Be honest: Is this feat a little strong?

Mistah J

First Post
Hey folks,

Take a look at this and give me your honest opinion on its strength:

Your devotion to your faith can see you through the hardest of times.
Prerequisites: Wis 13, Skill Focus: Knowledge (Religion)
Benefit: Each day that you spend 1 hour in quiet meditation and prayer, you gain a +2 sacred bonus on all savings throws of one type of your choosing. This bonus lasts for 1 day or until you choose to expend it, as an immediate action, to gain a +6 sacred bonus to a single saving throw of any type.. You may gain this benefit after the roll is made but before the results are revealed. You cannot gain the benefit of this feat more than once per day.
Special: The 1 hour of prayer or meditation divine spellcasters need to gain their spells also meets the requirements of this feat.

What do you think? I like the benefit a lot but it might be a little too easy to get - I'm thinking of maybe adding a second feat to the Prereqs.

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First Post
It's too strong.

Consider that you have to burn three feats (Iron Will, Lighting Reflexes, and Great Fortitude) to get +2 across the board.

The rule of thumb, one feat grants +2 to one save.

If you want to allow for a "one time" saving throw bump, consider making the feat expend a "channel energy" use to give something like a +4 to one save which lasts until the end of their next turn. (That's just off my head and not necesarily balanced without further checking.)

Mistah J

First Post
It's too strong.

Consider that you have to burn three feats (Iron Will, Lighting Reflexes, and Great Fortitude) to get +2 across the board.

That is an excellent point.

How about this: The +2 is a 'floating' bonus. Each day, the character can choose which of the three saves it applies. The 'blow-out' +6 however, can still be used on any save.

NOTE: My original post is now edited to reflect these changes. It originally said +2 to all saves.


First Post

What is it that you are actually trying to accomplish with this?

As it stands, you are duplicating a feat that already exists (the saving throw bump feats), but adding another benefit. If you want a big bump type single use save, look at all the different Channeling feats already in place and model a feat to grant a bumped save based on an expenditure of a channel energy.

(If you want some other ideas, check out the various Divine feats from 3.5 [which the channeling mechanic mostly replaced]).



Well, Skill Focus (Religion) is useless enough that this can kinda-sorta be considered to cost two Feats.

So, for two feats, a floating +2 bonus, with a +6 "blowout". I'd still say no. Because they'll only blow it out when it lets them pass, and "floating" is a pretty good advantage.

If they had to blow out before knowing the result, that'd probably work (for me personally). Or if the blowout just got them a reroll, so all they knew is that they got to try it again.

Although, I do think it might still "aim high". I'd suggest you eliminate the floating aspect; make them choose what to apply it to when the Feat is taken. This doesn't change it much (since it'll nearly-always cover a weak save anyway, I'd figure), but is, I think, "just enough" to bring it down.

(Comparison - a Feat that let you "blow out" Iron Will / Great Fort / Lightning Reflexes... ...yeah, I'd allow that. So yeah, this one's probably good.)


First Post
compare it to the improved version of existing feats. iron will and imp iron will is 2 feats for a specific area +2 and a refill. your proposed suggestion is I'n most cases better (same bonus can be changed every day as needed) and the immediate bit which ALOT of the time will be better than a reroll.

the bit someone proposed above where you can blow a channel energy for a 1 round bonus seems okay a bit like full defense fir saving throws and uses a finite recourse.


Your devotion to your faith can see you through the hardest of times.
Prerequisites: Wis 13, Skill Focus: Knowledge (Religion)
Benefit: Each day that you spend 1 hour in quiet meditation and prayer, you gain a +2 sacred bonus on all savings throws of one type of your choosing. This bonus lasts for 1 day or until you choose to expend it, as an immediate action, to gain a +6 sacred bonus to a single saving throw of any type.. You may gain this benefit after the roll is made but before the results are revealed. You cannot gain the benefit of this feat more than once per day.
Special: The 1 hour of prayer or meditation divine spellcasters need to gain their spells also meets the requirements of this feat.

What do you think? I like the benefit a lot but it might be a little too easy to get - I'm thinking of maybe adding a second feat to the Prereqs.


Looks good to me. Sacred bonus is not as good as an unnamed bonus, although still better than more uniquitous bonuses. The expending thing is nice, remeinds me of some of the stuff from Psionics Unleashed.

I do have a suggestion, though. Skill Focus (Knowledge) makes sense for a religionist, but it's more scholarly than miraculous. And is there a reason this feat shoudl be more accessible to a cleric than a paladin? My suggestion would be:

Prerequisites: Wis 13+, Cha 13+

Mistah J

First Post
I do have a suggestion, though. Skill Focus (Knowledge) makes sense for a religionist, but it's more scholarly than miraculous. And is there a reason this feat shoudl be more accessible to a cleric than a paladin? My suggestion would be:

Prerequisites: Wis 13+, Cha 13+

Yeah, it was also a little clunky to me too when I first chose it but I thought the feat need some prereqs to offset its strength. A second stat did come to mind, but I thought it was a little boring so how about this:

Knowledge (Religion) 5 ranks
- It keeps the religious feel and it is a skill that both clerics, paladins, and any divine-inspired character would have.


First Post
Knowledge (Religion) 5 ranks
- It keeps the religious feel and it is a skill that both clerics, paladins, and any divine-inspired character would have.

any divine inspired? when did druid and ranger turn to the arcane?

I understand what you meant, but the 2 I listed do not have KN religion, but still use divine spells

It may seem more clunky but:
Prerequisites: Wis 13+, Able to cast 1st level divine spells

Another thought: Immediate Action: Sac a spell/spell slot, gain a bonus to a save equal to the spell level for 1 round

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