Converting Psionic Creatures


Epic massive towers made of stone! If we can't cajole Cleon into going higher by reminding him that the DR replaces hardness, let's at least do DR 15/adamantine.

I stand firm on DR 15/adamantine. ;)

Regarding the feats, flards have psi-like abilities, so they can't take Mental Resistance or Force of Will. And I don't know whether Quicken SLA works on Ps abilities. In any case, we can replace two of those three with more epic feats!

Good point on the Mental Resistance and Force of Wil.

Quicken SLA does work on psionic abilities so I reckon we should keep it.

Their aren't that many Epic Feats it's eligible for apart from Epic Toughness, Epic Prowess, the ability-improving Epic Feats and Epic Fortitude (the latter of which isn't much use to it).

Maybe Epic Toughness, plus Ability Focus (Cone of Cold) instead of the other Epic Feat?

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Extradimensional Explorer
Err, so it can only use Quicken SLA on a non-augmentable power. Without making me look all of those up, can someone tell me if it has any Ps abilities that aren't augmentable?

Yeah, the epic feats are pretty lousy for quite a number of monsters. Are you saying that you want to it take Epic Toughness twice? But I don't have any other great ideas.


Err, so it can only use Quicken SLA on a non-augmentable power. Without making me look all of those up, can someone tell me if it has any Ps abilities that aren't augmentable?

It's non-augmentable powers (with levels) are as follows:

control object 1
destiny dissonance 1
precognition 1
clairvoyant sense 2
sensitivity to psychic impressions 2
escape detection 3
remote viewing 4
second chance 5
greater precognition 6
fate of one 7
hypercognition 8
metafaculty 9

Of those, most aren't much use and the last three are too high level.

Out of the selection second sight seems the most quick-worthy.

EDIT: Oh, and if you're curious it's augmentable powers and their levels are id insinuation 2, mind thrust 1, empty mind 1, ego whip 2, object reading 2, thought shield 2, clairtangent hand 5, fate link 3, intellect fortress 4, psionic blast 3, mental barrier 3, telekinetic force 3, psychic crush 5, tower of iron will 5 :ENDEDIT

Yeah, the epic feats are pretty lousy for quite a number of monsters. A
re you saying that you want to it take Epic Toughness twice? But I don't have any other great ideas.

No, I'm suggesting a single Epic Toughness plus Ability Focus (cone of cold).
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Monster Junkie
Updated with save DCs and augmentations for psi-like abilities.

While doing so, I think we need to either boost its pathetic Cha or give it a bunch of Ability Focus feats for its PLAs that require saves. As it stands, the only chance anyone will fail any of its saves (for those without augmented DCs) is by rolling a natural 1.


Extradimensional Explorer
Boost that pathetic Cha up to the same area as the other mental stats.

I think it already has one Epic Toughness feat in the proposed list, so it seemed like you were suggesting an additional one, Cleon. I'm stumped about the feats at this point.


Monster Junkie

I feel better now. ;)

Back to feats...

Summarizing what we suggested/eliminated above, I come up with the following:

Ability Focus (cone of cold), Blind-Fight, Blindsight 5-Ft. Radius, Epic Toughness, Epic Will, Eyes In The Back Of Your Head, Greater Power Penetration, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Jack Of All Trades, Power Penetration, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (second sight), Superior Initiative

Look good?



I feel better now. ;)

Back to feats...

Summarizing what we suggested/eliminated above, I come up with the following:

Ability Focus (cone of cold), Blind-Fight, Blindsight 5-Ft. Radius, Epic Toughness, Epic Will, Eyes In The Back Of Your Head, Greater Power Penetration, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Jack Of All Trades, Power Penetration, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (second sight), Superior Initiative

Look good?

Those look fine to me.


Monster Junkie

Space/Reach: 30 ft./0 ft.?

We still need to develop "use internal magic items" and the amount of resistance to cold.

Flards are extremely old, and spend most of their time dormant, gathering information. All attacks on an unawakened Flard will be turned back against the attacker.

The "turned back" attacks sounds a bit like a targeted form of the jovoc's Aura of Retribution...

Aura of Retribution (Su): This effect is always active in a 30-foot-spread centered on the jovoc. Whenever the creature takes damage from any source, every non-tanar'ri within the area immediately takes an equal amount of damage. A successful Fortitude saving throw (DC 15) halves the damage. (For example, if an opponent deals 12 points of damage to a jovoc, the opponent and every other nontanar'ri within 30 feet also immediately takes 12 points of damage each, or 6 points with a successful Fortitude save). Regardless of the source of the damage to the jovoc, the damage dealt to nontanar'ri by this effect is not subject to negation or reduction because of resistance, immunity, damage reduction, spell resistance, or the like. The save DC is Constitution-based.

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