D&D 5E "Surrender or Die" Roared the Barbarian - Making the Opponents Surrender

That's fine for the DM to have those sort of things in mind, and act on them as part of their strategy.

This is primarily for the players to push an opponent back out of the fight (flee, surrender or otherwise submit) on the player's terms, not at the will or whim of the DM.
So if I have this right, an inexperienced bandit only after some coin is just as likely as a cult fanatic defending her shrine/demon/starving lion/seasoned soldier (save dependent) to run away? And there appears to be no consideration for the status (i.e bloodied) of the PCs, if no allies have be killed, or every ally is dead but they are not bloodied.

As for the system itself:
I suspect that the psychic damage may not be enough to be worthwhile. If it is still easier to kill than try to make them flee, why have the system?
What happens if one of the PCs hurt someone that bows out?
It is implied but not stated that there needs to be a common language to have this work, is that the case? What about beasts etc. With no language.
You have immune to fear/sentient (and knowing what that means in this context wouldbe handy, again beasts) but are there other circumstances where this system will not work?

If it works for you and your group then go for it, but i feel you can get the same results with a slight change in how the party's enemy behaves. My players (when i DM) know they can try to parley, intimidate, etc. at any time and i will adjudicate based on the circumstances, rather than having a whim that everything fights to the death.

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