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Mercenary Adventures of the B-Team (closed group)


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[/B]SO lets see if I got this right, 800 to nab the key, 200 to do it without anyone knowing. Double if we nab the Marshal's brother?-2000 total?

I'd say provisionally I'm in. Gotta clear a few facts, actually just one fact. If we kill everyone except the hostage, does that count as nobody knowing? Not saying that we are going the bloody route, just trying to see all the angles.
Surges good half a face screws into a thoughtful pose. Addressing Mal in a Matter of fact and practical tone.

Don't be silly, then we would have to hunt down everyone who might cast "Speak with Dead" to avenge them, then hunt down all those who would avenge the new people. I think humanoid extinction is far too much work for 2000gp

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Surges good half a face screws into a thoughtful pose. Addressing Mal in a Matter of fact and practical tone.

Don't be silly, then we would have to hunt down everyone who might cast "Speak with Dead" to avenge them, then hunt down all those who would avenge the new people. I think humanoid extinction is far too much work for 2000gp

I think Mal just realized how scary toaster is on a fundamental level. "Uh, yeah Surge, that's a uh, good point. You know, I am a firm supporter of robots, in fact here's a spare sword. When the toasters decide to have an uprising, remember it was me that armed you to kill the oppressive meat bags.


First Post
GM: Apologies for the delay in posting this. I was not waiting for more than two replies, as stated in the original 'rules' of the game. I was just...uninspired for a spell. I'm good now. :)

"Seems fairly simple, so I assume there is a catch. He's actually one of the gods in disguise, yes? No. I suspect he's just some trumped up idiot. Like everyone else. Sure, we will slip our heads into the hangman's noose once more. I believe that is eight for me, and seven for everyone else. But who's counting, right? Are you counting, Mr. Mittens," Ches says to her shoulder in a syrupy sweet tone, her eyes fixed on nothing.

"Oh and before I forget again, word of mouth, and Frank, says you're the alchemical and mystical supplier around these... parts... yes. I seem to be a little low on a few ingredients, nitrides and amber and so on. Long list. Since this is an orc village, do you know where I might find some? Say at 10 above market?"

[/B]SO lets see if I got this right, 800 to nab the key, 200 to do it without anyone knowing. Double if we nab the Marshal's brother?-2000 total?

I'd say provisionally I'm in. Gotta clear a few facts, actually just one fact. If we kill everyone except the hostage, does that count as nobody knowing? Not saying that we are going the bloody route, just trying to see all the angles.

Stump opens and closes his mouth a few times before finally speaking. "Are all of you larfs insane? Devil girl here talk to Missing Mister Mittens, dwarf thinks he's 8 feet tall, trash man wants to murder the world, and the drow wants to know if he gets the bonus for a subtle wink job where everyone is killed." A few silent moments follow. Then, he giggles. Chuckles a bit. A guffaw or two slip out. And then it's raucous laughter. Goblin laughter. It's, well it's disconcerting. And suddenly it stops. Stump wipes the goblin tears from his goblin face, trailing goblin snot across his upper lip. "Gods, you are quite the team - I can't wait to see how you do!"

"Eight hundred for the job. Two hundred bonus if the only people who know you pulled it off are in this room." Facing Ches, he continues, "I'll just convert your bonus into the things you're looking for - leave me a list and I'll let you know what I can scrounge up."

"I give's a frog's ass if any of those crackpot treehuggers live or die - I just want the key. Bringing me the key's owner alive is just an additional incentive so I don't have to work as hard or pay as much to figure out how it works. I don't care if you have to shine him up a bit, just make sure he can think and speak."

"I consider this agreement satisfactory and not open to further negotiation on the back end. Since this is likely you're first time at this, I'll lay some free advice on you: don't screw with your client. There was a group just two months ago that tried to hold a mark hostage until they got paid more...let me tell you what hap......"

"<GARBLED YELL IN ORCISH FROM OUTSIDE! ANOTHER YELL! a squeal, pleading.> Mal!" That last part was definately a call for the drow. What the?

"What the hells?" Stump mutters, rising from his little chair. Just then, Wretch comes in, a few sprays of blood on him, with not quite a look of fear on his face, but he's obviously concerned.

"What's going on, you sod?" Stump demands.

"Kvatch. Draggin' 'nuther orc by hair. Wants bitches who want his sharvik." And with that he eyes you four.

"Heh, well this outta be good, boyos. Who knows - you challenge Kvatch's ownership and win and you might gain a little clout 'round here. Good luck!"


With the door wide open now, you take a peek outside. Dozens of orcs are gathering in the area outside, but keeping their distance from this Kvatch fellow and his posse. Dressed in raggety armor ranging from chain to plate, he stands a good head above most other orcs, sporting an eye-patch across his left socket. He's brought back-up, too - some squirly foot soldiers and it looks like an archer is limbering up his bow.

A chant starts to go up in the crowd....to your untrained ears it just sounds like "Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh...." It catches on inside the barn too, and nearly the entire bar is on its feet and moving toward you, herding you outside. As you move into the sunlight, you see the former hobogoblin bodyguard slumped over a large boulder, an axe buried deep in his torso, blood pooling quickly. And then, from the ground behind this Kvatch, you pick out Smash, half-naked and whimpering at Kvatch's heels, a large chunk of his scalp missing and the rest of his hair in Kvatch's massive hand. At your appearance, he releases Smash, who starts to scamper back. Kvatch smiles a wicked grin and thrusts his glaive high in the air, letting loose an absolute blood-curdling scream, obviously meant to intimidate you and impress his underlings. "DIE." He intones, picking the drow elf from the group, forcing you to defend yourselves....

New Map

Up first - Bledso the archer to follow...
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First Post

"One. Two. Three. Four. Heh. Oswald was a pussy." Drawing on his WEEKS of expertise, Bledso has learned two things. One: Arrows hate armor. Two: Women are dangerous. Which makes the tiefling his obvious target.

Finding its mark, the disguisting arrow lodges in Ches' lower right arm. "Heh. One. Now two..." And Bledso starts to notch a second arrow....

No new map needed, no one moved.

GM: dmg error - should have been +8. 10 dmg taken.

Encounter #2 - Kvatch

Archer (Bledso)
Blades (Huey, Dewey, and Louie)

Mal -- AC 18 / Fort 12 / Ref 16 / Will 11 -- 8/8 surges, 25/25 hp
Surgeon -- AC 16 / Fort 15 / Ref 14 / Will 13 -- 10/10 surges, 30/30 hp
Ches -- AC 14 / Fort 12 / Ref 14 / Will 13 -- 8/8 surges, 15/25 hp
Falkrunn -- AC 20 / Fort 16 / Ref 13 / Will 10 -- 13/13 surges, 33/33 hp

Bledso - Fear in the ranks, dmg bonus (Kvatch)
Huey - Fear in the ranks, dmg bonus (Kvatch)
Dewey - Fear in the ranks, dmg bonus (Kvatch)
Louie - Fear in the ranks, dmg bonus (Kvatch)
Kvatch -

Pre-Round 1 - Kvatch triggered action: Fear in the Ranks, dmg bonus to allies in burst 3

Round 1

Bledso - longbow vs. Ches, hit, 10 dmg

Surge -

Ches -

Huey -
Dewey -
Louie -

Mal -

Kvatch -

Falk -

Round 2


Up next: Surge, Ches, and the triplets
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First Post
GM: Also, feel free to post out of turn (not too far out of turn, though) if you don't believe the previous move would matter to what you are planning to do. All I ask is the person who was skipped please play your character as if you had not seen the results of what the other player did - don't let a pending hit or miss that hasn't really 'happened yet' determine what you would do at that moment.


First Post
Surge's demeanor picks up quickly as he smiles

Mal! It looks like you've made some new friends!

as I shuffle over to the group and lower my voice

So? Kvetch first?

as Surge let's loose with a crossbow bolt
Move:to E6

Standard:Magic Weapon

Hit 1[W] + Intelligence modifier damage, and each ally adjacent to you gains a +1 power bonus to attack rolls and a power bonus to damage rolls equal to 4

Minor:Restive Formula infusion on Mal

The target gains a +1 power bonus to AC until the end of the encounter. The target can end the bonus as a free action to gain temporary hit points equal to its healing surge value + 4.


First Post
OOC: No, yeah. Cast the heal on the guy with no damage. Not the one who just took 40% of their HP in one hit. Great plan.

Ches attempts to ignore the arrow in her shoulder, checking briefly to make sure Mr. Mittens is unharmed. Calling on her infernal heritage she channels fire into the soul of the bowman, and winks at Smash as she steps forward and raises her left hand.

OOC: Reaction to being hit: Infernal Wrath on Bledso.
Move: F4
Standard: Burning Hands from G0 to K4. Includes Bledso, Hewy, Dewy, Kvatch and Gronk. Miss half damage.
AP: Scorching Burst on my best friend Bledso.

Ches lets forth a gout of fire, washing a wide swath of land in the warm glow of clean burning petrol. With a final flourish she sends another bolt of flame at the source of her anger.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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