Kulan: Knightfall's Shackled City Legacy PbP Game [IC] (Game Cancelled)

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Kane frowns, "Hmmm. I know that other members of my order, who have been practicing longer than I, have developed Divination powers that allow them to locate a clearly visualized object; such a spell is beyond me, but perhaps one of you fine fellows? Bravec? Dorin?"

OOC: Does anyone have LOCATE OBJECT? If so, we could use it to locate the green, slimy stuff, or perhaps locate more Goblin feces! Hooray! :)

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World of Kulan DM
"No! Don't!"
Oleander is not really built for brute action, but is much more suited to feats of dexterity. He quickly launches himself forward, attempting to snatch the pipe from the man's hands.
Arinitam reacts instinctively to Oleander's rush towards him and steps back out of reach of the elf. Oleander catches a foot on a loose cobblestone and falls face first in the alley. The man has a bewildered look o his face mixed with some fear.

"Yous would rob me of my pipe," he says in shock. "Lady Ketisa said yous were here tos help."

When Brother Pi tries to do the same, he puts his back up to the wall and looks at them in fear. Pi fails to snatch the pipe away but does manage to trip over Oleander's prone form and tumble onto the cobblestones.

Arinitam laughs at the scene in front of him. He's momentarily forgotten about lighting his pipe. "What kind of heroes are yous twos?" he wags one finger at them. "I won't put up with any shenanigans, yous hear?"

OOC: I would say it is a Sleight of Hand check > 1d20+5=6 | Rolled a 1.

OOC: If Oleander does not make it, Brother Pi will attempt the same.
OOC: Sleight of Hand check > 1d20+3=4 | And again!

Doublechecking roller: 1d20+6=11 | Rolled a 5, so it's not broken.


World of Kulan DM
Bravec laughs heartily. It is a pleasant sound and he obvious laughs often as the laugh lines around his eyes are well worn in. "I like they way you think Dorin. Routing this rabble is only a minor step in your greater plan." He rubs his chin considering. "I lost their tracks almost immediately, so finding this underground lair and the horrors within may prove a bit of a challenge. As to profit, I am already indebted to this fine sail-maker and so my own motivation is clear. I expect he's taken a considerable loss already, but I will say that if we can find this goblin hole I expect there may be some profit and fame to be had. At the very least I'll stand you a round or two at the watering hole of your choice and regale this damsel you are keen on with tales which highlight your many fine qualities."
"If you find these goblins and put them to the sword," Vilmar replies. "I'll be in your debt, my friend. I can't have goblins mucking around my shop causing mischief."

Dorin tosses the stick into the water and moves to rejoin the group. He notes the sickened appearance of a few of them and decides it best to spare them the details. "These goblins come from a cave somewhere, most likely very near by. The evidence points to an absence of sustenance in their normal habitat thus causing them to wander here. However..."

His face scrunches up as he enters deep thought. His voice barely audible as he continues. "it could be that something larger than the goblins is driving them out of their home, forcing them to the surface. Maybe a hook horror... I ran the first time I saw one of those. Not ashamed, you'd run too if you were smart, but oh how I'd like to find one now to test my merit. I'd wager their cave to be close to the water, given goblins poor sense of direction it is unlikely they would wander to far away, hence the location of the vandalism and the proximity to the water... I wonder if this job would be a paying job? Step one, eliminate the goblin menace. Step two, become savior of the town. Step three, sweep the damsel off her feet. Step four... profit."

He shakes his head roughly as if trying to get water out of his hair and then looks around. He clears his throat and seemingly sums up his entire ramble by saying, "Indeed."
"Well, if you can find and deal with them, I'm sure I'll be able to pay you a bit of coin," Vilmar says. "However, if you want to earn a true contract for such work, I suggest you go to Mountain Hall and speak with someone from the Silver Guardians. Lord Shötte would be very interested in this information. If he asks how you came by it, drop my name and what happened here. He's a good fellow, well, for a frost giant. He's always had Cauldron's best interest at heart."

OOC: Lord Shötte is one of the members of the Order of the Silver Hand and highly respected even though he's considered quite young for a frost giant. As of this year, he is only 48 yeard old.

Kane frowns, "Hmmm. I know that other members of my order, who have been practicing longer than I, have developed Divination powers that allow them to locate a clearly visualized object; such a spell is beyond me, but perhaps one of you fine fellows? Bravec? Dorin?"
"If none of you can cast such a spell, I'm sure you'd be able to find someone in the city who can. Perhaps one of your order would be willing to help," Vilmar says to Kane. "While I don't know anything about magic besides your standard scuttlebutt, I'm sure you'd be able to get help from the priest's at the House of Boccob. or one of the other temples in the city. The Temple of the cat is close by and the Bastites are always looking to help with such things. Yondalla's Hearth is also nearby."

OOC: Kane knows that the Order of the Silver Hand has strong connections with the Temple of the Cat. And, of course, the Arch-Magus is a patron of the House of Boccob. He invited them into the city to take the place of the priests of Wee Jas who were deemed guilty in the Cagewright disaster.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Arinitam reacts instinctively to Oleander's rush towards him and steps back out of reach of the elf. Oleander catches a foot on a loose cobblestone and falls face first in the alley. The man has a bewildered look o his face mixed with some fear.

"Yous would rob me of my pipe," he says in shock. "Lady Ketisa said yous were here tos help."

When Brother Pi tries to do the same, he puts his back up to the wall and looks at them in fear. Pi fails to snatch the pipe away but does manage to trip over Oleander's prone form and tumble onto the cobblestones.

Arinitam laughs at the scene in front of him. He's momentarily forgotten about lighting his pipe. "What kind of heroes are yous twos?" he wags one finger at them. "I won't put up with any shenanigans, yous hear?"

"Explosive," Brother Pi mutters as he tries to get up from the ground. Dusting himself off, he looks Arinitam in the eyes.

"Apologies, but this is a highly explosive substance. One spark, and..."

The dwarf motions with his hands, moving them apart quickly as if holding a fast expanding invisible ball.


Kane frowns, "Hmmm. I know that other members of my order, who have been practicing longer than I, have developed Divination powers that allow them to locate a clearly visualized object; such a spell is beyond me, but perhaps one of you fine fellows? Bravec? Dorin?"

"Sorry, that spell is beyond my abilities."

"Well I would prefer an official contract. What say you Bravec, Kane?"

OOC: Dorin
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Dusting Off

Arinitam reacts instinctively to Oleander's rush towards him and steps back out of reach of the elf. Oleander catches a foot on a loose cobblestone and falls face first in the alley. The man has a bewildered look o his face mixed with some fear.
Oleander rolls to his feet and dusts off his clothing.

"Perhaps I should put on weight and take up axe fighting. That was terribly uncoordinated of me. I suppose we look all the part of some side street entertainment."

He laughs at himself.

"I would not rob you even if I were starving. Well," he laughs again. "Now that we have distracted you from lighting that thing. I will assure you our clumsy attempt at acquiring it was to save all our lives. That strange aroma is produced from oil of vitriol which is dangerously flammable.."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
The Dungeon Master said:
OOC: Kane knows that the Order of the Silver Hand has strong connections with the Temple of the Cat.

Kane says, "Perhaps we should go to the Temple of the Cat; my order has strong connections there. I'm sure one of their people could help. As for a contract, that sounds like a great idea; I'm less interested in the money, than I am in building a reputation in this city as a reliable agent of the law."


Bravec rubs his chin in thought, then smiles and nods. "I think official sanction and the pay that goes with it would be our best approach. If we can get this spell without too much coin up front then I say let's do it." He takes up the handle of his little wagon and adds, "we are burning daylight here, I say lets be on our way."


World of Kulan DM
"Explosive," Brother Pi mutters as he tries to get up from the ground. Dusting himself off, he looks Arinitam in the eyes.

"Apologies, but this is a highly explosive substance. One spark, and..."

The dwarf motions with his hands, moving them apart quickly as if holding a fast expanding invisible ball.
"What substance would that be, eh?" Arinitam looks on the ground and sniffs the air. "I don't smell anything odorous. Of course, my nose isn't good for smelling. It's been broken more than once, I tell yous."

Oleander rolls to his feet and dusts off his clothing.

"Perhaps I should put on weight and take up axe fighting. That was terribly uncoordinated of me. I suppose we look all the part of some side street entertainment."

He laughs at himself.

"I would not rob you even if I were starving. Well," he laughs again. "Now that we have distracted you from lighting that thing. I will assure you our clumsy attempt at acquiring it was to save all our lives. That strange aroma is produced from oil of vitriol which is dangerously flammable.."
"Oil of vitriol," Arinitam replies. "I don't think I've heard of anything like that before. But if your sure then I'll refrain from my habit." The man takes a close look at the wall where the marks had been after putting away his pipe. "I was sure I had scrubbed every little bit of it away."

He looks at the two young adventurers. "I will trust your better noses. Now, what can I dos tos get rid of the rest of this oil, if there is danger? We wouldn't want a stray spark tos burn down the Threads, eh."

Arinitam looks towards the wide throughfare of Magma Avenue. He watches as the avenue hustles and bustles with increased activity. The city is out in full force and a fine carriage rolls down the avenue towards the northern section of the city. He turns and looks at the two of them with some concern.

"Eh, what about the runoff from my cleaning earlier? Yous don't think that would be dangerous, dos yous?" He points towards the avenue. "There was a lot of smelly water and nasty bits that had tos be washed away. Most of it went intos the storm drains, I think, but I can't be sure."

The carriage's driver urges the horses on to go faster along the cobblestones of the avenue. The wheels ride rough over them. There isn't a spark, but could it happen.

"Ohs nos." Arinitam exclaims when he sees a young Bastite acolyte put a pot over a firepit. The young human quickly lights it. The air around him flares to life, and he quickly catches fire. He begins yelling and runs out into the street. He drops to the ground and tries to roll out the flames. Instead of smothering the fire, being closer to the ground causes the remaining oil on the avenue to ignite. There is a massive flash of flame along the ground. It streaks back along the cobbles towards the Threads of Destiny in a line of fire. Arinitam fails to get get out of the way before the flames rush under his feet towards Brother Pi and Oleander.

The firepit erupts into a massive explosion as more oil vapor finds it. The pot flies into the air like a ungainly firepot fires from a catapult. The horses pulling the wagon bolt. The carriage rushes out of control as the fire spooks the equines. The wheels of the wagon barely avoid catching fire as the horses rush into Star Park near the House of Stars. Flames rush towards the storm drains where the fouled oil was washed into earlier in the day.

OOC: Treating the initial flames heading towards Pi and Oleander as a fireball spell cast by a third-level wizard (3d6). Arinitam fails his save. The PCs get a +2 circumstance bonus because of prior knowledge. Make a Reflex save (DC 14).

If the flames reach the storm drains, there will be a much larger explosion (5d6, DC 16). Your PCs have mere moments to react. Some clean water or lots of dirt or sand should stop the flames. There is an adjacent alley that is clean of the oil. You guys can make straight Dexterity checks (DC 18) to smother the flames before they enter the drains. There is a +2 circumstance bonus if either of your PCs has the Run feat. (I can't remember if either of your PC's do.)


"Sorry, that spell is beyond my abilities."
"That's too bad," Vilmar replies. "I guess you'll have to find someone who can help."

"Well I would prefer an official contract. What say you Bravec, Kane?"
Kane says, "Perhaps we should go to the Temple of the Cat; my order has strong connections there. I'm sure one of their people could help. As for a contract, that sounds like a great idea; I'm less interested in the money, than I am in building a reputation in this city as a reliable agent of the law."
Kane knows that the person to speak to at the temple is Mistress Jendy Aslaxin. She and her acolytes are likely hard at work already. Kane looks in the direction of the temple. He knows that they likely did some sparring in the early morning and that now they are preparing to have their first meal of the day.

Bravec rubs his chin in thought, then smiles and nods. "I think official sanction and the pay that goes with it would be our best approach. If we can get this spell without too much coin up front then I say let's do it." He takes up the handle of his little wagon and adds, "we are burning daylight here, I say lets be on our way."
"All right, I'll send one of my boys to tell Lord Shötte to expect you," Vilmar replies. "Start with the Bastites and go from there. I will put out the word to some of my contacts to see if there has been any other vandalism t-"

An explosion in the distance interrupts Vilmar. Everyone nearby turns to look towards the sound of the explosion. Kane doesn't see the flames, but he does see smoke rising in the distance near the Temple of the Cat. The crowd gasp and watches as a line of flame rushes into the air, suddenly. The ground doesn't shake, but the trio of adventurers can hear yelling in the distance. Then you hear the high-pitched sound of horses neighing in fear.

"What was that?" Vilmar says with a terrified look on his face.

Many of the onlookers move away from the sound of the explosion to seek shelter. There is genuine fear in their eyes. The memories of what happened eight years ago still haunts many of them.

OOC: Time to bring everyone together! Note that your PCs can't get there in time to stop the flames from going into the storm drains, as the distance is too far.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Kane bolts into action!

The Dungeon Master said:
Kane sees the flames but he sees smoke rising in the distance near the Temple of the Cat.

OOC: I'm assuming, from the context of the entire sentence, that this is a typo, and that you meant to say: "...Kane doesn't see the flames, but he sees smoke rising..." and Kane is going to react accordingly. Please feel free to correct me if I have made an error. :)

Kane shouts, "That explosion came from the direction of the Cat Temple! Come on, fellows! We must hurry!"

And with that, Kane (still in disguise) begins rushing down the street, at full speed, the fastest ditch-digger anyone has ever seen, carrying a fully loaded pack as if it weren't even there... :)

OOC: Pursuit movement, x4 = 120 ft. Movement Rate. If he can't manage that speed, he'll go as fast as he possibly can.

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