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D&D 5E Fun & Engaging House Rules


I'm a relatively new DM and am interested in hearing about other DM's house rules. I've taken a few from some of my favorite streams and such but would love to hear some of y'alls favorite, whether it was your idea or not. Thanks and happy RPing!

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Oh this is where the title goes?
A small thing that I like:
The weakest armors (padded, hide, and ring) can worn without penalty if you have proficiency in the next lighter type of armor. So ring mail can be used with medium armor proficiency (although it still counts as heavy armor). Padded armor can be used with no proficiency.

Mostly that just gives these armors some reason to exist :)


Lowcountry Low Roller
Making spell casters roll an ability check (INT or DEX if somatic) when they want to place an area of effect spell in just such a place as to hit the enemy and not hit their allies :)

Rolling for initiative at the end of combat (or at the beginning of the session) to avoid the jerky combat swoosh.


Failed death saving throws don’t reset until you take a short rest. - makes it a little less whack a mole.

All raise dead type spell requires “the power of plot”. Aka it’s a lot more involved than just casting a spell. - I like death to be permanent in my games unless the return is awesome and epic.

Sorcerers get access to all wizard spells, unless there is an abuse with metamagic I can spot. All metamagic can stack with itself. - sorcs felt needlessly restricted to me.

Wild sorc table, remove the fireball yourself effect. - I don’t mind most of the craziness of a wild sorc, but I am not ok with them blowing away party members on a bad roll. Further, there is a decent chance that at some point most low level wild sorcs fireball themselves to death...which is a bit too much for my taste.

Monks gain +1 ki. I thought monks were a tiny bit weak, and this helped make them more competitive.

Many defensive concentration spells gain the “reliable” keyword. You auto pass a concentration check for taking damage with those spells. - I like the balancing of concentration but didn’t like that melee characters with buff had a good chance to lose them (also the fact that they had to make a lot of coentrafion checks).



I'm a relatively new DM and am interested in hearing about other DM's house rules. I've taken a few from some of my favorite streams and such but would love to hear some of y'alls favorite, whether it was your idea or not. Thanks and happy RPing!

Leaving aside campaign/setting-specific rules changes, and focusing only on "universally applicable" house rules...

  • Implement a universal degrees of success system on all skill checks wherein succeeds / fails by 5+ is interpreted by the DM to be an especially great success or failure.
  • Natural 1 is auto-fail on any roll. Natural 20 is auto-success on any roll.
  • Implement a simplified encumbrance system using encumbrance points or item slots, similarly to how many video games have inventory screens where potions take up 1 slot, weapons 2-4 slots, armor 6 slots, etc.
  • Side grouped/clustered initiative
  • Include more Intelligence, Charisma, and Strength saves. INT applies to... madness, altering memory, psychic winds, quickly navigating a maze, failing to read a scroll correctly, brain eaten, psionics, deducing a command word. CHA applies to... Abyssal corruption, banishment, forced teleporting/planeshifting, despair & emotional manipulation, magical imprisonment, turning people against you, unwilling polymorphing, possession, avoid detection undercover (borrowed from Hoard of the Dragon Queen). STR applies to... – forced movement, prone, caught in whirlwind / whirlpool, disarmed, reactively tearing free of vines / tentacles / restraints.
  • Long resting in un-safe places is generally impossible (most dungeons) or challenging & requires a group "camp check" (wilderness).
  • If campaign involves travel & random encounters as a major feature which drew players in, strongly consider removing/altering rope trick and similar "effortless rest" spells.
  • Use minion groups when dealing with large groups of monsters (esp. in a theater-of-the-mind game)...basically take a monster (e.g. an orc), give it 1 HD worth of hp (so 7 (1d8+3) instead of 15(2d8+6)), multiply that by number of monsters to create a hit point pool, use Mob Attacks rule from DMG instead of rolling to hit, and give minion group critical hit vulnerability.
  • Use a homebrew "elite" template for boss monsters leading other monsters focused on boosting survivability without sacrificing fun.
  • Use modified trap system emphasizing trigger-type... Unearthed Arcana/XGtE is a decent start, but be prepared to do some design work as a DM when including traps.
  • Make counterspelling less predictable & more engaging by adding interesting side effects. Allow 5th-level sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards (classes who'd get access to counterspell on class spell list) to "creatively counterspell" arcane spells, e.g. using watery sphere to negate a fire bolt.
  • Grant fighters ability to 1/turn Shove for free as part of an attack at 2nd-level.
  • Grant rogues the ability to decipher script at 2nd-level, recognizing any written language and puzzling out the gist given time.


When a PC drops below 0 HP and has to start making death saves, we don’t roll until someone reaches him to help or until combat ends. We just keep track of how many rounds pass, and how many saves he’ll have to make.

This means that none of the other PCs know anything about his status other than he’s dying and it’s been x rounds. We’ve found this more dramatic than knowing that “he’s made his first two saves so he’s not really in danger, I have at least two more rounda of attackkng the bad giys before I need to help him”.

Kind of minor but it helps make a PC going down a big deal.

We also add a level of exhaustion to PCs who reach 0 HP. This level of exhaustion stacks with others, but is automatically removed on a short or long rest.


Magic Wordsmith
Players Claim Inspiration
The players can claim Inspiration for themselves once per personal characteristic (personality trait, ideal, bond, and flaw) per session. When they play to a specific personal characteristic in a demonstrable way, they can reveal the characteristic and then take Inspiration.

This means the DM doesn't have to worry about it during play and the player can count on it as a resource under their control.


Failed death saving throws don’t reset until you take a short rest. - makes it a little less whack a mole.

All raise dead type spell requires “the power of plot”. Aka it’s a lot more involved than just casting a spell. - I like death to be permanent in my games unless the return is awesome and epic.

Sorcerers get access to all wizard spells, unless there is an abuse with metamagic I can spot. All metamagic can stack with itself. - sorcs felt needlessly restricted to me.

Wild sorc table, remove the fireball yourself effect. - I don’t mind most of the craziness of a wild sorc, but I am not ok with them blowing away party members on a bad roll. Further, there is a decent chance that at some point most low level wild sorcs fireball themselves to death...which is a bit too much for my taste.

Monks gain +1 ki. I thought monks were a tiny bit weak, and this helped make them more competitive.

Many defensive concentration spells gain the “reliable” keyword. You auto pass a concentration check for taking damage with those spells. - I like the balancing of concentration but didn’t like that melee characters with buff had a good chance to lose them (also the fact that they had to make a lot of coentrafion checks).

This reminds me of the CRPG Baldur's Gate. The enhanced edition added a wild mage and their chance to surge and summon a fiend was too damn high.


I'm not sure how fun or engaging these two rules are but:

1. Sorcerers can choose spells that fits their bloodline from any class list. So storm sorcerers can pick up Call Lightning from the druid list or black dragon sorcerers can pick up Melf's Acid Arrow from the wizard list.

2. Wizards can study a found spellbook without having to invest money into copying spells into their own spellbook. They still have to invest time in reading through the spellbook but then they can effectively use it to prepare their spells. They may still wish to create a travelling spellbook as carting around a small library isn't going to be possible in most cases.

Voidrunner's Codex

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