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D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator


I have to believe that there are options available for FA to host his files that are not subject to US law, but what/where they may be I do not know. I do hope that he can find one, though. Although I have stated that the pencil and paper character sheet always works, the usefulness of said method is limited for people with certain disabilities. I, for instance, can not use my right hand and arm, at all. While I can roll dice fairly easily, writing and erasing on paper takes on a whole new dimension when you don't have a way to secure the paper! I am sure there are others who game, or would game, but using the standard tools are not a reasonable option for them.

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Another thing about D&D Beyond, the full price you pay for each book costs WoTC nothing, its just a PDF with no production cost. Going rate for PDF versions of anything is always way lower then the print version.

Essentially Beyond is an app with a $200+ price tag, as you need PHB, DMG, Sword Coast, Xanathars and Volos, with future costs coming. That’s a terrible business model to try to introduce.

I know WoTC employees read this thread, and TBH I hope Beyond fails utterly as it is poor for the hobby and growth of the hobby. I suggest you study your community, read this thread. People are dying for FA to integrate new material every time it comes out because they have ALREADY bought the book for full price and want to use the material.


I have to believe that there are options available for FA to host his files that are not subject to US law, but what/where they may be I do not know. I do hope that he can find one, though. Although I have stated that the pencil and paper character sheet always works, the usefulness of said method is limited for people with certain disabilities. I, for instance, can not use my right hand and arm, at all. While I can roll dice fairly easily, writing and erasing on paper takes on a whole new dimension when you don't have a way to secure the paper! I am sure there are others who game, or would game, but using the standard tools are not a reasonable option for them.

It's funny how WotC is creating a demand for (or at least an interest in) a safe place to host tools for their paying customers' use.

Don't most game publishers (like Paizo, for example) actually encourage this level of engagement with their game? Didn't TSR encourage it with D&D back in the day? I realize that in the modern age of digital duplication and distribution there is a fine line to tread, but I have a difficult time imagining Paizo demanding the takedown of a tool like FA's character generator that would help people enjoy Pathfinder.

I share the hope that ForgedAnvil finds a new home for his magnificent character sheet.


It's funny how WotC is creating a demand for (or at least an interest in) a safe place to host tools for their paying customers' use.

Don't most game publishers (like Paizo, for example) actually encourage this level of engagement with their game? Didn't TSR encourage it with D&D back in the day? I realize that in the modern age of digital duplication and distribution there is a fine line to tread, but I have a difficult time imagining Paizo demanding the takedown of a tool like FA's character generator that would help people enjoy Pathfinder.

I share the hope that ForgedAnvil finds a new home for his magnificent character sheet.

There is no video game that doesn't improve with user mods. None. I just found out about some mods for Master of Orion 2, they completely refine the game and make it great again.

This entire website (and others) exists because of user created content. Everything here, the forums, the CS, the various reviews, advertising, etc. FA most likely increased sales of various splat books as when people saw the content in FA they wanted to get the book. I don't think (and do not know nor heard of) a D&D group that refused to buy a book because the content was already available in FA or elsewhere. Its doesn't happen. I get that a group might only have one copy of an adventure, but in any group most if not all get the PHB, Sword Coast and X, at least 1-2 copies of the DMG, Volos and Monster Manual.

In attempting to "support" Beyond WoTC just punished some of their best and most consistent customers, for nothing. There will not be a sudden spike in Beyond sales. The people who know of Beyond most likely know of this site already, and use some form of CS from here.

On another level, WoTC has misread their audience. D&D at a group level is cheap entertainment, you spread the cost of materials over a group and then spend hours enjoying the game. A group of say 5 people might have a total of 3 PHB, 2 Sword Coast, 2 Xan, 2 DMG, 2 MM, 2 Volo's, 1 SKT, 1 PoTA, 1 ToA. That's 16 books at say $40 each for $640, if you play and read and create 50 hours each that's $2.56 an hour. It mostly likely more than that, a group of 5 might put in a total of 200 hours each over the months and years, that's $0.64 an hour. Its a great deal. Where D&D spend their money over time is at conventions and things like that and in the shops. This digital model also harms the shops, which is your player base, in the name of increased profitability.

Now WoTC wants each player to buy the whole thing for themselves, and then play with each other. They believe its like an MMO, where each player spend $40-60 to get into a game. WoTC wants you to spend $150 + for PHB (required) Sword Coast (of course) Xan (extras) Volo (races), all up front, to essentially use a PDF generator.


First Post
This is not true. There is no obligation in any jurisdiction to sue people.
Actually, under U.S. intellectual property law, there are requirements that owners defend their trademarks, patents, copyrights, etc. or they can be diluted and potentially the owner can lose the right to later sue or seek protections for those ownership rights even against different parties. This is especially true in the context of trademarks (i.e., brands, logos, etc.) and trade secrets, but can also extend to other areas. It may not be necessary to sue the infringing entity, but frequently legal action does need to be taken to protect those rights.


First Post
Forged Anvil -- I love the character sheets and I'm truly saddened to see the current legal issues that have arisen (although I do understand WotC's perspective).

A quick question: Is there a way to add a bonus to Passive Perception so that it is reflected on Character Sheet I? Specifically, I have a character with a Robe of Eyes and I want the CS to show the +5 to passive perception resulting from having advantage on visual perception checks. Thanks!


Forged Anvil -- I love the character sheets and I'm truly saddened to see the current legal issues that have arisen (although I do understand WotC's perspective).

A quick question: Is there a way to add a bonus to Passive Perception so that it is reflected on Character Sheet I? Specifically, I have a character with a Robe of Eyes and I want the CS to show the +5 to passive perception resulting from having advantage on visual perception checks. Thanks!

Put it under additional abilities or actions on the start page. I don't think you can just add it into the passive perception itself, as it only applies visually.

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