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First Post
For a submission, do you want a full character sheet up front, or would a concept pitch suffice for now?

I've been in a bit of a rut of passive scholar/healer types lately, so I will probably be inclined towards a more active fighter/scout type.

Maybe a human or half-orc Fighter (Battlemaster), Ragesian- essentially a ronin (from a noble/military family loyal to the old emperor, and not happy with the new leadership- or actually outcast/hunted; maybe a friend/lover/family member was slain by the Inquisitors). Will think about/polish this up a bit more...


Torrent won't be with the party forever and I wouldn't call her "scholarly," but if you feel she steps on your toes having the same class let me know.
The NPC companions are less important than the PCs. I can rewrite/-build her any number of ways.

Not at all. I think my priest will have a very distinct role, and I'm happy to share the group with another cleric.

I'm about half-way done working out the character sheet and I'm working through a background. The Greek pantheon should work fine. He's shaping up to be a scholarly priest of Athena who serves as something of an inquisitor/exorcist in unusual criminal cases.


First Post
I actually have some characters I've been working on, a wood elf warlock. I also have a human rogue that might work in this also. Depends on how the party is shaping up to make it more well rounded.
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I'm finishing up a cleric/wizard but continuing fully with wizard after that. I'm shooting for a war wizard trained at Gabal's with a few skeletons in his closet. Hopefully, I'll have it posted tonight.


Okay, here's the pitch. I tried to make a character that would have a lot of hooks for the plot. I have a few fluff things that I might tweak depending on how this is received. I did have two questions. Are you open to me using the Arcane Focus: Staff as a quarterstaff? And would you be open to us customizing the personality (ideal, bond, etc...) bit of backgrounds?

Caleb Radin
[SBLOCK=Stat Block and Details]Height 5’10; Weight 190lbs; Hair: Sandy Blonde; Age: 20;
Sex: Male Race: Human (Variant)
Class: Cleric Level: 1 Class: Wizard Level: 1
Alignment: Lawful Good Size: Medium Type: Humanoid
Init: +1; Passive Perception:13
Languages: Common, Elvish, Draconic, Abyssal, Infernal, Celestial

AC: 17 (Scale Mail [14] + Dex [1] + Shield [2] HP: 16 HD: 1d8 and 1d6
Saving Throw Proficiencies: Wis, Chr
Speed: 30 ft.
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Combat gear:
Scale Mail (AC 14+ 1 Dex) : Disadvantage on Stealth
Staff (ATK: +1; Damage 1d6-1 Bludgeoning)
Light Crossbow (ATK +3; Damage 1d8+1 Piercing/80/320, loading, two-handed)

Str 8 (-1)
Dex 12 (+1)
Con 15 (+2) (Racial)
Int 16 (+3) (Racial)
Wis 13 (+1)
Cha 10 (+0)

Racial Traits:
Languages:Common and Elvish
Ability Score Increase: Intelligence and Constitution
Skill Proficiency: Performance
Feat: War Caster
Background: Sage
Skill Proficiencies: Investigation and Perception (swapped out due to duplicate proficiencies)
Additional Languages: Draconic, Abyssal
Equipment: A bottle of black ink, a quill, a small knife, a letter from a dead colleague posing a question you have not yet been able to answer, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp.
Feature: Researcher
Personality Trait: I'm willing to listen to every side of an argument before I make my own judgment.
Bond: I owe everything I am to a cause that I no longer believe in.
Ideal: Self-Improvement. The goal of a life of study is the betterment of oneself.
Flaw: I am easily distracted by the promise of information.

[SBLOCK=Class Features]Class Features: Cleric Lvl. 1
  • Three Cleric Cantrips
    Can prepare Two Cleric spells
    Cleric spell save DC:11
    Cleric spell attack modifier +3
    Ritual Casting of Cleric spells
    Spellcasting Focus (Holy Symbol)
Divine Domain: Knowledge
Domain Spells: Level One: Command, Identify
Blessings of Knowledge:
  • Learn Two Languages (Celestial, Infernal)
    Proficient in Two Skills and double their proficiency bonus: Arcana and History
Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons
Tools: None
Saving throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Proficient Skills from class: Insight, Religion

Class Features: Wizard Lvl. 1
  • Three Wizard Cantrips
    Spellbook with six 1st level spells
    Can prepare Four Wizard spells
    Wizard spell save DC:13
    Wizard spell attack modifier +5
    Ritual Casting of Wizard spells
    Spellcasting Focus (Arcane)
Arcane Recovery: May recover one expended first level spell slot during a short rest once per day

Familiar: A female owl named Lesya

[SBLOCK=Skills and Feats]All Proficient Skills
  • +7 Arcana (double proficiency bonus from Blessings of Knowledge)
    +7 History (double proficiency bonus from Blessings of Knowledge)
    +3 Insight
    +5 Investigation
    +3 Perception
    +2 Performance
    +5 Religion

War Caster:
  • Adv. On Con. Saving throws for Concentration checks
  • perform somatic components when holding weapon and shield
  • when creature provokes an OA can use reaction to cast spell at creature

[SBLOCK=Magic]Cleric Cantrips: Guidance, Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy
Cleric Prepared Spells: First Level: Guiding Bolt, Bless, (Domain) Command, (Domain) Identify
Wizard Cantrips:Firebolt, Minor Illusion, Ray of Frost
Wizard Known Spells (in spellbook): First Level:Find Familiar, Sleep, Shield, Magic Missile, Feather Fall, Detect Magic
Wizard Prepared Spells: First Level: Sleep, Shield, Magic Missile, Feather Fall
Spell Slots:
  • First Level: 3

From Cleric:
Scale Mail
Light Crossbow
20 Bolts
Explorer's Pack:
  • Backpack
    A bedroll
    A mess kit
    A tinderbox
    10 torches
    10 days of rations
    A waterskin
    50ft of hempen rope strapped to the side of the pack
Holy Symbol – an amulet emblazoned with an owl

From Background:
A bottle of black ink
A quill
A small knife
A letter from a dead colleague posing a question you have not yet been able to answer
  • A cryptographic puzzle posed to Caleb during the early days of his studies at Gabal's school by Tonskurn Granhammer, an elderly dwarven evoker. He had discovered the puzzle in a journal in the library of the Lyceum in Seaquen. The journal was written by Rastalil Cranstell, a gnomish archmage who lived centuries ago. The puzzle was supposed to reveal an aracane secret, but it has not been deciphered.
A set of common clothes
A belt pouch containing 10 gp.

Additional Equipment:
Spellbook: 50gp
Arcane Focus (Staff) – Can I use this as a quarterstaff as well?: 5gp
Find Familiar Casting - 10 gp

45 gold

[SBLOCK=Back Story]
Caleb Radin had been taught to hate Ragesia since before he could walk. His father, Daniel, was a member of the resistance against the Ragesian occupation forty years ago. Caleb's youth was filled with his father telling him stories of daring night time raids and narrow escapes. Of course, the hardest story to hear was when his father's luck ran out. Shortly before the occupation ended, Daniel was caught by a Ragesian patrol. He escaped, but not before a poisoned arrow struck his thigh. There was no cleric to help him and his friends feared what the poison would do if allowed to spread. Daniel lost his leg that night and with it went any chance of a normal life.

Daniel never said an ill word about Caleb's mother, but only because he refused to speak about her. Whoever she was, she had never been a part of Caleb's life. He and his father lived on the streets begging for whatever scraps they could get. It was a hard life and Caleb's father had been old when he was born. Daniel could feel his health slipping from him and fear for his son began to consume him. Caleb was only eight years old when his father managed to attract the attention of an elven priestess of Athena that was passing through the city. Daniel begged for her to have mercy on his son and help him to have the life that he deserved. Perhaps the desperation in Daniel's voice spoke to her because she stopped and asked to see Caleb. She spoke with both of them and even took them to a nearby tavern for a meal. She told Daniel that she saw something in the boy and offered to take Caleb as an apprentice. With a tearful goodbye, he sent his son away in the hope of a better life for him.

That hope would be misplaced. Nisalin was a kind and good woman, but she did not become Caleb's benefactor out of kindness. She had been sent into Gate Pass to recruit someone just like him. A young child of Gate Pass with a talent for magic, a hate for Ragesia, and a pliable mind. Nisalin took her young charge with her to begin his training for the Shining Land of Shahalesti. It was a subtle beginning as he began his training in the temple of Athena. He sang hymns during worship services. He was taught new languages and treated incredibly well. The rhetoric of the evils of Ragesia and their infernal helpers rang true with his father's stories. He would spend the next ten years learning the wisdom of Athena and beginning his arcane studies. He was even blessed to one day have Athena answer his prayers and grant him some of her power. Nisalin saw this as a sign to acclerate his training.
Over time, Caleb became convinced that the only way to truly have peace in the land was for Ragesia to be toppled and Lord Shaaladel be allowed to bring his beneficent reign to the embattled nations around them. Athena's wisdom would allow the flower of peace to grow in the salted lands of Ragesia through the radiant might of the Shahalesti. Caleb had been blessed by Athena and had begun to practice the arcane arts to further the goals of the Shahalesti.

Those goals were made clear to Caleb on his eighteenth birthday. Nisalin told him that he would be returning to Gate Pass to serve Lord Shaaladel. Caleb was elated. His mission was to spy on the happenings of Gate Pass and look for ways to make the city ready for liberation to Shahalesti. As a cover, he would be enrolled at Gabal's School to train as a war mage. Gabal's students were often used in the defense and fortification of the city. It would be a perfect place to discover the strengths and weaknesses of the city and report them back.

Caleb's training had prepared him well for Gabal's classes, and he quickly excelled. To his great joy, he was the first student in his class to successfully summon a familiar. His came in the holy form of his goddess. The owl, Lesya, became a constant companion and encouragement to pursue wisdom in his tasks. If he was to be covert, perhaps he should not excel. Heeding the wisdom of his new partner, Caleb worked hard to remain average among his classmates despite loving his studies. He didn't want to draw attention to himself by being a joke or a threat to the other students. Instead, his goal was to befriend as many people as possible.

His strategy was more successful than he imagined as he developed a friendship with a girl attending the school, Naromi. In the close confines of the school day after day, their friendship blossomed into an attraction that grew into a relationship. While Caleb tried to convince himself that he was just protecting his cover, that lie didn't make it to his heart. Over the months that they were together, he grew to love her and her words carried more and more weight to him. She spoke horribly of Ragesia which he understood, but she was also critical of Shahalesti. She spoke of freedom as being worth fighting for... even dying for. Caleb realized that she sounded just like his father used to and slowly started to question his mission.

Caleb was only beginning to question himself when Naromi revealed something else. She had been invited to a meeting with the Resistance. Apparently, the people of Gate Pass had never stopped their vigilance after Ragesia drew back more than thirty years ago. They had prepared for the day that the truce would fail and either Ragesia or Shahalesti would try to take the city. With an infectious joy, she invited Caleb to join her. With a smile, he agreed and proceeded to silently catalog every scrap of information he could pick up from the meeting. Caleb was torn. Athena was silent on where his loyalty should lie. His heart and his mind were in turmoil. In desperation, he fell back on his training and reported the news to his superiors. His heart sank as the orders cambe back to further infiltrate the group.

With a mole inside the Resistance, the Shahalesti grew bolder and began sneaking in more agents to Gate Pass, even further infiltrating the school. Caleb began to feel trapped by the Shahalesti. His independence was gone as his handlers were now constantly near him except when he would go to the Resistance cell. Every Resistance meeting that Caleb went to, he listened to the stories and passion of the people. He remembered his father's stories and the seed of doubt in his heart sprouted to rebellion. He was too scared and ashamed to reveal the truth to the Resistance and Naromi. Instead, he planned to flee the city and contact Naromi later. He diligently prayed to Athena for wisdom as he developed his plan. He had heard of the Lyceum in Seaquen and thought that might provide a place to lay low and grow in his abilities.

As he was preparing to flee, news came of an approaching Ragesian army. The immortal emperor, Coaltongue, had apparently been assassinated. His throne had been seized by Leska who had called for the Scourge, a rounding up of every magic user they could find in the name of security. The Scourge was coming to Gate Pass and the city sealed their gates. Caleb was at a loss for how to get away. He heard news through the Resistance that something big was happening and that a group might have to flee the city afterwards. Caleb leapt at the opportunity.

He quickly scrawled a vague note for Naromi telling her only that he loved her, but that he had to leave and would contact her when he could. He appealed to his handlers to let him take his urn alone to the shrine for the Festival of Dreams with the story that it was custom to go alone. The excuse seemed to work and he left to carry his urn to the shrine. He quietly placed his wish for peace among the land inside the urn and ran away into the night to make his way to the Poison Apple Pub. [/SBLOCK]
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Kyrrie's primary focus is battlefield control. The thought is to give advantage to my allies with shield bash where possible and provide spell support too, whether neutralising fear effects or casting faerie fire or healing word in a real emergency as a ranged "Get the hell back up" spell.Once lv 3 in bard, he will go with lore, then get to lv3 in fighter for Battlemaster, going with manoeuvres such as manoeuvring attack, goading attack and probably riposte, just because it's riposte.He's sort of meant to be a character who is eager to prove himself in a dark world. He has certain expectations on him, but he doesn't know if he can fulfil them, however, due to a good upbringing, albeit, one which ended in tragedy, he'll likely be successful in proving himself so long as he survives long enough to do so, due to his selfless and 'team focused' attitude.BY THE WAY, if you want to change Kyrries' surname and or his fathers name to fit someone in the story, please don't hesitate. The same goes for the general who might be coming after Kyrrie.[sblock=Initial Character Details]Kyrrie Falothian - 16 year old Human male (traces of elvish heritage)Class: Fighter 1 - Bard 1Background (Custom): Father was a folk hero, mother was a half-elf.[sblock=Stats]Attributes:STR 16 +3DEX 10 +0CON 14 +2INT 10 +0WIS 10 +0CHA 14 +2Saves:-Str*+5-Dex-Con*+4-Int-Wis-Cha+2[/sblock][sblock=Combat stats]HP: 19AC: 18 (Chainmail+Shield)Spell save DC: 12Spell attack bonus: +4Attack: Longsword +5 - 1d8+5 slashing (Versatile d10)Bonus Action: Shield Bash - Special opposed strength roll (+5)Attack: Handaxe +5 - 1d6+5 slashing (or 1d6+3 thrown) (Rng20/60)Attack: Longbow +2 - 1d8+0 piercing (Rng150/600)[/sblock][sblock=Skills,tools and Languages]Skills:-Athletics (class - fighter)-Perception (class - fighter)-Performance (class - bard)-Persuasion (racial)-Animal Handling (background)-Survival (background)Tools:-Flute
-Smiths tools-Herbalism KitLanguages:-Common-Elven[/sblock][sblock=Feats]Shield Mastery[/sblock][sblock=Class Features]Fighter:-Fighting Style (Duelling)-Second Wind 1d10+fl/sh restBard:-Spellcasting-Bardic Inspiration 1d6 2/day[/sblock][sblock=Spells]Orisons: Vicious Mockery, LightKnown (4): Faerie Fire, healing word, heroism, Comprehend languages2x1st lv slots[/sblock][/sblock][sblock=Background]Background - Custom - Father was a Folk HeroKyrrie grew up with maybe the best upbringing child could hope for. Though his father Kythor Falothian was wealthy from his days fighting evil, both he and Kyrrie's mother Varliyra, a half-elven musician believed he should be raised in the countryside so he could learn to appreciate the simple things in life.At the same time, Kythor taught Kyrrie how to hunt and gather, how to fight and when they were back at the homestead, how to work with animals both on the farm and in the wild, how to use the forge to smith as well as how to repair weapons and armor.Whilst his father taught him those things, his mother taught him how to play instruments, how to perform and how to express himself. He found himself to be a natural musician, eventually finding whisps of magic interwoven with old songs, primarily through his flute. His mother told him that some of his elven ancestors had the ability to tap into the old songs too and that for him to learn further and hone his skills was his destiny. His mother then made certain he knew of his heritage, teaching him the elven language along with some of the secrets she learnt from her mother about herbalism. Finally, though he is not particularly gifted in using his senses as his mother was, she did teach him to sharpen them to a degree.As a result of his healthy upbringing and development of a wide variety of skills, Kyrrie has developed into a strong, healthy and charming teenager. He is well liked and respected by the surrounding community who knew his father for his heroic deeds and believe the same fate awaits his son.What Kyrrie's father had not told him is that when he retired, a nasty military general, Tozae Korta had desperately wanted him dead, however the emperor had veto'ed such action out of respect for his enemy. After the emperor died, Tozae immediately set out and executed Kyrrie's father. Kyrrie was sheltered by neighbours and survived, however, returned to the destroyed farmstead to find his fathers burnt corpse and his mother missing. A scroll placed in his fathers mouth read "You are next child, I WILL find you". The words were written in blood.After wrapping his father, he salvaged what he could from home and buried the body deep in the ground.He played a song of mourning on his flute for his father before heading off, in need of direction after the tragedy that befell him.His father has told him once that if trouble ever befell the family, that Kyrrie should make his way to Seaquen, where he might find an old friend to his father from his adventuring days. Harbourmaster Lee Sidoneth was his name and when Kyrrie met up with the man, he was allowed to stay with him just for one night, before the man told him to flee to Gate Pass for safety. He gave Kyrrie the name of his student, someone who could watch over Kyrrie by the name of Torrent.When he arrived at Gate Pass, he found it tricky asking around for the Cleric as townsfolk didn't know Kyrrie and suspected him of being an inquisitor. When Torrent ambushed him from a side alley and knocked him out, he awoke in front of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his entire life. Once he gave her the name of her mentor, Torrent knew he was genuine and let him go.Since he explained to her he was learning to become a warrior, she laughed at the young boy, especially when he told her he was also learning to tap into old elven magics. After all, in Torrents mind there is no such thing as a tough arcane spellcaster, which she promptly informed him he was. When he found out that Torrent was going to be a part of some sort of resistance effort, Kyrrie demanded he join. With a certain level of stubbornness on both sides, Torrent only relented when Kyrrie mentioned his fathers name, an old hero she had heard of in the past who was once a great warrior. With that, she let the child come with her to the meeting, though she hoped she would not regret bringing him as a potential liability. She also hoped her teachers judgment had originally been well placed...Traits: 2 (Help others), 5 (instil confidence)Ideal: RespectBond: 4 (tools)Flaw: 1 (tyrant wants me killed)Feature: Rustic Hospitality[/sblock][sblock=Equipment]The following is equipment that Kyrrie was able to salvage from his parents homestead, most of which was hidden away safely underneath the stone floor of the forge in case of such a contingency. His father left him the following from his days adventuring:-His Steel shield 6lb-His longsword 3lb-2 hand axes 4lb-His Chain-mail 35lb-Smiths tools 8lb-6 bags of caltrops 12lb-An explorers pack 59lbA healers kit 3lb-Travellers clothes - Green, to help him blend into the environment, a note attached "to keep you warm and safe on your travels" 4lb-X amount of goldFrom his mother in the same stash, he found:-A herbalism kit 3lb-A flute, hand carved by his mother 1lb-Commoners clothes - hand made by his mother, a note attached "So you never forget who you are". 3lbKyrrie scavenged the following from the ashes:-Shovel (for burying his dad) 5lb-Iron pot (Sentimental reasons) 10lbWhen he left, he purchased:-another 2 hand axes 4lb-a longbow 2lb-100 arrows 5lb-a whetstone 1lb-9 candles --9 oil flasks 9lb177/240lbsGold remaining: 24gp[/sblock]
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I will be working on my character tomorrow.

Looks like the have bard/fighter and cleric/wizard.

I might play a rogue then.

Actually, though I'll be playing a bard/fighter rules-wise, my idea for him was more something like that of 'Link' from the Zelda games. I won't be referring to myself as a bard. I sort of, have tapped into these old spells from old songs and a lot of it is going to be utility based (especially ritual spells).

In the battlefield, I'm going to play like a fighter with some weird tricks like being able to make myself/others fearless or knocking enemies prone or using that handy bonus action spell "holy word" to revive an ally.I guess I'm trying to custom build a warlord of some sort.

Please don't be discouraged from playing a pure bard on my behalf. They're very good. I just had a certain concept in my head that needed a couple of bard levels. If it's really a concern to you, I can change it, but again I stress I'm conceptually not a bard in game.
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Steve Gorak

Hey guys!

I'd like to throw my hat in the ring too. Is material from the Unearthed Arcana articles accetable? I'm thinking of playing a (paladin or rogue)/warlock multiclass, and the warlock patron would be the Undying light (see page 3).
This is for RP purposes, but could tie in nicely with the setting.
Would this source material be acceptable?
Thanks and cheers,


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