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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Oh dear...)

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I'm going to try and catch BvS in the theaters. Which means I'll probably watch it on Blu-ray in a few months. I still regret not seeing MoS on the big screen; I let myself be swayed by it's critics (and generally laziness) and gave it a pass in the theaters. When I finally saw it, I found it's one of my top 5 superhero films. I spent a month watching pieces of it on HBO every time I happened across it.

Bottom line is I find Zack Snyder to be too good at the parts of film-making he's good at to make an uninteresting movie. And some of the popular critiques of his films just make no sense to me. I see MoS as grand and somber and elegiac; a lovely evocation of Superman as both American immigrant with a bit of American Christ thrown in. It's sheer sense of scale, pitting Superman against a world-threatening, umm, threat, was great. I don't see how that barrage of gorgeously de-saturated Americana got labelled "grim & gritty". Those... are not the right words for the film. Even considering the neck-snapping at the end. It wasn't like Supes went all Rorschach on General Zod.

Maybe I'll think BvS is terrible. The trailers kinda make it look like the film MoS's harshest critics made it out to be. But I'll give it shot. Snyder's been interesting so far.


Staff member
MoS made nearly $700m with production budget of $225m; it did pretty well. There's almost zero chance BvS won't be a commercial success.

Depends on whether they're looking at the movie in question using standard accounting or "Hollywood" accounting. Remember that Eddie Murphy's Coming to America lost money using the latter system, despite grossing $400m+ worldwide on a $40m budget.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Depends on whether they're looking at the movie in question using standard accounting or "Hollywood" accounting. Remember that Eddie Murphy's Coming to America lost money using the latter system, despite grossing $400m+ worldwide on a $40m budget.

They use the two methods for different things. The former for deciding if they should do this again; the latter for paying taxes and profit shares.


Well that's your opinion man. Personally I think it was a mistake to have Snyder direct Watchmen and Man of Steel, as his 'style' was a wrong fit for both properties.

I will admit to liking 300. But hey, it's Frank Miller, and I think his grim n' gritty comics fits Snyder's style quite well.

I find some irony here, because BvS is supposed to be heavily inspired/influenced by the Frank Miller graphic novel The Dark Knight Returns. With TDKR as the inspiration for the film, you'd think Snyder would be as much a fit for it as he was for 300.


Naked and living in a barrel
Here's another review. I post it with three warnings:

- It is spoilery
- This boy loves his thesaurus
- If you read it all the way through, you'll want to open a major artery


BVS is a visit to father confessor and obeisance to mother dominatrix. It'll make you feel like :):):):) and you'll go back again, and again, and again, because it's what you deserve, isn't it, worm? I know this because it's what we all deserve.
Damn. That made me want to see it even more.

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