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Adventure: Love Bites


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Kathalia transforms into a dog, attempting to appear more pathetic and lonely than her usual ferocious wolf-form . (Bluff 17) She whines pathetically, gently guiding her 'blind' companion with an occasional nudge.
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Woe's disguise is complicated by the fact that he refuses to be parted from his spear and armor. Hacker's efforts suffice to hide the armor beneath filthy rags, and loose twigs bound with twine turn the spear into something that resembles a broom, if you don't look too closely. Woe does throw himself enthusiastically into the role of a foul-mouthed, diseased beggar, though, pausing every few moments to scratch himself vigorously in socially unacceptable places. The overall effect is not likely to confuse a perceptive observer, particularly one who knows Woe, but it may suffice to keep the rumors of his whereabouts from spreading too quickly for a while.

Hacker's efforts, by contrast, are superlative, and one ample-bosomed merchant's wife actually bursts into tears as she passes him, and presses on him a handful of silver and a small box of cold roast fowl, perhaps the remains of a picnic lunch. Her sour-faced husband, rolling his eyes, happens to pass downwind of Woe and hurries her quickly onward.

Mikara and Tristan follow behind, losing themselves in the afternoon shadows and blending seamlessly with the sparse crowd.

The trip into Overgrowth is largely uneventful. Hacker receives a handful of dirty looks from the street urchin there, particularly the beggars that aren't quite so sickly-looking as he. Woe is hit at one point with a coordinated volley of soft and stinking missiles, which actually improves his disguise, at least the foul-smelling and profanity-spewing parts of it.

Skivean's directions lead to a shabby old church, not quite so broken down as he led you to believe; or perhaps the repair efforts have been bearing fruit. All four walls and the roof are largely intact, if patched with boards in places. There are wooden doors in all the entrances, though they don't look like they would keep out much in the way of bad weather. The church's side doors are open, revealing a simple kitchen, in which an elderly man scrubs dishes energetically while humming snatches of an old hymn.


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Kathalia's fur darkens and her eyes narrow as her body stretches from a pathetic guide-dog into her feral-wolf form. She sniffs in all directions, her predator eyes glancing quickly from side to side, looking for any signs of trouble. (Perception 17).

She nods her head at Hacker, indicating that she is ready.


The street, several blocks removed from the main thoroughfare of the district, is fairly quiet. The sun is sinking westward, and the shadows are getting longer. The occasional urchin wanders by, usually preferring to climb through or over the decaying skeleton of one of the nearby buildings rather than pass openly in the street. Whether this is due to Kathalia's fearsome form or simply normal practice is hard to say.

Mikara melts into the shadows and scans the area, noticing no one besides the group, the elderly man in the kitchen, and a clatter of pebbles where a ragged, androgynously dirt-covered child clambers over a fallen section of wall a street over.

Kathalia nods that she is ready. Woe, oblivious, lets loose another string of profanity.


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Hacker shoots Woe a dirty look and waves for him to get into position.

The gnome falls on his belly and begins crawling--painfully--towards the church, crying in a child's voice, "Father! Father! Help me!"

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