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D&D 5E [5e] QL's Al-Qadim Game

This is what I have so far. Need to work on my background.

Name: Salahuddin al-Hafayah
Race: Human
Class: Warlock 11
Background: Genie-Touched
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Experience: 85000

Strength: 10 (+0)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 20 (+5)

AC: 17 (Mage Armor w/ Cloak of Protection)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft
HP: 80
Hit Dice: 11 d8+2
Proficiency Bonus: +4

Attack Range To Hit Damage Special
Eldritch Blast 120 ft +11 2 x 1d10 Each d10 is a separate beam requiring
separate rolls (PHB 237)

Wis, Cha, Con


Acrobatics: +3
Animal Handling: +1
*Arcana: +5
Athletics: +0
*Deception: +9
History: +1
Insight: +1
Intimidation: +5
*Investigation: +5
Medicine: +1
Nature: +1
Perception: +1
Performance: +5
*Persuasion: +9
Religion: +1
Sleight of Hand: +3
*Stealth: +7
Survival: +1

Passive Perception: 11

Languages: Midani, Elvish, Dwarvish, Primodial, Jannti
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: Tinker’s Tools


Resilient [Constitution]:
I gain proficiency with Constitution saving throws. [+1 Constitution]

War Caster:
Advantage on Con saves to maintain concentration on spells when damaged. Perform somatic components even when holding weapons or shield in one or both hands. Cast spell of 1 action casting time that targets only one creature instead of an opportunity attack.

Human (+1 to two different ability scores of my choice)

Skills: I gain proficiency in one skill of my choice.

Feat: I gain one feat of my choice.

Feature: Of Two Worlds
You have been marked by the eldritch forces of genie-kind. This is obvious to any genie, and to anyone who casts detect magic on you. Those who see your mark will be taken aback at a minimum, and genies will likely tread cautiously around you, lest they accidentally break one of the laws of their kind.

Warlock, level 11:
Otherworldly Patron (Warlock 1, PHB 107)
The Noble Genie
Genie Lore
Starting at 1st level, your Noble Genie patron teaches you the Primordial language, and
grants you advantage on all checks to recognize the works of geniekind, such as genie
illusions, spells, curses, and genie prisons. When you identify a genie as such, you instinctively
realize whether it is noble or not, and whether it is a dao, djinni, efreeti, ghul, janni, marid, or
tasked genie.

Gen Servant:
Starting at 1st level, your Noble Genie patron teaches you the find familiar spell (which
doesn't count against your number of spells known) and you can cast it as a ritual. The Noble
Genie grants Starting at 1st level, your Noble Genie patron teaches you the find familiar spell
(which doesn't count against your number of spells known) and you can cast it as a ritual. The
Noble Genie grants you a gen, a small elemental familiar who helps counsel you about
geniekind and provides you with spells. Your gen familiar resembles a tiny degenerate version
of the kind of genie your patron is (dao, djinni, efreeti, or marid); these are called daolanin,
djinnling, efreetikin, and maridan respectively. Gen tend to be Neutral in alignment, though
they often take on the alignment and personality traits of their master. Any time you witness
or research a spell of a level you can cast, as a bonus action you can send your gen familiar to
retrieve the spell for you. It vanishes to travel to another location or plane. How it achieves
this is up to the gen (and the terms you set out for it), but at your next short rest your gen
returns to you with the spell which you may add to your spells known. Keep track of how
many spells your gen retrieves over your adventuring career. The maximum number of
retrieved spells you may have is equal to your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus,
reflecting the limit of your gen's abilities. If you wish to send your gen to retrieve further
spells, you must sacrifice one of the spells you already know to the gen which it uses as a
bargaining tool in its negotiations for the new spell you seek.
Elemental Protection
At 6th level, you gain protection against elemental forces, granting you advantage on your
saving throws against elemental creatures, as well as exposure to flames, waters, winds, or the
forces of earth. This also allows you to survive on any of the Inner Planes without the need for
spell protection.

Genie Binding:
Starting at 10th level, you can call a genie to magically bind it to its word and you can craft a genie prison.

Call a Genie:
You learn the conjure elemental spell if you don't know it already, and you can use the spell to summon a genie of a specified type (or by name, if you know a genie personally). Doing so breaks the normal limit on the summoned elemental's challenge rating. However, the genie is not necessarily friendly and its service must be won through some combination of persuasion, threats, blackmail, payment, promises, and favors. Whatever terms of the agreement, the genie is magically bound to uphold them to the letter.

Craft a Genie Prison:
Gain proficiency with one form of artisan's tools if you don't have such proficiency already. With these
tools you can fashion a genie prison which requires 20 days of work; the end product is worth 100 gp. After fashioning the prison, you must use it within 10 days or its magic expires. While within 100 ft of a genie you can see, you may take an action to trap it in the prison; the genie makes a Charisma saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. Success means the genie remains free, knows who just tried to trap it, and the same prison cannot be used against it for 24 hours. Failure means the genie is trapped within the prison until the prison is shattered or the genie is released in a manner defined by you at the time you imprison it. The maximum number of imprisoned genies you may have at any given time is equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Furthermore, imprisoning a genie is considered a hostile act and can earn you bad blood among other genies of the type you've imprisoned, not to mention the undying loathing of the individual genie you imprisoned.
Common conditions for releasing a genie from a prison include:
• The genie will be an indentured servant of whoever liberates it from the prison for a period between 100 to 1,001 days.
• The genie will grant three wishes to whoever next summons it from the prison.
• The genie remains imprisoned until a period of time elapses, up to a maximum of 100 years.
• The genie will remain imprisoned until a certain event you define comes to pass.
• The genie will remain imprisoned until a certain type of individual touches the prison (e.g. an honest thief).

Pact Magic (Warlock 1, PHB 107) [4 cantrips & 11 spells known]
I can cast warlock cantrips/spells that I know, using Charisma as my spellcasting ability
I can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus
I regain these spell slots on a short rest

Eldritch Invocations (Warlock 2, PHB 107) [5 invocations known]

Armor of Shadows (Eldritch Invocation, PHB 110)
I can cast Mage Armor on myself at will, without spell slots or material comp. (PHB 256)

Tasked Genie Bond (Eldritch Invocation)
You bind a tasked genie (a lesser genie whose nature has changed to suit its specific duties)
to serve you, with certain agreed upon conditions. Choose a tasked artisan, messenger, or
valet genie. The tasked genie will obey commands only within the terms of your contract.
Thus a valet genie may taste your food and defend you from hostile creatures, but it will not
attack bandits unprovoked or spend a year building a tower.

Agonizing Blast (Eldritch Invocation, PHB 110)
I can add my Charisma modifier to the damage of my Eldritch Blast cantrip

Voice of the Chain Master (Eldritch Invocation, PHB 111)
While on the same plane as my familiar, I can communicate telepathically with it
Also, I can perceive through its senses and have it speak with my voice while doing so

Devil's Sight (Eldritch Invocation, PHB 110)
I can see in magical and nonmagical darkness out to 120 ft

Pact of the Chain (Warlock 3, PHB 107)
I can cast Find Familiar as a ritual (PHB 240); Also Imp/Pseudodragon/Quasit/Sprite
When taking the attack action, I can forgo 1 attack to have my familiar attack instead
It makes this 1 attack by using its reaction

Mystic Arcanum (Warlock 11, PHB 108) [6th level]
I can choose one spell from the warlock spell list of each level mentioned above
I can cast these spells each once per long rest without needing to use a spell slot

Bag of Holding, with:
- Book of lore
- Ink, 1 ounce bottle of
- Ink pen
- Parchment, sheets of
- Little bag of sand
- Small knife
- Tinker's tools
Rod arcane focus
Scroll case with genie teachings
Small token of your time among the genie courts
Fine clothes
Dagger x 2
Light crossbow and 20 Bolts
Pouch w/ 10 gp

Magic Items: (*Attuned)
*Rod of the Pact Keeper +2
*Cloak of Protection
Bag of Holding
Decanter of Endless Water

Age: 35
Height: 6’ 4”
Weight: 185 lbs
Eyes: Black
Skin: Olive
Hair: Black

Cantrips: (Save DC: 19) Spell Attack: +11
Eldritch Blast
Lightning Lure
Minor Illusion

Spells Known: (Save DC: 19) Spell Attack: +11
Slots: 3
1st Level:
Hellish Rebuke
Find Familiar (R)

2nd Level:

3rd Level:
Hunger of Hadar
Hypnotic Pattern

4th Level:

5th Level:
Conjure Elemental
Hold Monster

Mystic Arcanum
6th Level: Investiture of Flame

Personality Traits: Mortal majesty and authority just don't matter to me anymore.

Ideals: Change: The ephemeral mortal world's only virtue is change. (Chaotic)

Bonds: I made it back to the mortal world only by paying a terrible price.

Flaws: Magical creatures are drawn to me and I to them.



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First Post
That familiar is pretty nuttily powerful...but you could use Tome to get Find Familiar too. Is the Gen something you can only get via the improved familiar feature?

Quickleaf can chime in if I'm wrong But I believe I would get the Gen as a base feature plus Find Familiar as a known spell. Going chain just gives me a more powerful Gen and the other benefits of chain. Tome would give me rituals which would be nice.


First Post
If you get a familiar who can find spells for you without being Chain, then I'd say go for Tome and get Find Familiar as a normal ritual.

And this is coming from someone who loves improved familiars.

But at level 11, the value of improved familiars is substantially less, I find. There's lots of other ways to get free scouting, and being able to touch at range is only useful if you know touch-range spells to begin with. And critters at our level will be oneshotting even improved familiars the moment the little buddy shows that he is an asset worth spending an attack on.

Wheras a Tome just gets better with every level.


Quickleaf can chime in if I'm wrong But I believe I would get the Gen as a base feature plus Find Familiar as a known spell. Going chain just gives me a more powerful Gen and the other benefits of chain. Tome would give me rituals which would be nice.

The gen familiar is a feature of the Noble Genie pact. All warlocks following the pact get a gen familiar.

This familiar uses the gen (CR 1/8) stats in the playtest doc.

However, if you choose Pact of the Chain, you can replace those CR 1/8 gen stats with stats for a mephit of your choice (CR 1/4 - CR 1/2). This allows you to use your gen/mephit more offensively and do some mean tricks involving its Death Burst trait if you're so inclined.

I know The Complete Sha'ir's Handbook has details on improved gens, so I am looking at ways to inform the design of an "improved gen" using that, but I need a conceptual/story space for the concept and haven't gotten around to the heavy-lifting of the design work yet.

So for now, that's what we've got!


So debating changing Chain for Tome. Either would fit the concept I have. What does everyone think?

Looking over the rules for Pact of the Chain, I'm kinda wondering whether the baseline Noble Genie pact should grant find familiar as a ritual? Or maybe just find familiar as a known spell, and that's it. Hmm. The less it treads on the toes of Pact of the Chain the better.

Looked over the character mechanics and everything looks pretty tight with two exceptions...

1. I think we had Jannti as a dialect of Primordial, just like Auran, Aquan, Ignan, and Terran are mutually intelligible dialects of Primordial. Anyhow, that's how 5e handles it. So you have Jannti & Primordial listed...you could instead pick Jannti and one of the other dialects (which would be useful so you could appear as native speaker among the corresponding genies), or Jannti and another language altogether. I'll post a list of languages here...

[SBLOCK=Languages in Zakhara]

2. I have mixed thoughts about investiture of flame. I think I'd be OK with it if there was a compelling background reason for Salahuddin to know that spell (e.g. pacted to the Grand Sultan of the Efreet), otherwise I'd say pick a different spell for your Mystic Arcanum.
Last edited:


[MENTION=6803188]VLAD the Destroyer[/MENTION] (and anyone also looking for a character reference) I put together a list of Arabian/Persian-esque fantasy character art...

Male Any

Male Mages

Male Warriors

Male Rogues

Male Clerics/Mystics/Monks

Male Genies
http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll178/MagickSpirits/God amp Goddess 02_zpsiqgaqd9c.jpg~original

Female Genies

Female Any

Female Mages

Female Warriors

Female Rogues

Female Clerics/Monks/Mystics

Looking over the rules for Pact of the Chain, I'm kinda wondering whether the baseline Noble Genie pact should grant find familiar as a ritual? Or maybe just find familiar as a known spell, and that's it. Hmm. The less it treads on the toes of Pact of the Chain the better.

Looked over the character mechanics and everything looks pretty tight with two exceptions...

1. I think we had Jannti as a dialect of Primordial, just like Auran, Aquan, Ignan, and Terran are mutually intelligible dialects of Primordial. Anyhow, that's how 5e handles it. So you have Jannti & Primordial listed...you could instead pick Jannti and one of the other dialects (which would be useful so you could appear as native speaker among the corresponding genies), or Jannti and another language altogether. I'll post a list of languages here...

[SBLOCK=Languages in Zakhara]

2. I have mixed thoughts about investiture of flame. I think I'd be OK with it if there was a compelling background reason for Salahuddin to know that spell (e.g. pacted to the Grand Sultan of the Efreet), otherwise I'd say pick a different spell for your Mystic Arcanum.

Yeah granting Find Familiar as a ritual does step on the toes of the Pact of the Chain. Perhaps only granting it as a spell could alleviate that some. Though that does put a little of a spell tax on those that don't take the pact. Having to burn a spell slot if your Gen gets caught in an AoE might be rough. I guess another option would be remove the familiar part all together and just make it a means to get the extra spells. This would keep the feature without marginalizing the Pact of the Chain.

1. I was wondering about languages now that I have a list I might change some of them up. I got Jannti from my Background. Primordial came from Genie Lore class feature. I can change Primordial to one of the specific dialects but was following the class rules as written.

2. My plan was to take the investiture that corresponded to the Nobel Genie my pact was with. I was initially going to go with the Efreet but I might be changing that as I write up my background.

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