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D&D 5E Mystic playtest...ugg this class is all over the place

ok, to be fair my game is not average. I have 2 powergamed melee combatants, one not powergamed but decent melee combatant, and a wizard on top of my mystic...

I also have the problem that the player who is playtesting the mystic is a complainer, he thinks fights are too tough when no PC gets to half hp in the fight (we still use bloodied from 4e),

OK, so we are 5th level. We have a 5th level totem of the bear hill dwarf barbarian (with just shy of 100hp and talking 1/2 damage most of the time he is unstoppable), a 5th level human fighter, a hill dwarf 3rd level ranger 2nd level monk (so he always gets 2 attacks, can make a 3rd with hoard breaker if two opponents near by and a 4th if he spends ki) a 5th level human necromancer, and the 5th level mystic.

The mystic gets d8+1+con mod hp per level, so he has more then the ranger/monk more then the necromancer a few less then the fighter and a lot less then the barbarian... but he also gets int mod temps every round

The mystic has the second worst AC in the game (only the necromancer is worse) but not by much the whole party is between 14 and 19.

Mystic at will talents have an issue that they are all save, no attack rolls. This has the player complain everytime I make a save. (I do notice no complaint if the necromancer misses with chill touch, or the time the fighter swong twice to missing, action surged and rolled 2 1's in a row for 4 total misses)

The focuses I have an issue with. OK so the player was very 'hodge podge' with his choices of power and I don't see much of a theme here. He can just negate all falling damage, communicate telepathicly and speak any language or learn any skill or tool kit... that seams like a lot at will.

the powers.

His healing is nice, but the first time he brought someone back from the dead I almost :):):):) a brick... why can a psychic bring back the dead like a cleric?
His air blast that knocks fliest out of the air seems OK and the most normal of his powers, but the flight it also gives him is odd, but at least fits a TK character in my mind.
His ability to make any weapon a +3 weapon is broken... magic weapon is +1 unless you highten it to 6th level spell slot, this is like using a 2nd or 3rd level slot for it...and again not really 'psychic' in my mind... and it comes with a damage boost power. He can throw up to 5pp to add 1d10 per pp to a weapon damage... the necromancer has a 3rd level spell that requires an attack roll that does 6d6 damage...the mystic can take his bow and shoot it for 1d6+dex mod +5d10.... and last game he crit with it and had another thing going giving him and 2 other +1d4 damage... so his crit was 2d8+str mod+2d4+10d10...that seems like a lot.
He has the identify power, but so does the necromanancer, and the necro can use it as a ritual, so I think that is weak a bit.

So far I find the class too front heavy on damage, and too all over the place with options. I think the class would do better as 2 or maybe 3 classes so you can't just pick the best of multi themes. I also worry that well he is the 2nd best at damage, the best buffer and best healer now, these powers that start out really strong (maybe OP) will not scale well and in the teens be too weak.

Mantle of Fury Avatar Discipline
Mastery of Air Wu Jen Discipline
Nomadic Mind Nomad Discipline
Psionic Weapon Immortal Discipline
Psionic Restoration Immortal Discipline

what do the rest of you think?
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Magic Wordsmith
I had a mystic in my last campaign, levels 6 to 9. I didn't find that the class was too powerful, but what I didn't care for was how he could do basically everything everyone else could do - do damage, tank, heal, plus some various utility stuff on top of being very mobile. I don't particularly care about balance in an RPG in terms of damage or other metrics. What I do care about is spotlight time and being in every niche was a bit much in my view. It took slightly more effort on my part to adjust for that and I'm generally against having to do more than I already do.

I gave it a shot and, since I don't really like psionics in my D&D anyway (outside of Dark Sun), there are no more mystics going forward.

yea, I would describe him as a very bad powergamer. Like back in 3.5 he made 'the best most powerful adventurer ever' by taking 3 levels of fighter and 2 or 3 levels of ranger... then got really mad when a wizard out damaged him by throwing a 3rd level spell... also he once took the half celestrial templet, the half dragon templet and applied them to a drow who was then a 1st or 2nd level cleric in 10th level game. Another PC played a half elf cleric/wizard/mystic theurge and had 4th level cleric and wizard spells and he didn't like that he felt weak...

as for complaints (I will stick to the last campaign only)

his ranger got crit for like 30pts of damage one fight (we were 8th level at time) he complained about how hard that giant was and how the PCs shouldn't have fought it for weeks... by the way the fight lasted 2 rounds, I swong at him twice and the druid twice, I crit him once, missed him once, missed the druid both attacks... so the grand total of the damage of the fight was 1 hit.

they were told of a powerful undead necromancer (I took a wight and added the necromancer spells of 5th level caster, then surrounded by zombies) so the PCs thought it was a lich... I heard nothing but complaints from him and another player the whole dungeon "Its un fair, he's going to be a CR 17 and we are only 11th level" "WHy does he only throw over powered thing" when they got there everyone but this one player laughed it off, because they made it worse in there own heads... that player complained all the way up to last week (so 5 levels in that campaign and 3 in this one) about how unfair the fight was... the reason the fight was unfair (3 combat encounters and a trap before it in this dungeon they choose to go to because they wanted the loot) the druid ran out of 1st, 2nd, and 4th level spells, and used his 1 6th level spell, the wizard used his 5th and 6th level spells, and they ran a wand of cure wounds from 7 charges to 0 healing after fights... oh, and the hafling rogue did get droped to 0hp in the last fight but healed by the druid same round... so that was WAY too tough even if they won and it wasn't really a lich...

Maybe stay away from playtest material...?
I only let it in sometimes....I really like psionics though and was hopeing it would work out. I do have to say though if everyone took your advise there would be no playtesters


I think the only failing in the Mystic now (aside from some individual power imbalances) is that they made it a long rest recovery class and not a short rest recovery class. With points, it’s too easy to blow through them all in a few rounds when a day is likely going to be 3-8 encounters by the balance guidelines. Had they cut the points by a 3rd and made them recover on a short rest, it would require spreading things out so these ultimate novas wouldn’t happen.

You also touch on something interesting. I think the number of disciplines you can learn outside of your focus should be smaller. This way, you don’t have someone who’s a little Cleric, Fighter, and Mage in one.

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First Post
I tried the mystic in a short game that we started at level 7. I ran Magna for about two months so 6ish games each was a few hours.

I was a Wu-Jen who took

Psychic Hammer
Mind Thrust

Mastery of Fire
Mastery of Force
Mantle of Command
Iron Durability
Psionic Restoration
Third Eye

My 3 spells where Dispel Magic, Charm Person, and Fireball.
I found that I was more versatile then a 7th level character of any 1 class, but not more powerful. I meant for her to be like phoenix from the comics, but ended up being much more of a warlord. I kept using 3 power points to let the rogue attack for 1d4+7+4d6

Early on we talked about the spells, and we laughed that with 38 points I could make 7 3rd level slots and cast fireball or dispel each one… the wizard on the other hand had 3 3rd level and 1 4th level spell. So to match his fireball output I would spend 15 points on 3rd level spells, and 6 points on a 4th level one leaving me with 17 points left for the day. Now if we took a short rest he could recall a 3rd level spell, but that didn’t help because I could spend 5 of my 17 left to do so too. However it never came up in game I never cast fireball even once, I used charm person twice, and dispel once the whole campaign.

We did have an issue the very first game when I hit a zombie with mind thrust and we all felt weird undead that are more or less mindless take psychic damage…but that was just a small burp really,

I also agree with [MENTION=57494]Xeviat[/MENTION] limiting power selection in some way is a must.

You should use the newest version.
And a necromacer can also make +3 weapons that last longer.
I am using the 3rd one the most recent one... and no the necromancer would need a 6th level spell slot to make a +3 weapon, since he only has 3rd level he is stuck at +1...like the mystic should be.

I tried the mystic in a short game that we started at level 7. I ran Magna for about two months so 6ish games each was a few hours.

I was a Wu-Jen who took

Psychic Hammer
Mind Thrust

Mastery of Fire
Mastery of Force
Mantle of Command
Iron Durability
Psionic Restoration
Third Eye

My 3 spells where Dispel Magic, Charm Person, and Fireball.
I found that I was more versatile then a 7th level character of any 1 class, but not more powerful. I meant for her to be like phoenix from the comics, but ended up being much more of a warlord. I kept using 3 power points to let the rogue attack for 1d4+7+4d6

Early on we talked about the spells, and we laughed that with 38 points I could make 7 3rd level slots and cast fireball or dispel each one… the wizard on the other hand had 3 3rd level and 1 4th level spell. So to match his fireball output I would spend 15 points on 3rd level spells, and 6 points on a 4th level one leaving me with 17 points left for the day. Now if we took a short rest he could recall a 3rd level spell, but that didn’t help because I could spend 5 of my 17 left to do so too. However it never came up in game I never cast fireball even once, I used charm person twice, and dispel once the whole campaign.

We did have an issue the very first game when I hit a zombie with mind thrust and we all felt weird undead that are more or less mindless take psychic damage…but that was just a small burp really,

I also agree with [MENTION=57494]Xeviat[/MENTION] limiting power selection in some way is a must.

even this is pretty hodg podg, so I think that the mystic has some real flaws as to right now...

I am now imagining next level my mystic taking that power of command, and letting our Monk/Ranger take an 'attack action' of 2-4 attacks with his magic short swords...

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