The Nolan trilogy was fine (yes, even the third one, which if nothing else, has Hathaway to elevate it) but the welcomeness of its premise had worn thin before it ended and Nolan's lack of understanding of these things we humans call "emotions" really undermines a lot of his work. I might actually like the first one the best, as legendary as Heath Ledger was as the Joker.
Burton Batman movies were weird in a different way from being comic booky and had a lot of really strange decisions that make them not hold up super great but Keaton and Pfeiffer were as always excellent.
The Schumacher films were high camp at their highest and campiest, which makes them way more fun to re-watch these days. Jim Carrey at his Jim Carrey-iest? Ice puns? "Holey rusted metal Batman!"? Classic. Beautiful. Yes, please, give me all of it.