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D&D 5E Your one hope for D&D?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
You have one choice. The ability to choose one specific thing for D&D. Not a nebulous long term strategy change, but a specific thing. A book, a class, a movie, a thing.

What is it? Your one wish.

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A New Hope if you will? 4E Style Avenger. I want the armor-less holy assassin slaying people and maneuvering around the battle field like a pro. I can build a workable one(sort of) with a Paladin/Rogue but it's not the same. That is my one request for a class. There's other stuff I'd like to see fundamentally but since the system works as is and is easy to modify I'd like to see one of my favorite classes return.


One word... Planescape. All in one anniversary edition like White Wolf/Onyx did with their Old World of Darkness cores....


Can I choose a setting? I'd like an updated Dragonlance campaign setting. I don't need multiple books, something a around the size of, of a bit bigger than the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide would be nice.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I for one would like to see an Eberron Campaign Setting... but one that represents the design of 5e at its core. Not a timeline progression, but an alternate reality; a different canon. What Eberron at 998 YK would look like if it had been designed from 5e's core assumptions from the start. Mostly subtle changes, maybe one or two significant ones.


Victoria Rules
Just about everything I can think of would fall under 'long-term strategies' and you don't want those, so how's this:

A fully fleshed-out all-direction and preferably setting-neutral conversion guide covering all major elements of the game through all editions - yes, that includes 0-B/X-1-RC-2-3-3.5-4-Ess-5; the use of which would allow someone to take element x from edition y and easily and seamlessly convert or adapt (or adopt) it into their edition z game. Ideally, this would allow one to convert a 5e element into 2e just as easily as converting a B/X element into 4e or a 3.5e element into RC.

Want to put 1e weapon-vs.-armour type rules into 3e or 4e or 5e? Here's what to do.*
Want Dragonborn in your 0-1-2e game? Here's how they'd fit in, complete with racial level limits.*
Wnat a 4e skill system including skill challenges in your Basic game? Follow these steps.*

* - always followed by a quick review of possible knock-on effects and-or other required/suggested changes likely arising from this change.

Yes, this would be huge...probably several volumes...but I still want to see it done.


Tony Vargas

A full Warlord class, one not limited to just the 'Leader Role' it had in 4e.


No, wait, I can do better:

An "Art of War" book that does justice (and then some) to past-edition Martial options like the Warblade and Warlord, probably (why not) in the context of some expanded tactical rules (both improved TotM & 'grid'), and outright large-scale battle & stronghold rules to tie it all together.
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Some semblance of reasonable healing rules, where spending ten rounds in the Tarrasque's stomach acid, or taking a red dragon's breath weapon straight to the face, resulted in burns which required more than eight hours to heal. Even if it was one HP per level per day, and Hit Dice for healing weren't a thing, that would still go a long way toward making a fun game where the outcome of combat mattered.

Voidrunner's Codex

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