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Psion as Wizard archetype − Happy Fun Hour


Toward the end of the Happy Fun Hour show on Twitch .tv,

Mearls sketches out the psion as a wizard archetype. He intends it as a kind of place holder until the mystic class arrives. He uses the evoker wizard as a comparison for a psion wizard. He is skeptical about how well the wizard can convey the psychic flavor, mainly because of the absence of pertinent spells.

Mearls focuses on psychic damage spells, but skips over some spells that seem pertinent. Here are some examples of spells that are relevant for a psion wizard:

• telepathy: telepathy language (Monster Manual), suggestion, charm, fear, domination, hold, hideous laughter, zone of truth, heroism, nondetection, tongues, comprehend languages, sending, telepathic bond, mind link, compulsion, confusion, feeblemind, modify memory, sanctuary
• illusion: phantasmal force, minor image, silent image, major image, invisibility, project image
• prescience: guidance, augury, detect magic, clairvoyance, locate

• force: telekinesis, fly, levitate, mage hand, magic missile, mage armor, light, gravity, disintegrate, time stop
• force constructs: unseen servant, wall of force, force cage, tiny hut
• teleportation: misty step, dimension door, plane shift, teleport, rope trick, etherealness

• shapeshift (psychometabolism): longstrider, freedom of movement, alter self, enhance ability, animal forms, bark skin
• psychic healer (psychometabolism): cure, healing word, restoration, revivify, regeneration, resurrection, clone

And so on.

There are enough spells to substantiate a psion wizard. Difficulties with spells include:
• The flavor of a spell is often awkward, such as the rope in rope trick, the hand in mage hand, the crown in crown of madness. The effect is fine − especially with a different flavor. As part of Subtle Spell, the psion could have a feature that can officially alter the flavor of spells.
• Telepathic communication spells are weak and often many levels higher than they are worth. All of them combined (!) should be about spell level 2: Sending, Telepathy, Telepathy Language (Monster Manual), Tongues, Telepathic Bond. It would be appropriate to give full-on telepathy to the psion as a feature at wizard level 2.
• Divination spells are often obsolete. Many old-school divination spells are today handled by skill checks (legend lore/history, find path/survival, animal friendship/animal handling, detect thoughts/insight, also as skill checks, glibness, detect trap, locate object, locate creature).
• Divination as DM-gives-a-hint spells (augury, divination, commune, contact other plane) should instead be a ritual-like mechanic per long rest, being unworthy of a spell but with need to prevent spamming.
• Telekinesis needs to be a cantrip whose strength improves while leveling.
• Phasing thru objects and etherealness needs to be more normal at lower levels. 4e has good ways to do this.

Similar to the way Xanathars introduced many elemental spells to D&D 5e, a future book can introduce many psion spells.

The psion wizard is a good way to translate the 3e psion into 5e.

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Tony Vargas

I always hated psionics back in the day. When adapting 2e to my ongoing AD&D campaign, I scrapped the psionicist out of hand and - I kid you not - replaced psionics with a school of Mysticism.

So, by all rights I should be delighted by the idea - it took almost 30 years but the idea's vindicated, right.

No. 30 years ago there was no Sorcerer class, meant to represent natural/instinctive/inborn-talent magic-use, and desperately short of sub-classes, nor was there already a Warlock sub-class with telepathy. I mean, we already have a sorcerer and a Warlock sub-class that outright poach Cleric spells, so there's further precedent for having either of them horn in on the mystic, rather than the wizard.

Plus, this isn't some sophomoric kid's home game where expressing a prejudice against psionics is only going to hurt a few of his friends for 5 or 6 years, this is effing D&D-for everybody, kumbaya, edition-peace-in-our-time 5e, and fans of psionics have watched the mystic languish in playtest purgatory for years.

Kill some trees, put the mystic in print. Better yet, call it a Psion or psionicist and leave whether it's magic or not to the DM.

Those of us who have always felt psionics are a sci-fi bit with no business in our fantasy can not play it or ban it or call it magic, but fans of psionics will be able to play what they want at other tables.


Possibly a Idiot.
At the end of the stream he seem convinced to do multiple subclasses (for psionics-light worlds), and a full on psion class (for worlds like Dark Sun and Eberron)


At the end of the stream he seem convinced to do multiple subclasses (for psionics-light worlds), and a full on psion class (for worlds like Dark Sun and Eberron)

I would be happy with that approach. Mystic class plus psionic archetypes for other classes.


When he first started making this in the previous stream he mentioned that this was just an exercise in showing how creating the Psion as a subclass really doesn't work and it needs its own class to really be made properly


Crown-Forester (he/him)
Psionic Magic for Sorcerer, Psychic Warrior Archetype for Fighter, Psychic Lurk Archetype for Rogue, Mind Domain for Cleric, Oath of Ardor for Paladin?

I'd be happy with all that. Revisit the old 3.5e Psionics classes as subclasses, in the same way we have Scout Archetype Rogues and Rangers at the same time, War Domain Clerics and Paladins at the same time, Oath of the Ancients Paladins and Barbarians (and Rangers) at the same time…

Let multiple chassises access these archetypal roles. This would allow you to have a party of characters that aren't all Mystics in a Psionics campaign.

Finally, allow minor Psionic abilities as a feat anyone can access, akin to Martial Adept etc. This would be a free bonus feat for Dark Sun campaigns, but balanced against the setting difficulty turned up a level and poor access to resources and equipment.

I would vastly prefer making psionics as a subclass to the wizard, sorcerer, and monk than the Awakened Mystic and whole new magic system it brings with it. I think the balance would be better, for one, and it would avoid having to re-build the wheel with a separate magic system when D&D already has a darn good one.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
I would vastly prefer making psionics as a subclass to the wizard, sorcerer, and monk than the Awakened Mystic and whole new magic system it brings with it. I think the balance would be better, for one, and it would avoid having to re-build the wheel with a separate magic system when D&D already has a darn good one.

Yup, the whole thing was supposed to show that the archetype did not left enough space to recreate the psionic feel, but all I can see is that they cannot do it perfectly now because it lack some thematic spell effects. Well in that case, just create those new spells, no need for a whole new magic system with a class that's the only one using it.

I think Mearl, in the end, went with the idea of creating many ''psionic'' archetypes for the PHB classes, so that latter he could build a Psion class with the themes not already another classes archetype. I think that's the way to go; too many UA Mystic's archetypes would have fit better on another class (Battlemind fighter, Ardent Paladin, Soul Knife Rogue, Wu-Jen monk to revisit the 4 elements, Awakened Soul Sorcerer, Seer cleric, Mind Wizard etc)

Voidrunner's Codex

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