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Adventure:Land Ho! FWBTHW (DM:H.M.Gimlord,Judge:Ozymandias79)

Walking Dad

First Post


"Dagger? With runes? Maybe another key. Look, I found some scrolls and other arcane materials. Can anyone use them? Or only someon trained, like you?" Riardon asks Mervin, showing him what he had found.

[sblock=What Riardon found]Here, a large table stands littered with various mundane items relevant to the arts of thievery and unlawful entry. Behind the table is a shelf covered with the same, but his keen eyes notice that the bench legs contain apothecary drawers. Eight drawers in all. Inside each, he finds a hastily written scroll some of which already appear to have their components conveniently bundled with them.[sblock=Scroll 1] Raise Dead:

Components: Small Coffer engraved with the word “LAUTO”[/sblock][sblock=Scroll 2] Knock:

Components: Three 7-inch long cylinders of various powders (yellow, white, and black), each 1 & ½ inches in diameter. [/sblock][sblock=Scroll 3]Linked Portal:

No components provided, but underneath the scroll is a letter:

[/sblock][sblock=Scroll 4]Object Reading:

No seed object is provided[/sblock][sblock=Scroll 5]Vistani Passkey:
Component: An empty vial (having likely, at one time, held residium), and no focus, but the table behind Riardon seems adequate for providing one.[/sblock][sblock=Scroll 6]Precise Forgery:

No components provided (or necessary for that matter). A quill, a sealed inkwell, and several blank pieces of rag paper, however, are in the drawer.[/sblock][sblock=Scroll 7]Decipher Script:

No components necessary (except that which is in one’s veins).[/sblock][sblock=Scroll 8]Wizard’s Sight:

No components provided.[/sblock][/sblock]


@Grimlord: Shall I wait until we got items before I got Riardon's 5th level approved?


Everyone in 20 sq around Riardon gets a +2 to initiative.
When you spend an AP, you get a +1 on attacks.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Riardon d'Caelis
Perception: 18 Insight: 13 Low-light Vision
AC 20 Fortitude 18 Reflex 17 Will 16
Initiative: +4
Hit Points: 43 / 44 Bloodied: 22
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +5 vs Charm
Action Points: 0 Second Wind: 0
Healing Surge:11 Surges per day: 6 / 8
At-Will Powers: Directing Strike, Opening Shove
Encounter Powers: Inspiring Word 0/2, Aid the Injured, Chilling Cloud, Warlords Favor, Steel Monsoon, Feystep
Daily Powers: Calculated Assault, Sunblade Burst



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[sblock=Riardon, HMG]"Interesting!" Mervin says. "I believe these are scrolls, along with crude instructions on how to use them. I am guessing they were specifically designed for a non-arcane master to be able to make them work."

[sblock=ooc]Now I'm definitely rolling an arcana: either for the dagger or for the scrolls or for just whatever: 19 total (horrible roll)

HMG, you just let me know if I need to roll more checks or how Mervin needs to proceed. He'd like to know more about both the dagger and the scrolls, and if my statements above are correct. :)[/sblock][/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post

[sblock=evilbob, Grimlord]

"Really? Very interesting! I have some meager training, perhaps I can discern something, too." Riardon says, concentrating on the items after getting some advices from Mervin.


Arcana (1d20+12=29)

@Grimlord: Shall I wait until we got items before I got Riardon's 5th level approved?


Everyone in 20 sq around Riardon gets a +2 to initiative.
When you spend an AP, you get a +1 on attacks.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Riardon d'Caelis
Perception: 18 Insight: 13 Low-light Vision
AC 20 Fortitude 18 Reflex 17 Will 16
Initiative: +4
Hit Points: 43 / 44 Bloodied: 22
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +5 vs Charm
Action Points: 0 Second Wind: 0
Healing Surge:11 Surges per day: 6 / 8
At-Will Powers: Directing Strike, Opening Shove
Encounter Powers: Inspiring Word 0/2, Aid the Injured, Chilling Cloud, Warlords Favor, Steel Monsoon, Feystep
Daily Powers: Calculated Assault, Sunblade Burst




First Post
Jin cursed, trying to beat the lock, but not having much luck. He then tried to lift the chest, but found it too heavy. Instead, he pulled the chest with jerky thrusts, calling out as he did so.

"HEY!" Jin shouted, followed by a grunt, "WHO... CAN PICK... LOCKS!?" The ronin fell to the floor in exhaustion, trying to haul the heavy chest.

[sblock=Jin]Moving the chest to about G28[/sblock]


First Post
Fenwick follows the sound of Jin's voice, and sees the exhausted warrior struggling with the chest.
"Fenwick no good with locks, but can help bear burden of chest, or possibly engage in smashing."


[sblock=OOC]@Grimlord: Shall I wait until we got items before I got Riardon's 5th level approved?[/sblock]
[sblock=OOC]Go ahead and level up. You can put these items on your CS after you're approved for 5th level if you want to keep track of them, but they'll most likely be consumed during the course of the adventure (in which case, they won't count as treasure ;)). We'll worry about what's left over when the time comes.[/sblock]

[sblock=Riardon, HMG][sblock=ooc]Now I'm definitely rolling an arcana: either for the dagger or for the scrolls or for just whatever: 19 total (horrible roll)

HMG, you just let me know if I need to roll more checks or how Mervin needs to proceed. He'd like to know more about both the dagger and the scrolls, and if my statements above are correct. :)[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Mervin][sblock=OOC]When checks are required, I'll post sblocks with the appropriate DC. If your passive beats it, I'll tell you the info a priori. If you think I've forgotten to do so, or you want to offer a check, just roll whether you think you ought to or not, and I'll go with it :).[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=evilbob, Grimlord]"Really? Very interesting! I have some meager training, perhaps I can discern something, too." Riardon says, concentrating on the items after getting some advices from Mervin.[/sblock]
[sblock=Riardnon and Mervin]Beyond his initial guess, Mervin can't really say if they are more than they appear. They are ritual scrolls for sure. Made as consumables for a single use each.

Upon further inpection, though, Riardon realizes that Mervin was right. They are written in a simple form to make them usable to those not trained in the arcane arts. Anyone can use them, but the user's skill may make them more reliable.

Mervin gathers from this revelation that they were written by a wizard who was in league with the thieves.

Riardon notices, as he looks through the note enclosed with the Linked Portal scrolls, that the wizard's name must be "Shear", and that two of the three promised copies of this ritual are missing.

Riardon also concludes from the note that "the dwarf" might be Hankel. [/sblock]

Jin cursed, trying to beat the lock, but not having much luck. He then tried to lift the chest, but found it too heavy. Instead, he pulled the chest with jerky thrusts, calling out as he did so.

"HEY!" Jin shouted, followed by a grunt, "WHO... CAN PICK... LOCKS!?" The ronin fell to the floor in exhaustion, trying to haul the heavy chest.
[sblock=Jin]The chest is actually too heavy to move, but in the struggle, the dust and dirt gets brushed (or rather... knocked) off, exposing the words emblazoned on the chest.[sblock=OOC]I'm going to need a perception check if you want to read the words.[/sblock][/sblock][sblock=Map]
[/sblock][sblock=Locations]Riardon: B23
Mervin: B24
Jin: K28
Fenwick: Ninja'ed me. I imagine he's somewhere around J28? Even though the map has him elsewhere.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Locations]Riardon: B23
Mervin: B24
Jin: K28
Fenwick: Ninja'ed me. I imagine he's somewhere around J28? Even though the map has him elsewhere.[/sblock][/QUOTE]

[sblock=ooc]J28 sounds reasonable to me. You didn't mention anything about Fenwick, so I figured he'd just be wandering around until someone said something. I've been a little confused by the last page or two of posts. Did I miss something or fail to say something, or did you just forget?[/sblock]


[sblock=BB]No biggie. I wasn't clear on exactly what Fenwick was doing at the time, so I just responded to the others. Feel free to have Fenwick look around, help Jin, pick his nose, whatever you want. It's just an RP opportunity that is designed to reveal hints at things to do next.[/sblock][sblock=OOC]Just to be clear, the things you find here won't be treasure so much as items that will help the story along as the adventure unfolds. Be sure to pay attention to details. I like hiding easter eggs in the details ;).[/sblock]


[sblock=Jin]The burned letters are faded, but Jin is able to make them out without too much trouble. They read, "Now You've Done It..."[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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