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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn

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A gust of wind slams the door shut benind the lanky young man, a gust that sends the flame of the lamps sputtering and knocks Relic's mug, balanced unwisely and precariously too close to the edge of the table near the fire, off onto the floor. The effect is quite spectacular as the dregs of the mug send ale into the burning hot coals of the fire, which sparks at hisses as the liquid hits, sending a puff of smoke up into the air. Relic raises an eyebrow and waits.

When the lanky young man finally stands from the table he was sitting at observing the tavern patrons and approaches Dane, he is not surprised. The Wind has spoken. Barely listening to the conversation that follows, Relic begins to prepare himself and his things, readying himself to leave.

He begins whistling a tune as the excitement begins to tingle in his toes, spread through his legs, up into his stomach where a warm glow spreads into his face and infects everything around him.


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"I come from Ilumistai, a forest village to the east. And you should save your scorn for your enemies, Falshenaya clansman from the west - I bear you no ill, and can, in fact, hunt with the best of them, regardless of what aspects of my upbringing you see in me. Perhaps you'll get the opportunity to see so in time."

At the snide offering of food, Quioan responds, in elvish, "I have no desire to eat with one who derides me." His offense is palpable.

The disdain doesn't completely fade from Daylily's features, but it lessens somewhat, as if the challenge has earned some small measure of respect from the barbarian. "So ye've got at least a switch of heartwood true under the roddy bark, have ye? Right answered then I be, and nae more shall I spake of your hunt, ere I ken it with mine own orbs."

He hands off a rat to Nevyn and laughs as the old man tears into it. "The Scorchsong not having hunger very now, he say. So, is more for us," he says, elbowing Nevyn in the ribs.

When the tankard falls into the fire, Daylily only sighs. Too many signs and portents these days. The spirits need to make up their minds.


First Post
The young man approached Dane.
"Excuse me, but I could not help but um, hear that you had some trouble with a house. Is that so?"

Dane nods. "It's true. Like'n I was tellin' these three. An' I ain't got much to pay a soul with, but that Pozen Roug, he musta had a hired a whole team o' folks to get my whole house up and taken in a few hours, so he has ta have lots o' gold, if we can just get him caught."

GM: FYI: There's a minor debate happening in the other adventure with Daylily that may wind up with him being the fifth first level in this adventure. But that should give you guys time to get maquise and his character up to speed and RP'd into the sparky group dynamic. :)


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GM: FYI: There's a minor debate happening in the other adventure with Daylily that may wind up with him being the fifth first level in this adventure. But that should give you guys time to get maquise and his character up to speed and RP'd into the sparky group dynamic. :)

OOC: Cool - well let's hope "the Wind" keeps blowing our way. ;)

haha - is that what you call it, a "sparky group dynamic"? Quioan's going to need a hug here soon - maybe Dane'll give him one.


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OOC: Just so you know, Qik, Quioan inadvertantly put his finger on what is probably Relic's one sore spot: Talking about himself. He avoids it whenever possible, and he most definitely doesn't talk about it with people he just met in a tavern, and less so with a crowd of other folk sitting nearby within ear shot.

Relic has no problem with Quioan, in fact as his boyish excitement begins to grow, he looks forward to travelling with another wizard to compare notes with and possibly expand his knowledge, as his thirst for knowledge awakens and begins to grow again.
He takes Quioan's anger as something he's grown to expect from an elf who have always struck him as an overly proud race, and choses to ignore it for fear of stoking the flames higher.

:) Anyway, with a low charisma, a sparky response seems on the right track :)

Relic pauses a moment at Dane's comment, the hair on the back of his neck standing on end with a tingle that runs down his spine. Murder and theft, he mutters unintelligebly into his beard with a furrowed brow. With a shake of his unkempt mane he speaks.

Helping a person in need is it's own reward. The Lady watches those who give of themselves freely and repays them with a coin far more valuable than gold. Some call it Luck. You have already paid me with a warm meal, and Daylilly has paid me doubly so sharing his feast with a stranger. I'm sure this young man doesn't need the lure of ransacking corpses to join this venture! And before we play the judge, jury, executioner and reposessor we will dig a little deeper to the truth to ensure our actions are adequate and the outcome just. And no Dane, I do not speak of the law. The law knows little or nothing of justice. It is a shield that cowards use to quaver behind. But I will not simply slay this Rogue and rifle his pockets for gold.

His face becomes stern and immovable, not unlike a rock as he looks Dane in the eyes.

Nor, will I allow anyone else to do so.

He turns back towards the wild elf at the fire, his anger quickly fading: Well met Daylilly! Perhaps Lady Luck will have it that we hunt together another time! May the wind blow at your back and may your enemies stand upwind.

He takes some scented herbs from his pouch and offers them to Daylilly.

A gift for those you hunt with. Rub it into your skin at the wrists, neck, testis, and ankles. It will help neutralise any unwanted odour ... at least to some degree.

He then turns to the lanky young man who has approached Dane.

Three of us have agreed to help Dane recover his house and resolve the mystery of its displacement. We need a strong arm to protect us should our investigations and inquiries be met with violence. Are you arms strong, lad? Will you come with us even without the promise of gold? Will you stand with us even if the reward is naught but the gentle smile of Lady Luck? If you say yes, then the Wind favours us! If we are all ready we can depart!
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The man looks down for a moment.
"I am not of particular strength, though I do possess some knowledge. I am curious as to the forces responsible for moving a house."
He stammers for a moment.
"Oh, forgive me. I name is Hlaalen Felanin, of Rorn"


The gnomish lass has been quiet while she eats her meal but watches and listens to those within the establishment with her keen senses. As she is blasted with a strange wind her eyes narrow and a hand moves to the blade at her side ready for for action. The gnome almost looks excited for something to start.

She casts a simple cantrip to detect magics and looks about knowing that that was no natural occurrence.


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OOC: Thanks for the clarification, jbear. I think in part its the process of both me still getting a feel for the character, as well as us all getting the feel for each other. I figure I'll see how this "sparky" version of Quioan feels, and if I feel as though he's not working as-is, I'll tweak a few things (which I'll have to do at least slightly anyway, since HolyMan has got me thinking enough about my multiclass plans that I'll likely go in another direction from what I've planned.

Thanks for sussing it out, though; it makes RP'ing easier if I have a clearer idea of where Relic stands. Now let's just hope we get on the move fairly soon!

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