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"Speed of Light"

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Mod Squad
Staff member
But, for realsies, why is it called c? Latin? Kicks-n-giggles? Discovering scientist?

Back in the mid to late 1800s, folks working on electromagnetism variously used "c" or "V" to stand for the speed of light (or, in some cases, a constant that happens to turn out to be related to the speed of light) - basically to stand for "constant" or "velocity". Over time, scientists just sort of drifted to using "c" as a standard notation, in large part because that's what a few of the Big Names of the time used.


Are photons really massless though? I mean theyre all the time getting sucked into black holes, if they had no mass a black hole wouldnt affect it, right?


I'm finding two (in the end, equivalent) explanations:

1) Gravity works on the total energy of an object.

For a detailed discussion, see:


Relation to gravity

In physics, there are two distinct concepts of mass: the gravitational mass and the inertial mass. The gravitational mass is the quantity that determines the strength of the gravitational field generated by an object, as well as the gravitational force acting on the object when it is immersed in a gravitational field produced by other bodies. The inertial mass, on the other hand, quantifies how much an object accelerates if a given force is applied to it. The mass–energy equivalence in special relativity refers to the inertial mass. However, already in the context of Newton gravity, the Weak Equivalence Principle is postulated: the gravitational and the inertial mass of every object are the same. Thus, the mass–energy equivalence, combined with the Weak Equivalence Principle, results in the prediction that all forms of energy contribute to the gravitational field generated by an object. This observation is one of the pillars of the general theory of relativity.

The above prediction, that all forms of energy interact gravitationally, has been subject to experimental tests. The first observation testing this prediction was made in 1919.[30] During a solar eclipse, Arthur Eddington observed that the light from stars passing close to the Sun was bent. The effect is due to the gravitational attraction of light by the sun. The observation confirmed that the energy carried by light indeed is equivalent to a gravitational mass. Another seminal experiment, the Pound–Rebka experiment, was performed in 1960.[31] In this test a beam of light was emitted from the top of a tower and detected at the bottom. The frequency of the light detected was higher than the light emitted. This result confirms that the energy of photons increases when they fall in the gravitational field of the earth. The energy, and therefore the gravitational mass, of photons is proportional to their frequency as stated by the Planck's relation.

Bold added by me.

2) Light always travels in straight lines. Or rather, since on a curved surface, "straight line" requires modification, light always travels along the shortest possible line between points. Then, gravity causes space-time to be curved, and the straight lines of light in gravitationally flat space are modified to the apparently curved lines in the curved space near a mass.

Here is a ho-hum explanation:


Shortest lines in a curved space are called geodesics, with a basic definition, as an adjective "of, relating to, or denoting the shortest possible line between two points on a sphere or other curved surface."

In general relativity, there are special equations to describe geodesics, for example:


Lot's of heavy math, so be forewarned.

There are also definitions of "geodesic curve", for example (and also with heavy math):


"A shorted possible line between two points" works well as a common definition.




Guide of Modos
Anyone else feel like the strange complications in this light theory are a hint at why we can't figure quantum physics out? Like, light is massless, yet light carries mass? Energy always travels at the same speed in a vacuum, even to observers moving at different speeds? "Energy carried by light," when light itself is supposed to be energy? Or if it's not energy, it must be matter. Even though light doesn't always behave like matter...

Yes. Light moves at the speed it does because that's the fastest anything can move. Other things move at that speed, too - radio waves, the whole EM spectrum, lots of stuff.

The speed of light's a bit of a misnomer - light moves at various speeds, up to the universal speed limit. In different mediums, it slows down. In a vacuum, though, light moves at c.

Does light actually slow down in different media, or does it simply take a longer path (by, say, reflecting off multiple particles resulting in a wandering, yet relatively straight, path)?


I'm finding two (in the end, equivalent) explanations:

1) Gravity works on the total energy of an object.

2) Light always travels in straight lines. Or rather, since on a curved surface, "straight line" requires modification, light always travels along the shortest possible line between points. Then, gravity causes space-time to be curved, and the straight lines of light in gravitationally flat space are modified to the apparently curved lines in the curved space near a mass.

Ahh ok, #2 makes sense, #1 is a little harder for me to wrap my brain around.


Guide of Modos

I read the article, and while I'm no physicist, I have to say that I'm not impressed.

Talking about the "speed" of light ties into another one of our quantum-physics problems: we don't much understand what Time is, either. We get a lot of great examples of the watch that doesn't turn as many times when it's close to the speed of light, or the person who doesn't age as much. But if the position of a watch's hands are what determines how much time has elapsed, then I can make time speed up or slow down with my pinky. Or if it's time that ages people, why all the anti-aging focus on anti-oxidants and other nutrients?

I'm sure the physicists are talking about the age of subatomic particles, not people and watches. But - does a photon have an age? Can a graviton be a spring chicken?


Mod Squad
Staff member
Ahh ok, #2 makes sense, #1 is a little harder for me to wrap my brain around.

Yeah, both of tomBitonti's descriptions are reasonable ways to look at the situation.

For #1, we can try this.

Einstein told us E=mc^2. Energy and mass are interchangeable.

Most things we call physical matter have what's called a "rest mass". This is the mass of objects in your everyday experience - the mass you'd measure them having when they look to you like they are standing still (you are in their "frame of rest" or "rest frame"). By Einstein, then, an object at rest still has some energy just from being - we call that the object's "rest energy".

But Einstein's E is not particular. It applies to any and all energy the object has. If it has kinetic energy from moving, say, we add that to the bucket of total energy, and recalculate the mass. So, the faster the thing moves, the more effective mass it has.

Now, photons are screwy. When we say they don't have mass, what we really mean is that they don't have a rest mass. However you may be moving, the photon looks like it is moving at c relative to you. You *cannot* be in the rest frame of the photon, because you cannot move at its speed. But, it still has well-defined energy, and E=mc^2 still applies, so we can still think of it as interacting with gravity using that mass-from-energy.
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Mod Squad
Staff member
I read the article, and while I'm no physicist, I have to say that I'm not impressed.

Talking about the "speed" of light ties into another one of our quantum-physics problems: we don't much understand what Time is, either.

No, we have a pretty good handle on what Time is - at least as good a handle as what "space" is. Now, yes, there's some contention on what that really is down on what is known as the "Planck scale" - the very, very, super tiny down below the sizes of subatomic particles - but for most purposes if you grasp Relativity, you grasp what Time is.

We get a lot of great examples of the watch that doesn't turn as many times when it's close to the speed of light, or the person who doesn't age as much. But if the position of a watch's hands are what determines how much time has elapsed, then I can make time speed up or slow down with my pinky. Or if it's time that ages people, why all the anti-aging focus on anti-oxidants and other nutrients?

Make the clock an atomic one, where the ticks are based on the ocillations of electrons in an atom, and no, you can't move the hands with your pinky any more. And, well, all those anti-aging creams don't work anyway, so why mention them? :)

But - does a photon have an age? Can a graviton be a spring chicken?

No. And actually, THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT!

Photons (gauge bosons, massless particles in general) are different from everything else in the Universe. All of relativity ultimately falls out from that one observationally verifiable fact. If you fire off an photon, it goes away from you at 186,000 mps. If you fire off a photon, and then strap the biggest rocket anyone could ever make to your butt, and take off after it, no matter how fast you go, it'll still be travelling away form you at 186,000 mps. It will also look like it is travelling the same speed away from Earth.

Relativity is the resolution of that apparent paradox - a viewer "at rest", and one moving wicked darn fast, both think the photon is moving at the same speed.

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