I’d like to run or play in an epic 1-20 Sword Coast end times mashup of SKT, HoDQ, RoT, and Acquisitions Incorporated bringing in some elements from MT Black’s Vol. 1 & 2 sword coast stuff. Super high stakes all the bad things happening. Maybe also add in some stuff from the DnD Beyond adventures that follow after Essentials Kit. Lots of catastrophe, lots of factions. Make it take about 5yrs in game time to slow roll out all the elements. Run it a bit west marches style giving the players multiple characters and having them use AI elements to set up an adventurers guild to sub in and out PCs. AND, reskin the Sword Coast and monsters to use a bunch from the Kobald Press monster books and the Goodman Games Dungeon Denizens book I just got to make the place more gonzo and less normal DnD. No idea who I’d ever find with the commitment for it, but would be fun to basically take all the things I want to do, but haven’t done yet, and do them all at once.
More realistically, I’d like to run a Heart of Darkness inspired mini campaign on Morey in the Moonshae Isles using Baldman Games AL stuff set there, combining 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 with 8-1, 8-2, 8-3. This one I will probably get to do.