Converting original D&D and Mystara monsters


Extradimensional Explorer
I'm ok with using Conjuration (Summoning), but I don't like making a whole new spell list "Goat" for these spells. How about we make it Sorc/Wiz instead? Also, I don't really fancy a separate Empowerment section, but I could see a Summon Coven section like we did for Occultation. Otherwise, it's maybe a bit fussy but pretty good! Let's say the bonus for caster level being twice the HD of trapped creatures gives a +4 DC bonus.

Oh, and there's the funny text color again, right in the middle of the spell write-up. :erm:

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I'm ok with using Conjuration (Summoning), but I don't like making a whole new spell list "Goat" for these spells.

I hope we're not going to have the same argument for every one of these "Goat Magic" spells we convert!

I'm OK adding Sor/Wiz to the "Goat" like we did Occultation. I'm thinking it ought to be at least a 3rd level Sor/Wiz spell - it's certainly more potent than a hold person.

Also, I don't really fancy a separate Empowerment section,

I thought we'd agreed to "double up" the Empowerment/Summon Coven text for the sake of easy reference.

, but I could see a Summon Coven section like we did for Occultation.

Methinks you've forgotten about the twelfth property:
12. It is not subject to summon coven.

Otherwise, it's maybe a bit fussy but pretty good! Let's say the bonus for caster level being twice the HD of trapped creatures gives a +4 DC bonus.

"A bit fussy" indeed, I'll have you know that's the simple version.:p

+4 seems a tad high, especially as lower-level creatures will presumably have worse saving throws. I'd have been OK with +2.

I'd be more accepting of a higher bonus if the paralysis was broken if the victim takes damage. Currently it's an easy way to render an opponent helpless for a coup-de-grace.

Oh, and there's the funny text color again, right in the middle of the spell write-up. :erm:

You could always switch from "Legacy" view to "Reborn". Then you wouldn't even know it's doing it.


Extradimensional Explorer
Hmmm, ok, looking back, I guess we agreed to keep the Goat spell level but not the descriptor. Fair enough. But let's add Sor/Wiz 3 to it.

I thought we'd agreed to list unique effects of Summon Coven on the goat spells but not relist empowerment. Of course, I see the problem is that Spell Magnitude Empowerment does not affect the HD limit of a spell like this through CL increase, and you'd like to do that. I'd either (going back to an earlier discussion) just have Spell Magnitude affect CL flat out or else drop that feature of Binding Circle. It's just nuts to write an empowerment ability and then have every new spell we have to write be an exception to the usual empowerment rules.

A +2 bonus is ok to the DC.

Nah, don't like the Reborn skin, too bright. ;)

EDIT PS: these goatlings sure are complicated, aren't they?
Last edited:


Hmmm, ok, looking back, I guess we agreed to keep the Goat spell level but not the descriptor. Fair enough. But let's add Sor/Wiz 3 to it.

A +2 bonus is ok to the DC.

That works for me. Shall I update the draft in post #769?

I thought we'd agreed to list unique effects of Summon Coven on the goat spells but not relist empowerment. Of course, I see the problem is that Spell Magnitude Empowerment does not affect the HD limit of a spell like this through CL increase, and you'd like to do that. I'd either (going back to an earlier discussion) just have Spell Magnitude affect CL flat out or else drop that feature of Binding Circle. It's just nuts to write an empowerment ability and then have every new spell we have to write be an exception to the usual empowerment rules.

Hmm, maybe we should consider relaxing that rule. A general CL-increase seems too powerful, but I'd happily open the possibility for "certain spells".

Spell Magnitude: The next spell (or spell-like abilities) the goatling cast gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its caster level for every 2 empowerment points it expends (maximum bonus +5 caster levels). For standard spells, this caster level bonus only applies to the spell's range, duration and checks to overcome spell resistance and does not increase any other level-based variable (damage, area of effect, number of targets, et cetera). However, the goatlings have developed spells that can have spell magnitude empowerment applied to other level-based variables. Some of these spells appear in the Goat Magic section below. If the goatling does not cast a spell within three rounds, the empowerment points are wasted.

Nah, don't like the Reborn skin, too bright. ;)

Curious, I find the Legacy skin too dark. Maybe I have my monitor's brightness set lower than you?

EDIT PS: these goatlings sure are complicated, aren't they?

We seem to be having a lot of complicated monsters recently. When are we going to get back to a nice, simple Sea Monster?


Extradimensional Explorer
Yes, you might as well update the draft spell.

I think my choice of the Legacy skin is (1) it looks more like EN World to me :p and (2) I'm staring at mostly white space on a monitor really most of the day for my work, etc. It's the same reason I wouldn't want to trade my e-ink ereader in for a tablet computer when it comes to reading PDFs.

As for your proposed fix to the Spell Magnitude empowerment, how about we simplify it a bit by (a) just having the CL increase apply to all level-based variables for the "special" spells and (b) having all Goat spells be "special" spells? Less fiddly. If you only want one of those two changes, though, I prefer (a) to (b).


Yes, you might as well update the draft spell.

Updating Binding Circle Working Draft.

I think my choice of the Legacy skin is (1) it looks more like EN World to me :p and (2) I'm staring at mostly white space on a monitor really most of the day for my work, etc. It's the same reason I wouldn't want to trade my e-ink ereader in for a tablet computer when it comes to reading PDFs.

Yes, I do a lot of staring at a white screen for my work to, so I've turned my monitor's brightness down a fair bit to reduce the "eyeburn" from staring at it all day.

It makes the legacy text look rather gray, and I don't much like the green text-blocks at the top or the orange colour of the links.

Reborn just looks nicer to me.

Still, this "blacktext" problem has become annoying enough that I've switched to Legacy just so I know when it's occurred.

As for your proposed fix to the Spell Magnitude empowerment, how about we simplify it a bit by (a) just having the CL increase apply to all level-based variables for the "special" spells and (b) having all Goat spells be "special" spells? Less fiddly. If you only want one of those two changes, though, I prefer (a) to (b).

I'd be OK with that, although we'll want to be careful that we don't accidentally include level-based variables that make the Empowerment too potent.

So how about this:

Spell Magnitude: The next spell (or spell-like abilities) the goatling cast gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its caster level for every 2 empowerment points it expends (maximum bonus +5 caster levels). For standard spells, this caster level bonus only applies to the spell's range, duration and checks to overcome spell resistance and does not increase any other level-based variable (damage, area of effect, number of targets, et cetera). Goatlings have special spells that have the spell magnitude empowerment bonus apply to all their level-based variables, including every spell in the Goat Magic section (see below). If the goatling does not cast a spell within three rounds, the empowerment points are wasted.



Okay, I cut out the Empowerment bit and added Sor/Wiz 3.

That reminds me, I'd like the example spell to be Silent instead of or as well as Still.

Since it has to be a purely-mental ability picking a spell with a Somatic component that requires Still Spell to use was kind of the point. Unfortunately I can't use "still silent teleport" because teleport is a verbal only spell.

Hmm, levitate and plane shift both have Somatic components but they require Foci which a caster would be unable to handle when immobilized. The spells ethereal jaunt, maze and transport via plant would all work.

Would you object to me changing it to still silent ethereal jaunt?


Extradimensional Explorer
The new Spell Magnitude looks fine. And switching the example spell to still silent ethereal jaunt is ok also. And I'd say it looks about ready at that point.

Morrus has a sticky post about the black text in the Meta forum. It seems like you need to make sure your word processor is using "default" color for the font, rather than "black."


The new Spell Magnitude looks fine. And switching the example spell to still silent ethereal jaunt is ok also.

Fine, although I notice some grammar problems with "The next spell (or spell-like abilities) the goatling cast" - I'll change it to "The next spell (or spell-like ability) the goatling casts".

Updating the Goatling Working Draft.

I've updated the Binding Circle Working Draft too.

And I'd say it looks about ready at that point.

Not quite. We've still got to detail what triggers the binding circle can have - the bit that goes 'specify what class of creature the binding circle will trap, such as "X" or "Y".'

The original spell description has "runes defining the creature(s) for which it is intended (monster type or a specific identity, if known)".

The caster must trace out a circle and mark it with runes that specify what class of creature the binding circle will trap, such as "X" or "Y"

How about this.

This spell creates an invisible magical trap that can restrain an undead creature or a creature with the Extraplanar subtype. The caster must trace out a circle and mark it with runes that identifies what creature the binding circle will trap, either by type, subtype, species, or truename (e.g. "Undead", "Tanar'ri", "Lantern Archon", or "Rexpluff the Dust Mephit"). The circle and its runes are clearly visible to any creature using see invisibility, arcane sight or true seeing.

The binding circle is triggered when a creature that matches the rune identification attempts to exit the circle. A binding circle can trap multiple creatures with the same identification if they are all within the circle when it triggers, providing their total Hit Dice does not exceed the caster level of the spell. If the triggering creature(s) have more Hit Dice than the spell's caster level, the binding circle automatically collapses and is dispelled. Less powerful triggering creatures must succeed at a Will save or be bound by the spell. If the binding circle's caster level is more than twice the Hit Dice of the triggering creature, it increases the save DC by 2.

Morrus has a sticky post about the black text in the Meta forum. It seems like you need to make sure your word processor is using "default" color for the font, rather than "black."

My word processor's had the normal font color set to "Auto". I think the problem something to do with my Firefox browser changing the font color when I drag & drop text.

Still, I've changed to the 'Eric Noah' look (which I like better than the 'Legacy' one as the main body text is whiter), so at least I can see if (when) it makes the color go funny and fix it before I submit.


Extradimensional Explorer
I'll agree to your "X and Y," though you need to change that first word of red text to "identify" rather than "identifies."

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