D&D 5E Tyranny of Dragons Panel at PAX East Today

Hutchimus Prime

I care. You're in a thread full of people who care.

Your insistence that the existence of X means inherently the nonexistence of Y makes no sense to me.

They did a panel on something you are not interested in. Beyond mentioning artwork, they never claimed this was a D&D Next panel. Is that OK?
Thank You!

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Chaotic Looseleaf
I think we may have to try and obtain a license from WOTC to sell some D&D-themed rings.

I think that would be awesome, and I wish you the best of luck. Just please do me a favor and manufacture some with the ram's head facing the right way. I don't want to say the new Ring of the Ram is overdesigned, but it's pretty clearly overdesigned.


Really, at this point I really think they blew the deadline and are unable to get D&D5 out in time for GenCon, so they're doing Tyranny of Dragons as a Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle 2, releasing a stand alone adventure with the "close enough" rules just so they can release *something* at GenCon.
That seems likely to me too; the info on the D&D website still seems a bit tentative/experimental.

Which is fine; id rather they take their time and get it right. A rushed release of the core is the worst possible scenario.

I care. You're in a thread full of people who care.

Your insistence that the existence of X means inherently the nonexistence of Y makes no sense to me.

They did a panel on something you are not interested in. Beyond mentioning artwork, they never claimed this was a D&D Next panel. Is that OK?
True. I had just hoped it would be a D&D Next panel. I shouldn't be disappointed.

Tyranny of Dragons just seems meh. Another Realms shaking event before the last one has even finished and before anyone really know what shape the Realms will be in when it's done. It feels like comic book events (like Marvel especially) where they start building to the next status quo shattering event a couple months after the last one ended before anyone really gets a feel for the new status quo.

I don't play in the Realms. Most D&D player's don't. I don't run WotC's pre-published adventures. Most player's don't.
This feels like a giant waste of time.
It doesn't help that WotC's recent adventures have been subpar. I don't think I've seen any adventures done by them that really wowed me since... well Red Hand of Doom. Gadmore Abby looked okay. Really... WotC is staffed by game designers not writers. If I want to buy a board game or card game or rules they're who I turn to, but they're not an adventure company. But that's all they've been doing since August of last year.
So hyping their latest adventure does not hold my interest.

I'm just tired. I'm tired of not knowing. I'm tired of wondering if I'm wasting all my money going to this year's GenCon. I'm tired of waiting on WotC to break their silence.
The folks at GAMA saw the starter set and PHB cover weeks ago.
It's getting old.

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