Why We Should Work With WotC

There's a really easy cure. Just like, drag out your Rifts core book and start trying to make a character. If that fails, get Rifts South America (or is it South America 2?) out and start looking at the Psychic Cat Superheros until your brain's reset switch trips.

You know what I love about Rifts? I can't remember anything about South America other than vaguely that there were vampire gods or something, but now that you've said it, I 100% believe that there were psychic cats running around, and I find the idea of them being anthropomorphic cats and just normal cats with psychic abilities equally plausible.

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I mean, that's pretty much a moot point if no publisher publishes under it, isn't it?
Eh, if a court ruled that the OGL 1.0a could not in fact be revoked, deauthorized or similar buzzword by WotC, then I think at least the closer clones in the OSR would probably keep publishing under it, just because then they wouldn't have to rename spells and such.
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#1 Enworld Jerk™
Eh, if a court ruled that the OGL 1.0a could not in facet be revoked, deauthorized or similar buzzword by WotC, then I think at least the closer clones in the OSR would probably keep publishing under it, just because then they wouldn't have to rename spells and such.
Perhaps, you also have to factor in whether anybody trusts WOTC to abide by an agreement they made into perpetuity. Because nobody wants to be here again in another 20 years. That's the bigger factor, I think.


Perhaps, you also have to factor in whether anybody trusts WOTC to abide by an agreement they made into perpetuity. Because nobody wants to be here again in another 20 years. That's the bigger factor, I think.
Nobody would have to trust them. They would have tried messing with it and a judge would have ruled "no, you can't". At that point, it doesn't really matter that it says copyright Wizards of the Coast on the document, it would be entirely out of their hands, as there would be a court ruling, not just an expectation based on what the document says and how and why it was designed, that WotC can't mess with it.


#1 Enworld Jerk™
Nobody would have to trust them. They would have tried messing with it and a judge would have ruled "no, you can't". At that point, it doesn't really matter that it says copyright Wizards of the Coast on the document, it would be entirely out of their hands, as there would be a court ruling, not just an expectation based on what the document says and how and why it was designed, that WotC can't mess with it.
I mean, it would depend on the ruling and on what grounds it was decided. Even in your hypothetical there isn't anything stopping WOTC from simply trying again with a different legal argument to rugpull the OGL again. I think the well is truly poisoned, unfortunately.


I mean, it would depend on the ruling and on what grounds it was decided. Even in your hypothetical there isn't anything stopping WOTC from simply trying again with a different legal argument to rugpull the OGL again. I think the well is truly poisoned, unfortunately.
That assumes they learned nothing from this and they do try again. Also, theoretically every successive attempt should get even weaker, as they will always try to attack the 'biggest' gaps / loopholes, only for those to be shut

Personally I think the OGL is dead because we get a CC from them and an ORC from everyone else.

Voidrunner's Codex

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