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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter II: A Wretched Hive

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"250, then," Demos offers Sloor.
The green one shakes the neimoidian's shoulder good naturedly: "Make it taw smalls and you've gawt yourself a deal... But awly becawse it's you."

<Response Demos? Sloor is offering 200 creds, it case it wasn't clear with the slang and all :)>

Assuming agreement: "Have her drawpped awff at awer ship at the spacepawrt then, will you? I'll let awer pilawt knaw she's gawing taw have campany," assuming she's already back from her little 'shopping trip' that is... "Awn secand thawght, you mind if we swing by awn awer way back?"

OOC: Drop off Mizza, pick up trackers while he talks to her privatly. Warn O'Keefe they're coming beforehand, of course... Works for you, Possum?
"We have been thinking of investing in such medical technology," he adds after the inspection in the medlab. "I do believe that our overseer here is accepting bids from companies in the very near future."
"Well, well." Sloor scratches at the back of his neck. "Then I'll have taw think awn it a bit as far as anything else gawes... Definitively see why we'd want taw increase the creds taw slave ratiaw awn that Tibanna trade thawgh." A couple more steps. "If they hawld their awn real tight awn that awne, maybe prawpawse we jawint invest awn a med facility? And there's still thawse spirks I mentioned befawre..."

A buzz at his belt. "Scuse me."

It's Mir.

Darius returns Sloors look with a level gaze.

"I don't think so, my friend," he says with a quirk of one eyebrow.
"He says they can't affawrd him," reports Sloor to the blond scout, mock sadness on his large face. "We're abawt dawne here anyway, sra. Just gawt taw swing by the ship with my new purchase and then you can tell me *all* abawt haw your day went." She seems in a good mood, no trace of fear/panic... Must have gone *really* well!

<Response Mir?>

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Mack Granger, Human Male Soldier

Mack manages to hide his jilted look from inside his helmet with ease.

He asks, "What? Darius get into trouble? Or is our leader fooling around?"

[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 4 (Rescue) FP: 6
Init: +10 Perception: +10(+8 without Helmet)
HP: 55 (17 Threshold) Current: 55 CT: 0
Reflex: 21 (18ff) Fort: 17 Will: 15

Weapon in Hand: Blaster rifle

Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis, Cover Fire, Running Attack, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger


First Post
OOC: 200 it is. Got it on contacting Okeefe. Nothing interesting going on.

"I believe that your suggestions would be quite helpful when it comes to the negotiations," Demos states.

Dr Simon

Darius squats down on his haunches before the slave-girl and gives her an appraising look.

"It's your money, my friend," he says. "Not sure she's worth it, but..." He stands up again and shrugs, nonchalantly.

Use the Force to send a telepathic message to Mizza: "Trust us"

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"It's your money, my friend," he says. "Not sure she's worth it, but..." He stands up again and shrugs, nonchalantly.
Unawares, the besalisk just shrugs: it'll work out or it won't, but it wouldn't have felt quite right otherwise, now would it? Not like 200 is a big deal for him any more anyways...

[After the Mir call]
"I believe that your suggestions would be quite helpful when it comes to the negotiations," Demos states.
"We'll need sawme numbers if we're gawing taw pitch that taw them tawnight thawgh..." He let's that hang, brow ridges raised towards the majordomo: numbers are clearly the neimoidian's domain (and it should keep him entirely busy until the meet).

<Response Demos?>

[ In the car]
On their way back, Sloor lounges on his seat in his usual relaxed pause, sort of quietly jonesing for one of his usual glow sticks: *got* to stop by a dealer while they're here (Frekking frigate ain't got a single one anywhere on board!). "Saw haw did awer glawrious emplawer get intaw the tibanna game anyway? Family business awr sawmething?"

Just making conversation...

<Response Demos?>

[Planning session in their quarters]
"The frekking felucian thing had me awff the track campletely: I was thinking biaw-experiments, right? Slaves *cawming* taw Darga *after* they'd been submitted taw the 'prawcess' awr sawmething... But it's the awther frekking way arawund! Empire's shunting small-time rebels intaw barely useful punishment jawbs and then pushing them awff as spare change awn Darga when they're used up, sure, but that's just a sideline (Galaxy-scale cheap mudcrutches at the Empire Buraw of Finances apparently)... The impawrtant bit's the frekking *tibanna gas* they're getting *frawm* Darga: That's what's feeding the Sa- the thing!" It seems so frecsing obvious when you put it like that, doesn't it? Guess it's true what they say about 'assume'.


First Post
"It was one of my suggestions to make legitimate money," Demos says. "The only one that Darga approved, sadly," he adds, a hint of bitterness creeping into his voice.


Darius is able to calm down the freed slave, but it's quite clear that she doesn't quite know that she's emancipated at the moment.


"Sounds good Sloor..." Mir replies. "See you and Darius soon."

She looks to Mack after the conversation with the besalisk, "Lets go wait for Sloor and Darius to return... They will want to know what hass happened when they return." She makes for Macks room. Once inside she will sit down and seems to meditate until Sloor/Darius' return... unless disturbed...


Mack Granger, Human Male Soldier

OOC: Man, I have been having issues getting on EnW frequently these past few days.

Mack nods in agreement, "Alright, then."

He performs maintenance on his weapons while he waits.

[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 4 (Rescue) FP: 6
Init: +10 Perception: +10(+8 without Helmet)
HP: 55 (17 Threshold) Current: 55 CT: 0
Reflex: 21 (18ff) Fort: 17 Will: 15

Weapon in Hand: Blaster rifle

Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis, Cover Fire, Running Attack, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger


OOC: Not just you PM, I have had issues with EN too.

(Once Sloor returns... )

Mir will explain all that had happened , after TB does his jamming thing. Finding all the data cards and credits (at which point she asks Mack how much we found)... and then how the meeting with Darga went.

"Darga took the news well enough. I guess when you are in a position such as he is, you learn to expect such things from those you work with. We are to be ready to act when we deal with the Imperials. If the D man is going to make his move it should be then... or just afterwards."

She then listens to Sloor's tale... "So it is about the gas then?"

Knowledge (Galactic Lore) what tibanna gas is for generally1d20+9=17

Voidrunner's Codex

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