Why We Should Work With WotC


I mean, imagine coming across their famous "mental disorder" table, that they copied and pasted into every book for 25 years, that you get from "doing drugs too much" in 2023?
I just want to watch their session 0 where they make characters. And be reminded of all of the things that we thought were fine in the 90s that are really not.

It will be like watching sitcoms from the 80s or 90s with my 15 year old, who is no longer surprised at some of the things that are just casually joked about in those shows...

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There's a really easy cure. Just like, drag out your Rifts core book and start trying to make a character. If that fails, get Rifts South America (or is it South America 2?) out and start looking at the Psychic Cat Superheros until your brain's reset switch trips.
A couple of my friends loved making TMNT characters. Not playing them, just random generating weirdos. We then moved onto Heroes Unlimited where we found the worst combinations of superpowers. And that is how the hybrid son of The Thing and Aquaman appeared: Aquarock!


#1 Enworld Jerk™
A couple of my friends loved making TMNT characters. Not playing them, just random generating weirdos. We then moved onto Heroes Unlimited where we found the worst combinations of superpowers. And that is how the hybrid son of The Thing and Aquaman appeared: Aquarock!
Yeah we did that too. Just making TMNT characters for fun. Consumed alot of Kool-Aid into the wee hours of the morning to make a college educated Rhino Man for no reason. Good times.

A couple of my friends loved making TMNT characters. Not playing them, just random generating weirdos. We then moved onto Heroes Unlimited where we found the worst combinations of superpowers. And that is how the hybrid son of The Thing and Aquaman appeared: Aquarock!
That was the main way we used TMNT, just creating a lot of characters.

Palladium's kinda-dreadful/amazing horror RPG Nightbane (nee Nightspawn) was also completely amazing for that. I will never forget the crocodile-motorcycle hybrid that one of the PCs was when we first played it.


A couple of my friends loved making TMNT characters. Not playing them, just random generating weirdos.
Yes. Character creation in TMNT was one of the best parts of the game. Playing with those BIO-E computations to get the weirdest character you could find was a fun mini-game, even if it often led to characters that you'd never be able to play.

Because you got more BIO-E by reducing your size, one of my friends always liked to start by taking an elephant, shrinking him down to the smallest size he thought he could get away with, and then going from there. Until we got the book with the dinosaurs in it that is...

Well, they're still supposed to be making Planescape, though I suppose that could be considered niche also; a lot will depend on the execution.

"Snakes on a Plane of Existence," if you will.
TBF they COULD make more realms (not my first second or 5th choice) or Ebberon content too. The thing is people hombrewed spelljammer and planescape and darksun if they were die hard years ago...

Today yeah you can put out something... but we have had 8 (and by the 50th 10) years... the system isn't just what THEY or 3pp did, it's every homegame too.

When we started our most resent game one of the quistions we asked at session 0 is "what is everyone playing" and it always has 1 or 2 of us gunhoe for something and the rest asking "what haven't I tried"

by the end of 3e/3.5 we all still had lists of things we had not tried (but we were sick of the system) by the end of 2e, and 4e though we had gotten down to "I have played this already OR I'm not interested in playing this"
We have started to hit that "I already did, or I don't want to" part with 5e. I am sure a bunch of people have.

1 new class (artificer) and a bunch of subclasses have been relased, but once you have played an arcane trickster and an assassin, and an investigator you most likely are ready to move on from rogue.

It's not that they are unprofitable, they are simply not profitable enough. It's why I used the phrase "corporate brainrot": at a certain level corporate leaders get obsessed with continual growth and gains, so even minor but stable reversion is looked at as the signal to change lanes.

So I doubt any 5E adventures are unprofitable. But the problem is that they may not be enough to reach the unrealistic targets set for them.
of the dozen or so players I know well 3/4 of us own PHB and at least 1 other book... about 1/3 to 1/2 have tasha's too... there is no adventure (not one) that we own more then 2 copies of between us except curse of strahd, and I own 2 of those.

On the other hand there is no 'splat' that none of us own... but there are adventures none of us own (one of the early dragon ones, and decent, and the heist one none of us own.

now not as well I have known others that DO own those...so it's not like I think they didn't sell... but compared to PHB and MM and DMG, I would bet the BEST selling books are less then 1/2 the sales... and some are most likelt 1/10 the sales.

Why do I want to play Rifts now?

Bad News No GIF by GIPHY Studios 2022
cause the setting and concepts aree AWESOME, and the world building is AMAZING... even if the system... um, lets be nice and say 'needs work'

Voidrunner's Codex

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