In AD&D there are only a couple classes where rolling wouldn't give you the ability to play the class you wanted more often than not. B/X emphasized in order, but allowed customization afterwards (to an extent), and had no minimums for classes anyway.
Then your experiences were vastly different from mine (obviously). If you fudged rolls, that's on you. If I discovered a player fudging rolls, they were warned. If they did it again, I didn't play with them. The game is random for a reason.
That includes hit points. Magic-Users were very powerful if you made it past the low levels, and the d4 for hit points was part of the balance.
Of course, with 3E and on WotC embraced the "build-a-bear" character creation process, so that is what most people do now.
Justification because people you played with fudged rolls is a sad commentary IMO.
It isn't a "gamble" as you seem to think. It was playing by "fate". And I'm only talking about race and ability scores, that's it. None of the other things you are talking about has anything to do with it.
Finally, I never, once, claimed it wass "better", just the way I like it.

I've pointed out why it can be great and create a PC whose experience is something you wouldn't otherwise ever get to enjoy. Apparently from the beginning in your experience it was something you fought against instead of embracing. Your choice and something you're happy with, so I don't see what you are fighting against now. I've made my point.
I'm not trying to "sell people" on anything, merely point out the merits of embracing it. If they don't want to, that's no skin off of my back, but I sincerely pity them being closed-off to it. Full disclosure, there are plently of times I don't do random because I have a concept in mind, not because I am looking for a concept or waiting to see what fate might have in store.
But as far as keeping silent,
"Hello, pot..."
You felt it was necessary to post making fun of what I said I like to do, so who's "poo-pooing" on others? It is just as easy to say "That's not for me" or "I don't think I would enjoy it, but if you do that's great for you", but no, I got this:
Which frankly is something a lot of DMs have done (not all the time) as a different type of experience--so nay-saying them. And then of course I got this response:
You feel it is obviously okay to rail against how I like to play. Perhaps you should take
your own advice?