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Chicago Gameday 29 is July 9th: SIGN UP TO PLAY!



[h1]Chicago Gameday 29 Sign-Up Thread[/h1]

[size=+1]Gameday 29 is Saturday, July 9th.[/size]

ENWorld Chicago Gameday 29 is a day of FREE gaming held at earth's finest game store, Games Plus.

To participate, simply post to this thread with your intention to play in one of the following events. Event sign-up is first-come, first-serve. Be aware that the event schedule may be subject to change until the last week before Gameday. No changes will be made to the schedule after that point. PM or email me (buzz AT buzzmo DOT com) with any questions.

PLEASE NOTE: This thread is the primary means of communicating information about Gameday 29. Please keep an eye on the thread for any updates or schedule changes, especially in the day or so prior to Gameday. This goes double for GMs. If you'd like to be on the Gameday mailing list, just shoot me an email.

[size=+1]You can also find us on Facebook, which is another great way to stay updated.[/size]

Games Plus
101 W Prospect Ave
Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056
(847) 577-9656
Hosts: Curt Duval & Jeff Swegler (owners)

View a map of the Games Plus gaming area to see where your events will be located.

  • 8:00am - 9:00am Slot 0: Breakfast
    Meet up for breakfast at Le Peep Grill (located across the Metra tracks, kitty-corner from Games Plus).
  • 9:15am Arrive at the store to settle in to your game tables.
  • 9:30am to 8:30pm Slot Ω: SPECIAL ALL-DAY EVENT!
    1. [highlight]FULL[/highlight] Burning Empires, "Infiltration", WJMacGuffin, Table A​
  • 9:30am to 2:30pm Slot 1: Morning events
    2. Star Wars Saga Edition, sw3333, Table D
    3. Pathfinder, "The City of Strangers—Part I: The Shadow Gambit", William Ronald, Table H
    4. Witch Hunter: The Invisible World, "Loss of Innocence", Vyvyan Basterd, Table C
    5. ICONS, "Iconic Exploits: Issue #1 - The Winds of Change", Reidzilla, Table G
    6. Danger Patrol, SailorKitsune, Table F
    7. Buffy, "There's A Reason It's Called Lake Erie", Ninjacat, Table E
  • 2:30pm to 3:30pm Break for lunch!
  • 3:30pm to 8:30pm (or later) Slot 2: Afternoon events
    2. [highlight]CANCELED[/highlight] Tales of Treachery
    3. Pathfinder, "The City of Strangers—Part II: The Twofold Demise", William Ronald, Table H
    4. [highlight]FULL[/highlight] Supernatural, "RoadTrip Season 2, Episode 5- Death Becomes Him", Ninjacat, Table D
    5. [highlight]CANCELED[/highlight] Marvel Super Heroes Advanced (FASERIP)
    6. [highlight]FULL[/highlight] D&D 4e, "Tomb of Horrors, Continued", Dokomo, Table C
    7. It Was A Mutual Decision, Nev the Deranged, Table F

[title]Slot 0 (Breakfast)[/title]
No limit to number of attendees.
1. buzz
2. Nev the Deranged
3. dmichaelhay
4. Tofu_Master
5. Painfully
6. Monte At Home
7. Barendd Nobeard
8. ...

[title]Slot Ω: SPECIAL ALL-DAY EVENT![/title]
[size=+1]All-Day Game 1: Infiltration[/size]
Burning Empires, WJMacGuffin, Table A

The Vaylen are coming.

Many worlds in the Gonzagin Empire know that, but few truly understand what that means. They go about their business as normal, focusing on their more mundane problems such as religious strife, political maneuvering, or earning enough money for another day’s food. Why worry about the Vaylen? Sure, they are worms who bore into humans’ brains and take over. Sure, they have been eating away at the empire’s border worlds for years, slowly but steadily gaining ground. And sure, they could be among us right now. But we have nothing to worry about, right?

The Vaylen are coming. Today.

Burning Empires is a science fiction rpg based on Burning Wheel RPG. You play protagonists in an epic story that will decide the fate of an entire world. This is a unique rpg experience! The game uses a d6 dice pool mechanic but focuses on roleplaying. While not a story-heavy indie game, we will focus more on creating an epic story than racking up kills. We will begin by creating a world, then characters, then move on to the story! Because this takes a while, this event runs ALL DAY LONG, both AM and PM slots. For those who know the game, we will begin with Infiltration.​
1. buzz
2. willowx
3. JustPete
4. dmichaelhay
[highlight]This event is now full.[/highlight]

[title]Slot 1: Morning[/title]
[size=+1]Morning Game 2: Star Wars Saga Edition[/size]
Star Wars Saga Edition, sw3333, Table D

38 years after Yavin, the Yuuzhan Vong are gone and licking their wounds (or whatever they do), and the New Republic goes about the task of maintaining peace in the galaxy.

Grandmaster Luke Skywalker is assembling a small team to travel to the Mid Rim and help out an old acquaintance of his. Decades ago, a doctor named Nolan Novar helped patch up Rogue Squadron after a messy mission. Novar is now the elected leader of the entire space station Rogue Squadron limped to following its battle. He recently contacted Luke, detailing some trouble with local pirates stealing very expensive technology and medical supplies.

Luke is sending three Jedi, who recently attained the title of Jedi Knight, and twin brothers. These brothers will be donating their time (and their Corellian YT-3000) as they repay their debt to society by working with the Jedi.

Thus, the game is for five players...

1. Human female Jedi (and former Nightsister)
2. Rodian male Jedi (Rodians can be Jedi too!)
3. Human male Jedi (Lightsaber specialist)
4. Human male Soldier/Scoundrel (I swear! I had no idea what was in those crates.)
5. Human male Soldier ( -- insert silent, intimidating glare here -- )​
1. Dokomo
2. Stornkin
3. TracerBullet42
4. ...
5. ...

[size=+1]Morning Game 3: The City of Strangers—Part I: The Shadow Gambit[/size]
Pathfinder, William Ronald, Table H

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 7th level characters (Tiers: 1–2, 3–4, and 6–7).

The Pathfinder Society sends you to Kaer Maga, the City of Strangers, where you are ordered to find a local Pathfinder associate who sent a strange letter to Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng in Absalom. When the local associate turns up dead and you find evidence linking his death to a mysterious organization called The Shadow Lodge, it's up to you to track them down and solve the man's murder.

The Shadow Gambit is the first scenario in the two-part The City of Strangers campaign arc. Pathfinder Society Scenario #52: The City of Strangers—Part II: The Twofold Demise is the sequel.

Written by Joshua J. Frost

This scenario is designed for play in Pathfinder Society Organized Play, but can easily be adapted for use with any world. This scenario is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

If you have played versions 3.0 or 3.5 of the world's first fantasy roleplaying game, then you can play in this event. Bring your own Pathfinder Society character of levels 1-7 or feel free to play one of the iconic Pathfinder characters.​
1. thom1111
2. Mark CMG
3. grizzo
4. kaybeeque
5. RandomSliver
6. CrestHillGamer12632
7. CrestHillGamer12632's guest
8. ...

[size=+1]Morning Game 4: Loss of Innocence[/size]
Witch Hunter: The Invisible World, Vyvyan Basterd, Table C

Welcome to the world of Witch Hunter: Dark Providence! WH: DP is an ongoing, shared-world role-playing campaign in which brave heroes and heroines fight against evil, whether it takes the form of genuine monsters which serve the Adversary or simple human injustice and persecution. It uses the Witch Hunter: The Invisible World rules published by Paradigm Concepts.

The campaign is set in the late seventeenth century -- the year 1689, to be exact -- at the dawn of the Age of Reason, when men and women were first beginning to realize that experimentation and study could teach them as much about the world as religion ever had. It is the time of Isaac Newton and Louis XIV, of pirates and musketeers, and of the young colonies that would eventually evolve into the nations of the Americas. The world of Witch Hunter is almost identical to our own, though there are a few crucial differences. The Aztec Empire, aided by its bloodthirsty gods, has held off Spanish invaders for over 150 years. The Netherlands, aided by the commercial and magical influence of the Dutch East India Company, still occupy New Amsterdam, the city which was already New York in our history. And, most significantly, the horrible creatures and baleful spirits mothers warn their children about are all too real...

Claims of witchcraft abound in Boston, Puritan capital of the New World. The Witch Hunters heed the call to mete out justice to the servants of the Adversary. But who is innocent, and who is guilty?

Pre-generated characters will be made available. No experience necessary. Rated PG-13.​
1. Nev the Deranged
2. Barendd Nobeard
3. Tylure
4. ...
5. ...
6. ...

[size=+1]Morning Game 5: Iconic Exploits: Issue #1 - The Winds of Change[/size]
ICONS, Reidzilla, Table G

It is a pleasant, sunny afternoon in Jupiter City. Europa park teems with happy citizens enjoying the fine day. Even the most vigilant sentinels have given in to the ambiance of bliss and peace. But a sinister cloud hovers on the brink of the city. A cloud of chaos that threatens to distort all it touches...

Come join the heroes and heroines of Jupiter City as they face the latest threat to assail their fair city. ICONS is a simple super hero RPG with roots in the Silver and Bronze Ages. As an amalgam of the old Marvel FASERIP and the modern FATE systems, it focuses on the story more than rules and minutia.

No Experience necessary. Pre-gen characters and dice will be provided. Just bring a craving for some four color action!

View the pregen characters
1. pvt. patterson
2. Der Spot
3. Puffdebbie
4. gperez1234
5. ...
6. ...

[size=+1]Morning Game 6: Danger Patrol[/size]
Danger Patrol, SailorKitsune, Table F

It is the Retro-Future and you have been recruited to protect Rocket City and the Galaxy at large from Stygian Adepts, Spies and Infiltrators from the Crimson Republic and all manner of unusual threats! You are a member of DANGER PATROL, a group of individuals with diverse talents and abilities united in this common goal. Do you have what it takes?

Danger Patrol! is a fast, easy to learn role-play game with a setting similar to the old 50's serials, like Flash Gordan. No experience necessary, all materials to be provided.​
1. ...
2. ...
3. Tofu_Master
4. Painfully
5. Monte At Home
6. Fractal Advocate

[size=+1]Morning Game 7: There's A Reason It's Called Lake Erie[/size]
Buffy, Ninjacat, Table E

Okay, a Hellmouth is one thing, but this is just getting weird!

There's rumor of a new Master Vampire in town, and okay, that's not great, but the Hellmouth's energies attract evil, and vamps are pretty darn evil, so it makes sense the worst ones show up, right? But now something else has shown up. What the heck kind of crazy demon collapses into grody piles of seaweed when it's slain? At least vamps have the decency to dust and blow away, minimal cleanup. . .whatever these scaley-weedy things are, they're gonna be a problem...

This game uses a unique partial-pregen system to provide characters, giving the players a list of Archetypes to choose from, such as Clown, Jock, and Musician, that they will then apply a Template to, such as Demon Hunter, Slayer, or Werewolf. This provides each player with a unique character that has their own strengths, charm, abilities, and issues. Cinematic Unisystem is a simple ruleset that only needs 1d10 to play; familiarity with the rules or with Buffy the Vampire Slayer is not at all needed, though possibly helpful.​
1. Laurie
2. enigma1122
3. Netter
4. RFlatstone
5. ...

[title]Slot 2: Afternoon[/title]
[size=+1]Afternoon Game 2: The Four Towers - Grinding Gear, part 2[/size]
Tales of Treachery, ekb, Table F
[highlight]This event has been canceled.[/highlight]

[size=+1]Afternoon Game 3: The City of Strangers—Part II: The Twofold Demise[/size]
Pathfinder, William Ronald, Table H

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 7th level characters (Tiers: 1–2, 3–4, and 6–7).

A powerful local gang in Kaer Maga demands that you end the threat of the Shadow Lodge at once as the Lodge's very existence upsets the delicate local balance of power. Refusal means both the expulsion of the Pathfinder Society from Kaer Maga forever and your untimely deaths. The choice is yours.

The Twofold Demise is the second and final scenario in the The City of Strangers campaign arc and is the sequel to Pathfinder Society Scenario #51: The City of Strangers—Part I: The Shadow Gambit.

Written by Joshua J. Frost

This scenario is designed for play in Pathfinder Society Organized Play, but can easily be adapted for use with any world. This scenario is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

If you have played versions 3.0 or 3.5 of the world's first fantasy roleplaying game, then you can play in this event. Bring your own Pathfinder Society character of levels 1-7 or feel free to play one of the iconic Pathfinder characters.​
1. thom1111
2. Mark CMG
3. grizzo
4. kaybeeque
5. ...
6. ...
7. ...
8. ...

[size=+1]Afternoon Game 4: RoadTrip Season 2, Episode 5- Death Becomes Him[/size]
Supernatural, Ninjacat, Table D

Things are getting interesting.

When the RoadTrip crew goes to investigate a few cases of people being beaten to death by someone or something with supernatural strength, a disturbing surprise is revealed: the victims were all survivors of previous near-death experiences. Is a demon killing people it feels should have been dead already? Did they make deals to survive, and it's collecting early? And why so violently, almost like a Hellhound in humanoid shape? Or is the killer not a demon at all, could something else be so violent, with superhuman strength?

There's also the disturbing possibility that it's all just a message being sent to the Crew...

More details can be found on my site
1. Laurie
2. Vyvyan Basterd
3. enigma1122
4. sw3333
5. Stornkin
6. Tofu_Master
[highlight]THIS EVENT IS NOW FULL[/highlight]

[size=+1]Afternoon Game 5: Midwest Avengers Assemble!![/size]
Marvel Super Heroes Advanced (FASERIP), A flannel shirt, Table C
[highlight]This event has been canceled.[/highlight]

[size=+1]Afternoon Game 6: Tomb of Horrors, Continued[/size]
D&D 4e, Dokomo, Table C (private room)

For 4-6 players 10th level. Bring your own or pre-gens will be provided. This is a continuation of last Game Day featuring the revamped Tomb of Horrors for 4e D&D.

Somewhere under a lost and lonely hill of grim and foreboding aspect lies a labyrinthine crypt. It is filled with terrible traps and not a few strange and ferocious monsters to slay the unwary. It lies filled with rich treasures both precious and magical, but in addition to the aforementioned guardians, there is said t be a demilich who still wards his final haunt.

Accounts relate that is is quite unlikely that any adventurers will ever find the chamber where the demilich Acererak lingers, for the passages and rooms of the tomb are fraught with terrible traps, poison gases, and magical protections. Furthermore, the demilich has so well hidden his lair that even those who avoid the pitfalls will not likely locate their true goal. Only the most well-prepared parties of the bravest and strongest should even consider the attempt, and if they do locate the tomb, they must prepare to fail...​
1. devin60070
2. devin60070's guest
3. TracerBullet42
4. Painfully
5. sailorkitsune
6. pedro2112
[highlight]THIS EVENT IS NOW FULL[/highlight]

[size=+1]Afternoon Game 7: It Was a Mutual Decision[/size]
It Was a Mutual Decision, Nev the Deranged, Table F

Whose fault was it? Anyone's? Who's the bad guy (or gal)? Either? Both?

Is my lover really an inhuman, pest-ridden, murderous, shape-changing monster?

Don't pretend you never asked those questions.

Breaking up isn't hard to do—but staying alive and sane might be a problem.

Welcome to It Was a Mutual Decision, a lighthearted storytelling game about love. And rats. ^_^

No experience needed, all materials provided.

Guys and gals will be forming teams to play each side of a troubled relationship.
No seat limit, but a minimum of 2 female and 1 male players required (I will be the second male player).​
1. ... (Female)
2. Netter
3. pvt. patterson
4. RFlatstone
5. Der Spot
6. Puffdebbie
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Vyvyan Basterd


Please sign Laurie up for Josh’s morning BtVS game.

Please sign both of us up for Josh’s afternoon Supernatural game.

Edit: BTW, I'm only Vyvyna on the weekends... ;)
Last edited:


First Post
So many good choices!

I'd like to play in Ninjacat's Supernatural game in the afternoon.

And thanks for the SW pic, Buzz.


First Post
Please sign me up for the Morning Saga game, I will take any char pretty much.

Also please sign me up for supernatural in the afternoon.
Last edited:



Please sign Laurie up for Josh’s morning BtVS game.

Please sign both of us up for Josh’s afternoon Supernatural game.

Edit: BTW, I'm only Vyvyna on the weekends... ;)
Added! And, fixed!

Sign me up for the Supernatural, and the Buffy game. No escaping the ninjacat, even when I try.

Star Wars in the morning please!

So many good choices!

I'd like to play in Ninjacat's Supernatural game in the afternoon.

And thanks for the SW pic, Buzz.
Added! No prob!

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