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Of the WotC Forums and the OTT

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Something about the Island of Misfit Internet Posters or something.

If I may take this in a slightly more serious direction: you are not like the Misfit Toys. The toys were outcasts because they were rejected by society. You were outcasts because you rejected society. Those are two very different things.

If I had to summarize the root cause of why some people (i.e. me) found you most obtrusive when you came to ENWorld, it's because you expected us to conform to your social norms rather than you conforming to ours. ENWorld is a long standing community with our own formal rules, etiquette, and informal traditions. When you first showed up, you didn't just break societal norms, you generally refused to accept that they existed before you got here. For more than a month, there was no attempt to assimilate into our culture, just a desire to find a new home for yours. Every time someone posted that we should "join the OTTers" or something similar, it boiled my blood a bit because it was obvious you cared more about where you were from than where you were at. You may have thought you were coming to ENWorld as refugees, but you really came across as invaders.

And, as an aside, I use the term "you" here to refer to all the OTT group. And while that may be stereotyping, it's a stereotype that you started. You came to the boards with a home-made label, so you can't be upset when other people use the label, too.

That being said, I think you all have come a long way at integrating. It took some time, but most of you have actually become part of ENWorld. Obviously, there have been varying degrees of success (with some people being lost along the way), and there's still some roughness around some edges, but I think you're on the right track. There are some people who came here from OTT that I don't even recognize as being OTTers anymore. You have been able to discuss things without devolving into mindless arguing, you found your own place to go for stuff that doesn't belong here, and you have started to learn when to let things go.

And that last point brings me to my thesis statement: If you want to truly become part of this community, you're going to have to let a few more things go. Stop thinking of yourselves as unfairly prosecuted Misfits. You don't have to let go of your friends, but you do have to let go of your personal labels that only serve to separate you from others.

And most importantly let this thread die. Seriously, stop bumping it. Its only purpose at this point is to stand as some pillar to your self imposed martyrdom. Keeping it at the top of the forum can only serve to identify yourselves as something other than ENWorlders, and maintain the fences that separate us.


First Post
If I may take this in a slightly more serious direction: you are not like the Misfit Toys. The toys were outcasts because they were rejected by society. You were outcasts because you rejected society. Those are two very different things.

If I had to summarize the root cause of why some people (i.e. me) found you most obtrusive when you came to ENWorld, it's because you expected us to conform to your social norms rather than you conforming to ours. ENWorld is a long standing community with our own formal rules, etiquette, and informal traditions. When you first showed up, you didn't just break societal norms, you generally refused to accept that they existed before you got here. For more than a month, there was no attempt to assimilate into our culture, just a desire to find a new home for yours. Every time someone posted that we should "join the OTTers" or something similar, it boiled my blood a bit because it was obvious you cared more about where you were from than where you were at. You may have thought you were coming to ENWorld as refugees, but you really came across as invaders.

And, as an aside, I use the term "you" here to refer to all the OTT group. And while that may be stereotyping, it's a stereotype that you started. You came to the boards with a home-made label, so you can't be upset when other people use the label, too.

That being said, I think you all have come a long way at integrating. It took some time, but most of you have actually become part of ENWorld. Obviously, there have been varying degrees of success (with some people being lost along the way), and there's still some roughness around some edges, but I think you're on the right track. There are some people who came here from OTT that I don't even recognize as being OTTers anymore. You have been able to discuss things without devolving into mindless arguing, you found your own place to go for stuff that doesn't belong here, and you have started to learn when to let things go.

And that last point brings me to my thesis statement: If you want to truly become part of this community, you're going to have to let a few more things go. Stop thinking of yourselves as unfairly prosecuted Misfits. You don't have to let go of your friends, but you do have to let go of your personal labels that only serve to separate you from others.

And most importantly let this thread die. Seriously, stop bumping it. Its only purpose at this point is to stand as some pillar to your self imposed martyrdom. Keeping it at the top of the forum can only serve to identify yourselves as something other than ENWorlders, and maintain the fences that separate us.

Heh, and I see some of you still don't understand one important aspect of OTTer* posting: Sometimes we're just joking around. ;)

Honestly, I didn't mean that seriously. That particular line of discussion is one that I've personally been asked to kill and so I have. My comment about us being 'misfits' was simply a joke and nothing more. It fit the flow and was silly. I mean really, did you think I really identify with some claymation rejects? I'm 35 years old, man! :p

Anyhoo, this ends ZB's public service announcement. Sometimes in the course of internet discussion a joke is taken far more seriously than it was meant to be and that calls for a clarification. We sincerely hope that you found this clarification both sensical and helpful and strongly encourage you to seek clarification in the future if you feel a need. We here at ZB aim to please. Thank you and have a wonderful Festivus with the restofus.

*Official disclaimer: Use of the term 'OTTer' was not intended to showcase a difference from the EW community and was only used as it was the term of choice in the quoted post. It does not indicate that anyone here at ZB believes that they are different as that would run wholly contrary to what Morrus has asked us here at ZB to do. The term is simply a useful shorthand at times and implies no disrespect when used in this manner.
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Naked and living in a barrel
If you mean on the WotC boards, he has known for a while now. He emailed CS so they would remove the drawing he made for his avatar overthere.

I'm guessing the phatom reproter strock again.
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