The Fey, the Far, and the Ugly Space In Between

This will be our PBP thread @Binks and @Tecklenburg and possibly our intrepid hero Scotsman at some point if they ever figure out that whole electricity thing.

Please post:

1) Your characters, of which you should have two bonds with each other to start, one bond with any person/place/thing/idea (etc) and a fourth that will be derivative of 2 below.

2) The scene opener of a seminal/formative conflict in your respective character's past. This should be only 3-4 sentences and should allude, but only allude, to who/when/where. We'll firm those up and sort out the why through the resolution of that past conflict. Your 4th bond will be derivative of this.

3) Your pithy statement(s) of setting. Mine is directly below:

Almost all of the Gods perished in the Dawn War with the primordial elemental powers. Of the ones that didn't perish, most retreated to their celestial realms and their divinity is very distant from the common folk of the world. Because of this distance, the layfolk are much more terrified by the tangible interaction with a horde of monstrous creatures or the possession by a demonic presence than they are inspired or moralized by the blessings of the mostly absent Gods.

The world needs mortal heroes to deliver it from evil.

Once you guys have posted 1 - 3, we'll resolve 2. When 2 is sorted out for both of you, I'll attach a very low resolution map (plenty of blanks for us to fill out through play) and we can begin!
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Here is my stuff!

1) Saerie 2.0 Dungeon World style! Character sheet attached. Bonds below:

- Otthor does not understand the wilds of this place, so I will teach him.
- I worry about the ability of Otthor to relate to the humans of this world.
- The layfolk of this world are brave souls, I have much to learn from them.

My forth will come from the outcome of the conflict below...

2) Scene opener for past conflict:

The slimy, ethereal trail of an aberrant creature, no doubt from the Far Realm, leads down into the deep dark. If I spare a single moment, the ghostly remnant of the creature will fade beyond my means to track. A child's scream. The growls and yips of a feral pack of dogs.

3) My statement about the world and my backstory:

In the ancient times, our seers unlocked a mystery. That unlocked mystery revealed to them several signs from which they were able to predict the collapse of the tangible barrier between the Prime World and that of the Far Realm. I believe I've seen some of these signs come to fruition. I fear very soon that the unfathomable monstrosities of that deranged world will crossover and undo the great civilizations of this world and even move on to the Feywild.

4) And here is the magic item I chose with a superior level of confidence:

Bestial Tattoo: Upon graduation into the Summer Court's rank of elite rangers, a magical tattoo laden with primal magic, is inscribed onto the back of the few newly graduated. I was the only member of my class to survive the trials. I can now speak with and understand animals.


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All things Otthor...


  • Saerie and I share a common enemy. We will not rest until they are utterly defeated.
  • Saerie has much to teach me about the ways of this world.
  • I will protect the weak from the tyranny of evil men.
  • TBD from conflict below.

Scene opener from past conflict:

A Student of the sword stands at the ready before a Master. A gathering of peers stand nearby enthralled by the challenge. The Master's cruel hands and wicked schemes have brought great suffering to many; the Master with steel drawn digs in, the Student's conviction eliciting a cold calculation.... one will be judged by the gods this day!

My statement about the world and my backstory:

Otthor, pronounced Auth-tôr, is a Wood Elf from Evermeet within the Feywild. As the Royal Council of Evermeet govern and seek a suitable heir to the Elven Throne, they dispatch several warriors and mages throughout the Feywild to investigate and/or establish the following:

  • Rumors of weakness and/or destruction to the mystical fabric that separates the Feywild from the Prime World
  • Trade Agreement with nearby territories specifically the Summer Fey and Sildëyuir

The Royal Council assigned a small diplomatic contingent to Senaliesse, Palace of the Summer Queen, to begin negotiations on a new trade agreement. While the negotiations are continuing, Swordmaster Rodor (Raw-tôr), has tasked Otthor to assist a Summer Fey's representative with an ongoing investigation within the Prime World. Eager to remove himself from the politics of two states, Otthor anxiously awaits his assignment to the Prime World....

Magic Item chosen:

Elven Chainmail


  • Otthor-alt (2).docx
    58 KB · Views: 270

A Student of the sword stands at the ready before a Master. A gathering of peers stand nearby enthralled by the challenge. The Master's cruel hands and wicked schemes have brought great suffering to many; the Master with steel drawn digs in, the Student's conviction eliciting a cold calculation.... one will be judged by the gods this day!

The river flows harshly toward its inevitable end. The stone you stands upon is slick and cold with the spray. If there was solid ground, rather than the churning waters pocked only with more stray stones, between you and the Master, you would be several long strides away from each other. Just close enough to see the whites of each others' eyes (near).

"I have steeled you all in the crucible of my teachings. The lessons of old hold the same today as the always have. Only in the face of death, only in the fires of hell will true warriors have their destinies bared to them." The spray from the water drenches his silvery silks below the knee. His feet are ever sure of themselves, despite the slickness of the treacherous stone he perches upon.

On the banks of the river, your peers look on. Their lips quiver with excitement and a yearning for retribution.

"I am not sorry that your dear companion bled himself on my edge. The gods of war saw his spirit lacking, lest he would be standing before you today in my place...under different circumstances. I have killed hundreds of my students in my centuries. It is a mercy to die at the hands of a Master rather than live out an inadequate existence of ignominy. Being unable to fulfill your prescribed role as your culture's warrior elite is a fate far worse than death."

A gentle breeze brings the autumn leaves to flight.

"I will grant you the same mercy."

His hand clenches to a fist and one of your classmates is ripped from his feet along the banks. The furious waters consume him and he howls and gasps as he tries not to be yet another victim of the river's deadly embrace. The water brings him toward you and the collection of stones, his last chance before falling away from any hope, a death-roll of an unrelenting torrent.

Hoping the distraction is complete, in a flash, the ancient Eladrin Master pierces the veil of this world and teleports to a stone close to you. His blade explodes into action, the promise of a quick kill.

Alright mate, you're move (or moves). You can choose to do multiple moves (eg Riddle of Steel to Discern Realities + some kind of move to attempt to rescue your peer - if you'd like). Regardless, you're definitely going to have to Defy some Danger somewhere in there given his attack. If you get a 6-, stop there and I'm going to make a hard move against you (and you'll Mark XP of course). If you get a 7-9, I'll figure out your complication (s) or present you an opportunity with cost or a catch-22 choice. When you do your mechanics to resolve your action, please do it in an sblocked format. Brackets on the first sblock and / + brackets on second one. For instance:



stand in defense of my companion who is in the water and rescue him before he is smashed on the rocks or drowned.

2d6 + 1 = 7. Hold 1

I'd like to spend my hold to redirect the environmental damage (in this case it would be 1d4, no armor applies) from my companion to myself. I'll take the hit for him and pull him up on the rock I occupy. He should be able to hold onto it for dear life.

Damage in to me is 2.[/sblock]

Your Master's damage is a d8 on a counterattack for Arcane Bladework (fyi).

The slimy, ethereal trail of an aberrant creature, no doubt from the Far Realm, leads down into the deep dark. If I spare a single moment, the ghostly remnant of the creature will fade beyond my means to track. A child's scream. The growls and yips of a feral pack of dogs.

The clouds unfurl and roll in like a giant, dark, and airy behemoth. Thunder clatters. A stroke of lightning breaks the gathering twilight. If you had any thoughts before that the trail may hold more than a passing moment, they're surely dashed now.

Sugar maples, yellow birch, and beech trees surround you as you look down upon the stoney ravine. The human settlement you have been watching over has been beset by their former canine companions. Once the noble partners of proud huntsman, the trained hounds of the woodsfolk have progressively gone mad until all semblance of the playful glimmer in their eyes has ceased. You've heard more than one hunter utter the harsh words "...these are not our dogs...not anymore."

Its almost as if they're hearing something. Something terrible beyond the ears of humans and elves.

The girl's shrill cry again cuts the air, tearing you from your thoughts. You can hear her small feet pounding the crunchy, forest ground beneath her. The hunt will not be on for long...

As you look down into the deep dark of the ravine where the cave and its clear, slimy trail reside, your mind reflexively estimates the distance between yourself and the cry.

Alright then. Let me know what you're up to. You can certainly start this with a Discern Realities or a Hunt and Track check. I'll give you complications, offers, or answer your questions on your 7-9s. If you get a 6-, Mark XP, stop there and I'll tell you what suck befalls you.



Alright mate, you're move (or moves). You can choose to do multiple moves (eg Riddle of Steel to Discern Realities + some kind of move to attempt to rescue your peer - if you'd like). Regardless, you're definitely going to have to Defy some Danger somewhere in there given his attack. If you get a 6-, stop there and I'm going to make a hard move against you (and you'll Mark XP of course). If you get a 7-9, I'll figure out your complication (s) or present you an opportunity with cost or a catch-22 choice. When you do your mechanics to resolve your action, please do it in an sblocked format. Brackets on the first sblock and / + brackets on second one. For instance:



stand in defense of my companion who is in the water and rescue him before he is smashed on the rocks or drowned.

2d6 + 1 = 7. Hold 1

I'd like to spend my hold to redirect the environmental damage (in this case it would be 1d4, no armor applies) from my companion to myself. I'll take the hit for him and pull him up on the rock I occupy. He should be able to hold onto it for dear life.

Damage in to me is 2.[/sblock]

Your Master's damage is a d8 on a counterattack for Arcane Bladework (fyi).

I quickly position my Elven Long sword into a low guard position to parry the Master's attack; however, with my attention divided I am unable to fully focus on a proper defensive position and counter.

[sblock]Defy Danger

attempt to quickly parry any attack by the Master.

attempt to 2d6+1 = 4. Marked 1 XP[/sblock]

The Master's attack is successful; however, there is not enough strength behind the slash to penetrate my magical Elven Chainmail.

[sblock]Eladrin Teleport Attack

1d8=1. Otthor's AC 2.[/sblock]

Using the momentum absorbed by the blow, I attempt to reverse my facing to save my female companion. Reaching out with my off hand, I desperately grab for her tunic to hoist her up onto the rock that I occupy.


2d6+1=4. Marked 1 XP[/sblock]

Now that we crossed swords, I want to use Riddle of Steel to Discern Realities on what this bastard plans to do next. I know I can't take it now because something horrible is about to happen, but here is my check:

[sblock]Riddle of Steel to Discern Realities


​What is the Master about to do?
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1) A hard move against you as damage from your Master is sufficient for your first complication from your DD @ 6-.

[Now that we crossed swords, I want to use Riddle of Steel to Discern Realities on what this bastard plans to do next. I know I can't take it now because something horrible is about to happen, but here is my check:

[sblock]Riddle of Steel to Discern Realities


​What is the Master about to do?

2) On your The Riddle of Steel to Discern Realities, the earned answer to your question of "what is the Master about to do" is:

He is without mercy. a hardened warrior of a millenia's worth of brutal warfare and the sole responsibility of relentlessly training the next generation of your people's elite, eldritch warriors. He has worked feverishly to instill an utterly spartan ethos within his students of "Only the Strong Survive." He believes that morality and compassion have no place in warfare. It is a sickness. One that he knows you possess and he expects you to be distracted by and work to save your companion. The moment you do so, he will attack ferociously.

You take + 1 when Making a Move related to this foreknowledge.

3) On your second complication from your Defend @ 6-, you eat 1d4 environmental damage (no armor applies). Lets call it morale damage as you futiley watch your ally slip from your grasp toward imminent peril. Roll the damage and apply it to your HP total, please.

The futility of your attempt to grab your companion as the furious waters wildly accelerate her toward you is realized. The slippery rock, the impossible grip due to your soaked hands, and the pace of her helpless body in the water serve to foil your efforts to bring her to safety. Its all you can do to keep your perch atop the rock.

As you watch her tumble, head over heels, in the rapids, careening off of rocks (possibly unconscious), you hear your Master say behind you "...such heroic will be your undoing."

What are you doing? If you're going to DD to try to rescue her, go ahead and roll it (Con if you're going to swim for it). You'll definitely eat some rocks on a 7-9 but you'll get her and neither of you will go over the edge in the waterfall which is at about Far Range. If you can come up with some awesome, "quick thinking" plan, you can use Int for your DD. On a 6-...look out. You'll also need to roll some kind of DD to avoid your Master's attack, of which you can take + 1 (earned from RoS) to do so.

If you don't attempt to rescue your companion, she's toast. Do so and you open your up to a potentially lethal barrage...which is the point, of course. Decisions, decisions.

Let me know what you plan to do.


The clouds unfurl and roll in like a giant, dark, and airy behemoth. Thunder clatters. A stroke of lightning breaks the gathering twilight. If you had any thoughts before that the trail may hold more than a passing moment, they're surely dashed now.


The girl's shrill cry again cuts the air, tearing you from your thoughts. You can hear her small feet pounding the crunchy, forest ground beneath her. The hunt will not be on for long...

As you look down into the deep dark of the ravine where the cave and its clear, slimy trail reside, your mind reflexively estimates the distance between yourself and the cry.

At the sound of the second scream, the familiar presence of Rawr nestles up against me. I drop a hand down to scratch the fur behind his ears and I feel his tense gaze falling upon the the trail of the creature. I know my friend desires to pursue the trail, but the terror and helplessness behind the scream gives me pause. Squatting down, I whisper into my companions ear, "What do you think? Can you smell any humans nearby that are responding to those screams?"

[sblock]Discern Realities with Bear Assist (+ 1 for Cunning). 2d6 + 3 = 11. On a 10 + I get to ask 3 questions from the list. I'll ask:
What is about to happen?
What should I be on the lookout for?
What here is useful or valuable to me?​


1) A hard move against you as damage from your Master is sufficient for your first complication from your DD @ 6-.

2) On your The Riddle of Steel to Discern Realities, the earned answer to your question of "what is the Master about to do" is:

He is without mercy. a hardened warrior of a millenia's worth of brutal warfare and the sole responsibility of relentlessly training the next generation of your people's elite, eldritch warriors. He has worked feverishly to instill an utterly spartan ethos within his students of "Only the Strong Survive." He believes that morality and compassion have no place in warfare. It is a sickness. One that he knows you possess and he expects you to be distracted by and work to save your companion. The moment you do so, he will attack ferociously.

You take + 1 when Making a Move related to this foreknowledge.

3) On your second complication from your Defend @ 6-, you eat 1d4 environmental damage (no armor applies). Lets call it morale damage as you futilely watch your ally slip from your grasp toward imminent peril. Roll the damage and apply it to your HP total, please.

What are you doing? If you're going to DD to try to rescue her, go ahead and roll it (Con if you're going to swim for it). You'll definitely eat some rocks on a 7-9 but you'll get her and neither of you will go over the edge in the waterfall which is at about Far Range. If you can come up with some awesome, "quick thinking" plan, you can use Int for your DD. On a 6-...look out. You'll also need to roll some kind of DD to avoid your Master's attack, of which you can take + 1 (earned from RoS) to do so.

If you don't attempt to rescue your companion, she's toast. Do so and you open your up to a potentially lethal barrage...which is the point, of course. Decisions, decisions.

Let me know what you plan to do.

Continuing the flow of battle, I continue my spin to align myself with my companion and burst forth with all haste. In the process of the spin, I use my foot in an attempt to splash water into the Master's eyes. Hopping that this will cause enough of a distraction to thwart his attack.

[sblock]Suffered 1 morale damge.

Defy Danger against Master's Attack

2d6+2 (DEX + RoS)= 9 or 2d6+4 (INT +RoS)= 11

Defy Danger to rescue her

2d6+1= 7[/sblock]

Squatting down, I whisper into my companions ear, "What do you think? Can you smell any humans nearby that are responding to those screams?"

Discern Realities with Bear Assist (+ 1 for Cunning)

What is about to happen?
What should I be on the lookout for?
What here is useful or valuable to me?​

1) Your keen ears and sense of spatial perception tells you that the girl doesn't have long before she is caught. Obviously she will be torn to pieces and made a meal of. They aren't far from you, but they're on the opposite slope from you. Cresting the ridge should bring them in eyeshot.

2a) These mad dogs hunt in voracious packs. There are always stragglers waiting for the last vestiges of the meal after the alphas and betas have had their fill. They're usually the hungriest...

2b) You needn't be on the lookout for humans. Your bear lets you know (through your primal magic of bestial communication) that it can smell no other humans around. His nose is a sure thing.

3) The ridge. You're just above a dark ravine. You'll have to make a quick climb up the slope to get to the high ground of the ridge (Defy Danger Str). From there, you'll be able to pinpoint the creatures and, hopefully, let loose a volley and save the girl.

Continuing the flow of battle, I continue my spin to align myself with my companion and burst forth with all haste. In the process of the spin, I use my foot in an attempt to splash water into the Master's eyes. Hopping that this will cause enough of a distraction to thwart his attack.

Int works for your first Defy Danger to evade the Master's attack. That looks like "quick thinking" (in the martial tradition) as much as anything else to me.

On your DD to save the girl, you'll get a soft move complication.

Your Master's killing stroke is foiled by your ploy. The slick, churning water splashes roughly into his face as he prepares to unleash a killing stroke. His sword slips from his hands and he reflexively reaches, and unbalances himself, to retrieve it before it is lost to the waters. The crash of the water is not accompanied by a yelp. He is far to proud and practiced to give into reflexive dismay or panic. The water carries him roughly after you.

As you explode into the water, you endure the harshness of your descent toward the fall's edge. Rocks abrade your skin and bruise your flesh but you care not. The superficial wounds don't register. Your eyes and will are firmly on your friend who will soon be lost to you. Before she goes over the edge, you are able to grab her cloak and a rock at the very precipice. You pull her to it and you and she grasps it with both arms, holding on for dear life.

The Master climbs a nearby rock as you gain your feet on another...your back right at the edge of the deadly (eg b[2d10] damage) falls. His posture is perfect. His weapon gleams. His eyes narrow.

On the other side, the Black Gates of Death’s Kingdom begin to open.

Voidrunner's Codex

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