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The Fey, the Far, and the Ugly Space In Between


In the antechamber I greet Saerie with a warm smile and harken back to our parting: "I promised I would find you...and so I have."

I'm quite happy to oblige them the peace-bonding of our weapons. I'm gracious for the goblins extending the trust to us in allowing us to keep them. Our people likely wouldn't be so courteous. I'll try to let the king know that if I can find the right moment.

The bowls must have just been served as the soup inside is piping hot with steam. "Join me for a delicacy" says the king. "Darkmantle-Wing soup. I slayed the creature's mother when it was a pup and brought the entire brood back. Within a year, this was the lone, hardy survivor of the group. He lived a good life. A noble predator. He served my kingdom well. We will honor him by ingesting his remains." He clearly doesn't look pleased that you killed his "pet" Otthor.

"Sit" he says.

I'll take my seat after Saerie, settle in and take a spoonful of the soup and a sip of the mug's drink, be it tea or spirits. I need to address what the king said straight-away because it is begging for a response to the offense he has taken. It is potential conflict I need to defuse.

"A noble predator indeed. He served you well as guardian to the back door of your domain. The vast boneyard was testament to that. I have battled more than my share of cavern stalkers who were intent on making a meal of me. He came the closest to it."

I raise my mug in a toast to salute him.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Cha)
4, 3 + 1 = 8

Success but the GM will offer you a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat

<Confirmed Binks is good with your toast. Saerie will raise her mug.>

The king and his constable raise their mugs and drink to your toast. After the king puts his mug down, he leans forward and you can see frozen air exhale from his lungs, cold enough to briefly cast a layer of frost on the steaming soup before him. "If only he would have been your better" his voice full of ice. You can hear the sound of mailed gloves clinching on polearms, the 5 elite guards sprinkled about the room, none more than three paces from the table, nerves taut.

The mood quickly lightens as the king sits back and says "but it wasn't to be. If he was to perish, it is good to know it was at the hands of a capable warrior rather than pestilence or rotten luck. A good death."

Constable Ozark quietly chimes in with "...he tastes a hell of a lot worse than he fought."

The king chuckles out of the corner of his mouth and gets right back on task. "My loremaster and shaman examined the beast you put down. It breaks down what it consumes quickly, but there were goblin bones still in its guts. They called the creature 'an aberration'. They said it 'wasn't of this world.' I don't know what to make of that. A summoned assassin from a wizard bent on claiming my head?" He says this last bit with a playfully inquisitive, but no less indicting, tone.

I'm searching my accumulated knowledge for a Far Realm creature well known in goblin history.

[sblock]Spout Lore (Int)
1, 3 + 3 = 7

the GM will only tell you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Lets go with the Phaerimm and a tale of goblin genocide as an entire underdark colony was wiped out when they were used as hosts for their "Aliens-like" hatcheries. Spin a yarn.

I take another drink and regard the king. "Assassin? I don't think so. I'm sure your people are well-versed in the tale of Drikbiyet, the goblin civilization lost to the flying, magic grubs of the Far Realm?" Leading his thoughts, I say "I think the same thing is happening here..."

Per Manbearcat
The king furrows his brow, ponders a moment and looks to his flanking constable. "What do you think?"

To that, the constable says "I'm interested in what she thinks" as he points across the table to Saerie. "She said neither of them are from this world. That they're just here to stop such a threat from the Far Realm that he is talking about. But our spies have long since learned of a female elven ranger protecting Giliad's Rest, the human settlement at the base of the mountain. World's End is peopled with the same folk. Just so happens that we've got two of them, 6 months slave labor, for breaking the law..."

The king looks from the constable to Saerie "that is interesting..."

You're up Binks (I give up on mention tags...they don't bloody work).

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Originally posted by Manbearcat

The king furrows his brow, ponders a moment and looks to his flanking constable. "What do you think?"

To that, the constable says "I'm interested in what she thinks" as he points across the table to Saerie. "She said neither of them are from this world. That they're just here to stop such a threat from the Far Realm that he is talking about. But our spies have long since learned of a female elven ranger protecting Giliad's Rest, the human settlement at the base of the mountain. World's End is peopled with the same folk. Just so happens that we've got two of them, 6 months slave labor, for breaking the law..."

The king looks from the constable to Saerie "that is interesting..."

Alright, I'm losing my patience quickly. Going to do my best to keep my cool while redirecting this accusatory inquiry back to what really matters.

Saerie abruptly retorts: "No. In fact that isn't interesting. Otthor just laid out a compelling allegory for you that spells out your extinction...after slaying a beast in your tunnels that was bent on it...and you want to quibble over your unfortunate lack of understanding of how my past comes together?"

[sblock]Defy Danger (Int)
1, 4 + 1 = 6

Mark 1 xp.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
The two hobgoblins look across the table at you with faces of stone. Neither of them move or speak for many moments. The constable leans over and whispers something to the king who deliberately nods while continuing to stare at you. The tension in the room builds palpably.

The constable shouts something in goblin toward the door, which you can identify as "bring them in", Otthor. The mighty stone doors swing open and in comes the father and daughter, legs chained, arms manacled in front of them. The constable nods at the two hobgoblins that led the captives into the room. A kick to the back of both of their knees, fells each to the ground. A few more words in goblin from the constable to the hobgoblin handling the father. That hobgoblin pulls a cleaver from his belt, grabs his chin and puts the cold metal to the mans throat.

The constable calmly says to the father "tell me what she <nodding to Saerie> said to you outside, or your daughter will be parentless."

The girl looks terrified at her father and then looks over to you Saerie.

I am pained for her and angry but my face is full of softness and comfort for the girl. "I promised him that on my return from the Coldlands I will secure their release. I promised I would take he and his daughter home."

I've been watching the king carefully throughout this. In case things go south here, I want to know if he is as he seems. Breaths frost breath sufficient to momentarily freeze steaming soup? Is that sorcery or is he actually the dragon polymorphed in the guise of the hobgoblin king? Polymorph maybe gives away a tell now and again? Maybe his eyes become reptile now and again. Maybe his scales manifest?

[sblock]Discern Realities (Wis)
5, 1 + 2 = 8

1 question and + 1 forward when acting on it.

* What here is not what it appears to be?[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
You've studied him enough to confirm there are no telltale signs of the dragon hiding in the mortal guise of the hobgoblin king. You've also seen enough frost magic from powerful sorcerers in the Feywild to know it when you see it. The king may be able to tap into draconic sorcery inherent in his blood or spirit...but he is just a man.

The king, without taking his eyes off of you, says "take them away" with a gravelly monotone. When they're gone and the doors are shut: "Those words directly challenge my decree. That is punishable by law."

Alright then. It is time for threats then. The below is for a Parley by Otthor. Knowing that the king is just a man steadies my nerves.

[sblock]Aid (bond)
6, 2 + 2 (+1 forward) = 11.

Otthor gets + 1 on his Parley[/sblock]

"In the last few days, we've slain several of these aberrations. They are everywhere out there. You may think you are safe in this mountain redoubt, but you are not. What you just endured, what Otthor just saved you from, is but a taste of what is to come. If you make enemies of us as well as them..." I'll let those words hang in the air for Otthor to capitalize on.


"In the last few days, we've slain several of these aberrations. They are everywhere out there. You may think you are safe in this mountain redoubt, but you are not. What you just endured, what Otthor just saved you from, is but a taste of what is to come. If you make enemies of us as well as them..." I'll let those words hang in the air for Otthor to capitalize on.

"...then you'll have ushered in your own annihilation. Which you're well on your way there right now. Dragon or no, you've been unable to secure your home from one very immature Aboleth. There are surely more lurking...and make no mistake, a single elder aboleth will bring your kingdom to its knees."

Leaning forward I begin speaking close to the ears of the constable and the king in a hushed voice so as not to embarrass the king in front of his elite guard and force his hand. The wicked scar on my cheek and my torn ear betray a menacing visage. My body looks the part of crouched cat, waiting to pounce.

"Let me be very clear. You did not peace bond our weapons. We allowed it to be done. We are not your friends nor do we wish to be. Nonetheless, we have come here in the name of good will and mutual benefit in alliance. So far you've only shown us that you're capable of disrespecting courtesy and deference, callous disregard for innocent life, and tedious witch hunts.

We are going to speak the truth to your dragon about what is happening in this realm with or without your brokering. We will either engage your merchants with fair coin or we will take what we need to see this all-important quest through. And finally <looking over to Saerie>, those refugees you claim as property and have just abused in front of us...we're taking them home with or without your consent."

[sblock]Parley (Cha)
6, 1 + 1 (+1 Aid) = 9

Leverage is the continued illusion that the king, his decrees, and his constable are in control here.

They will do what you ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now.[/sblock]

Leaning back, my eyes are simmering but my posture is less ominous. "So make your choice and choose wisely, good king." I emphasize the last bit.

One would have to assume that neither the king nor the constable are used to being talked to like that, but their faces do not change much, if at all, with your charged words. You see no incredulity, no vexation, no fear. After a few still moments of consideration, the king cocks his head slightly and rises. With his stony visage, his white fur cloak going out wide, and his prominent bone frill in the motif of a white dragon, he cuts an ominous figure.

He speaks deliberately. "Well. Its clear that...HURRRRK..."

From the shadows of the elevated ceiling above come a pair of long, black tentacles. With suddenness, they violently grasp the king around the neck, enfolding his nose and mouth, cutting off his voice and breathing. Up he goes, with quickness, toward a more mature aboleth stalker whose body is halfway in and halfway out of a ceiling fissure that might be just large enough to pull the king into...or just small enough to maim him terribly as the creature attempts to do so.

Behind the table, slightly across the way (Near range to you), a simultaneous ruckus ensues as members of the elite guard begin to attack the other guards. In a fight for their lives, they couldn't possibly intervene with the king....and they may not even be aware of what is happening to him as of yet. The culprit, a second advanced aboleth stalker, grasps one of the unenthralled guards on the periphery and begins reeling him toward its ceiling cubby and a grizzly death.

The constable reacts immediately and reaches for the sword on his belt. Realizing the futility of it (the beast is some 15 -18 feet above - a wee bit out of Reach range) begins running across the room for the only weapon of consequence available to him; a gem-encrusted, feather-adorned spear mounted over the king's bed. Unfortunately, by the time he returns, the king is likely to have been devoured...

Under the Hood

[sblock]In case it isn't clear, the stakes here are related to your leverage for Parley. If the king survives due to your deeds, surely he will see just how tenuous his position is and vulnerable he and his kingdom are to this threat. Consequently, your demands and harsh words must be heeded, like it or not.

If he perishes...one can only imagine the hell that will break loose.[/sblock]

What are you guys doing?


What are you guys doing?

Saerie has the quickness of a darting viper and the cagey instincts of a cat. Coiled in her seat, she springs onto the stone table, sprints across it and leaps for the king as he is raised to the ceiling by the aboleth's tentacles.

So...Defy Danger...the impending peril being the king being dragged away and devoured!

[sblock]This will involve her hands so the - 1 forward for the burn on her hand would apply here.

Defy Danger (Dex)
5, 4 + 2 (-1 forward) = 10.[/sblock]

Alright, so I leap and grab hold of the king. The extra weight surely must be causing the aboleth problems as it tries to raise its prey to the ceiling. I use the tentacles and the kings body to pull my way up so I'm face to, what would be if I could see it, face with the king. I lock my legs around his waist to free both hands. I'm doing all I can to fend off attacks from the free tentacles while simultaneously pulling on those tentacles wrapped around his neck and face so that he doesn't suffocate.

[sblock]Defend the king (Con)
1, 4 + 1 = 6.

Marked 1 xp[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Your ascent to the ceiling is slowed dramatically due to your weight. The creature must be straining fiercely to pull the load of both of you up at all (Reach range for the moment). The thrashing by you, the king, and the aboleth's stray tentacles is extreme, causing you guys to sway, spin, circle, and roll while suspended.

As a constrictor snake's might, the creature's grip on the king redoubles while you try to pull the coiling tentacles away. You can literally feel the king's body go limp and stop fighting. He is clearly passed out. Much more of this and he will die from either being smothered or from having his neck snapped.

Worse still, in the frantic spinning and rolling of the fracas, one of the tentacles gets a hold of your legs and unhooks them, threatening to send you tumbling off the king and crashing to the floor. Without some major intervention, the king literally has only a few moments before he perishes.

Going to need a DD to hang on and then sit tight so Tecklenburg can go.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Str)
6, 5 + 0 = 11[/sblock]

I grab a hold of the king in a bearhug while I kick wildly with the leg that isn't grabbed. Once I've got the tentacle free from the grabbed leg, I again assume the scissor-lock I have on the king as we slowly rise toward the ceiling. Reaching for my peace-bonded Elven Longknife, I imagine myself as a mighty python preparing to sink my teeth into some prey I'm squeezing to death. Only here I'm trying to save the prey I'm constricting.


Seeing Saerie leap into action and the grapple that ensues a good story up in the air, I move into action myself, positioning my body beneath them to catch whomever falls. As I'm rushing into position, I settle into a dance of blade and battle magic. The awkward weight of the peace-bond slightly throws off the timing and rhythm, but my mastery of the discipline sees me through.

[sblock]Wind Slash (Int)
2, 4 + 3 (- 1 from awkward tag due to peace-bond) = 8

Deal your damage and 1 technique.

The complication I'm going to choose is going to be:

* Do not deal your damage.

Burst: Your attack deals an additional 1d4 damage and gains the ‘forceful’ tag. Rolled 2 damage.[/sblock]

What I'm looking for here is to use the forceful tag in one of two ways:

1 - Tear into the tentacles grasping and suffocating the king. I want to rend them in two or telekinetically force them to release him. If that can happen, I'm directly below to catch his limp body, so he doesn't smash into the floor of course, and I'm going to yell to Saerie "GRAB HOLD OF IT!" Given the tentacles battering her and her free hands, she shouldn't have much trouble grasping one of the stray tentacles lashing at her. She could put her knife in her mouth or something. So long as you're good with that [MENTION=6775039]Binks[/MENTION]. I just don't want the creature to slither away back into the ceiling.

If I can't do that then the below.

2 - Throw the creature, along with Saerie and the king, from its perch in the ceiling's fissure to the stone below. 18 feet above? Maybe that will cause some damage as well? If so, then it is probably only d4. Rolled 4.

What I'm looking for here is to use the forceful tag in one of two ways:

1 - Tear into the tentacles grasping and suffocating the king. I want to rend them in two or telekinetically force them to release him. If that can happen, I'm directly below to catch his limp body, so he doesn't smash into the floor of course, and I'm going to yell to Saerie "GRAB HOLD OF IT!" Given the tentacles battering her and her free hands, she shouldn't have much trouble grasping one of the stray tentacles lashing at her. She could put her knife in her mouth or something. So long as you're good with that [MENTION=6775039]Binks[/MENTION]. I just don't want the creature to slither away back into the ceiling.

This one is good here. Confirmed with Binks that she is good with this plan. So, on with it:


Your force magic tugs, pulls, and then tears away the tentacles from the king's head, throat, and upper body. They recoil from the assault and the slack hobgoblin falls into your waiting arms. The constable has retrieved the spear from the wall and turns to see this as he begins his rush back, spear cocked, ready to throw.


As the king falls out of your scissors-lock, your knife goes into your mouth as you grasp the flailing tentacles. Almost immediately they begin to reel you up toward the ceiling and the awaiting maw of the aboleth stalker, body half-in half-out of the break in the stone ceiling. As you near it, you feel yourself become enveloped in a sickening haze of mucus, a vile excretion from the creature's body. Your stomach turns and your body begins to fight you.

[sblock]You can let go and fall to the ground. If you hang on, you'll need to roll DD Con or be stunned.[/sblock]

Things aren't faring well for the elite unit of guards. The one that was pulled up to the ceiling is being chomped by the other aboleth and the remaining two guards that have their senses are being slaughtered by the three under the thrall of the mighty creature.



As the king falls out of your scissors-lock, your knife goes into your mouth as you grasp the flailing tentacles. Almost immediately they begin to reel you up toward the ceiling and the awaiting maw of the aboleth stalker, body half-in half-out of the break in the stone ceiling. As you near it, you feel yourself become enveloped in a sickening haze of mucus, a vile excretion from the creature's body. Your stomach turns and your body begins to fight you.

[sblock]You can let go and fall to the ground. If you hang on, you'll need to roll DD Con or be stunned.[/sblock]

I will definitely be hanging on. This thing isn't getting away and if it wants to try to make a meal of something, it can try me on for size. As I draw nearer the choking haze, I pull my knife from my mouth so I'm armed and I can grit my teeth and bear it.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Con)
4, 2 + 1 = 7

Success but the GM will offer you a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
You avoid being overcome by your close proximity to the sickening creature. Bile fills your mouth, but you hold fast. Unfortunately, two of the creature's tentacles wrap tightly around your waste and are attempting to grasp your arms to prevent you from fighting back...as it attempts to stuff you in its nasty, gaping mouth.

You still have control of your weapon, but you're locked in in a deadly grapple, up-close and personal. If you aren't careful, you're going down its gullet.

I use my core strength, flip my legs up over my head and plant them hard on the ceiling in a wide stance, each foot flanking the creature and its hungry mouth. As the tentacles attempt to draw me in, I go to work with my elven long-knife.

[sblock]Hack and Slash (Dex)
5, 1 + 2 (- 1 for peace bond) = 7

Deal my damage (d8) and the enemy counterattacks. Rolled 4 - 1 = 3 damage.

The enemy counterattacks d8 + 2 = 7 - 1 = 6 damage to me.[/sblock]

As my nimble bladework with my knife draws several deep gashes into the creature's rubbery flesh, I come to realize that things are getting truly dangerous. As the life is squeezed out of me by the crushing tentacles I shout "RAWR" with everything I've got.

Per Manbearcat
The tentacles are indeed crushing you and you're about to be on the menu. Sit tight and I'll move Otthor forward and we'll see what comes of your imperiled plea to your noble companion.
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Seeing the constable rush over with the spear cocked and ready to throw, I shout at him with his unconscious king thrown over my shoulder. "Take him and get out of here!"

Per Manbearcat
He considers lining up a heave of the spear but thinks better of it given that Saerie is well in the line of fire. He takes the king off your shoulder and puts the slack figure over his own. He then rushes for the heavy double doors and shoulders them. With a heavy grunt, he begins to open them enough to get through. Saerie's shout to her bear companion happens simultaneously and you can hear him roar to her in return. There can be no doubt that nothing will keep him from getting into this room.

Saerie's cry and her dire circumstances draw my eyes. In a flash, I'm weaving sword and spell together, cutting the air with furious steel.

[sblock]Wind Slash (Int)
4, 1 + 3 (- 1 from awkward tag due to peace-bond) = 7

Deal your damage and 1 technique. d8 damage. Rolled 5 - 1 = 4.

The complication I'm going to choose is going to be:

* You have to move to get the shot placing you in danger as described by the GM

Burst: Your attack deals an additional 1d4 damage and gains the ‘forceful’ tag. Rolled 2 damage.[/sblock]

This time I'd like to do 2 above. The creature has to be nearly dead but Saerie is in trouble. I know it's a two-story fall but I'd like to get that thing out of its nook up there and to the floor, hopefully taking some environmental damage in the process.

Per Manbearcat

1) You can use your forceful tag to force it and Saerie to fall from the ceiling perch for 1d4 environmental damage (no armor); 4 damage and it's dead. Unfortunately, she is completely intertwined with the thing so she is going to take the damage as well if that is what you want to do.

2) Your blade dance causes you to circle right. As you finish your Wind Slash technique and grip the creature with mystical force, throwing it to the ground, you feel the encroachment of figures onto your position. The other aboleth stalker is finishing up the meal of the first guard and the other two that still bore their own autonomy have been cut down by its 3 thralls. Those 3 thralls are rushing your position to engage you in melee. They have Reach weapons which you'll have to get inside of for Flawless Bladework - DD. They'll be on you shortly.

I'm good with her taking the d4 damage as well so long as she is on the ground and the creature with her.

[sblock]d4 environmental damage. Rolled 1 damage to the aboleth and Saerie.[/sblock]

When the two of them hit the floor, I'm over there in a flash to help pull the tentacles from her body, hopefully freeing her to get out of their and get her bow ready.

Per Manbearcat
As you draw near the creature, you immediately realize that it is much more advanced than the beast you slew before. Surrounded by a thick haze of fetid disgustingness, your stomach and head are threatened by nausea.

[sblock]You're going to have to DD (Con) for the mucus haze before you Aid her to get free of the grapple.[/sblock]

After you do that, sit tight and I'll move things forward later.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Con)
6, 3 + 1 = 10.


Aid (Bond)
3, 2 + 2 = 7.

They still get a + 1 modifier, but you also expose yourself to danger, retribution, or cost.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Your physical fortitude is up to the task. Your stomach lurches but it affects you not. You pull mightily at the tentacles with you free arm, giving Saerie a momentary advantage as the grip loosens. Unfortunately, the creature's other tentacles are flailing wildly. One strikes the hand wielding your blade with a heavy blow, forcing it from your grasp. It clangs and streaks across the stone floor, coming to rest on the other side of the oncoming thralls of the other aboleth. They are upon you at this point.
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Do I hear, feel, or see Rawr rushing through the double doors to come to my aid?

Per Manbearcat
You hear Rawr's primal fury and the anxious barking of the sheepdog as well. Rawr ferociously batters the doors so the small opening is now large enough for him to get through. The sheepdog bolts in around him. The cavalry has arrived!

My hip and ribs ache from the hard fall but I don't care. I'm filled with violent intent. When I feel Otthor's form pulling the tentacles from me, loosening the aboleth's deadly grip, I immediately thrash, stab, and tear with my small blade. Its up close, personal, and messy with blood and ichor flying everywhere.

[sblock]Hack and Slash (Dex)
6, 3 + 2 (- 1 from peace-bond and + 1 from Aid cancel out) = 11.

d8 + 3 (Rawr) damage. 8 - 1 = 7. Aboleth is dead.[/sblock]

When the creature stops moving, I hardly notice. Rawr, the dog, and myself are tearing it to pieces. I snap out of it and realize I'm snarling and biting my lip so hard that I'm drawing blood. When I turn away from the pile of gore beneath me, I see that Otthor is in trouble. I shout to the dog and Rawr "HELP HIM (!)" and my dropped steel rings out on the stone floor as I draw my bow.

Per Manbearcat
Sit tight as I have to move Otthor forward.

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