damaging terrain basically? On the one hand, the 3 saves necessary to wake up from the domination is a good touch, but on the other it means folks are going to be mightily dominated. That and the stun makes me wary of using the monster - I do so hate encounters where PCs are denied anything to do.

The second concern is that - what's to stop the Leucrotta from just continually using its Move action to change shape, continually healing itself? It would potentially be a fairly grindy combat. Especially since each action makes its recharge powers recharge.

Does Lure of the Luecrotta a single or multiple target power?

(Man, the illusionist wizard in the party is going to HATE that it's immune to illusion, charm, with a 10 psychic resist. :p)

It's a really interesting and well designed monster. I'm just curious how best to use it now. What a good encounter with it would be.

Edit: Yikes. The additional disease for the YMC looks even nastier now for my group. Ha.

For the record, my group is thus:
[sblock]Human Monk (stone fist)
Human Wizard (illusion focused)
Genasi Swordmage (Assault)
Halfling Sorcerer (lightning)
*Companion Character Leader (Not always present, different characters on occasion).

One thought that occurs is to have the Leucrotta lure the Companion Character from the PCs, and have them all go on a merry chase through the jungle. But I'm not married to that idea just yet.

The Luecrotta would make an interesting recurring villain, if one could assure its survival. hitting the PCs while they're camping, get a hurt put on it, and it flee to come back and attack their colony later.[/sblock]
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MH, I meant to ask.

What does the Brain Dream look like? How would you describe it? Since it's a Close Burst 10, the YMC isn't exactly touching the target, and it all ready puffs pollen about so its' not a pollen trick.

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