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D&D 5E Archetypes to add to 5e

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Li Shenron

I love this little game, comes up every time new subclasses are previewed...

1) a generalist wizard: not sure what name would be best for the concept, as "generalist" sounds too modern and "loremaster" doesn't convince me either.

2) a pure dungeon delver rogue, which is all about traps and underground hazards, think Indiana Jones

3) herbalist druid, all about plants

4) alchemist wizard, though we already know it'll be covered by the Artificer

5) peacekeeping cleric

There are ways to represent all these fairly well already, but they could also be their own archetype.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Sub-question here - Several people have mentioned a "trap/hazard rogue". What's the thought about "limited focus" subclasses, that might be of limited utility at times or at least at the DM's discression, but do supply mechanical ways to build some common out-of-D&D characters. Undead/vampire hunters. Terrain-specific ranger subclasses. Arctic seal hunters.


Some ideas that suggest themselves:

Sorcerer Bloodlines:

- Fey
  • Fiendish
  • Genie
  • Elemental in general
  • Old Ones/Far Realms
  • Yuan-Ti

Warlock Patrons:

  • Shamanic Nature Spirits
  • Dragon
  • Genie

Wizard Tradition:
  • Hedge Wizard (touch o' the Druid)
  • Arcane Expert (touch o' the Bard)
  • Mystic Theurge (but different than last time)
  • Tinkerer (touch o' the Artificer)


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Would we want subclasses that infroduct the need for new general mechanics into the game? A Truenamer subclass for example. Things like psionics we seem to be introducing as their own classes (though potentially then having subclasses, like the EK equivilant with psionics instead of magic).


Perhaps a sapper / demolitions expert. I think of Fiddler and Hedge in the Malazan series. Not the "artillerist": that builds turrets and wands and casts spells. Basically an infantry grunt crazy enough to handle explosive substances and bring down walls, bridges, you name it.


I'm the Straw Man in your argument
I don’t have all the hardbacks, is there a kensai (sword saint) archetype? Essentially a fighter that is dedicated to mastering a single weapon.


A Divine spellcasting rogue.

Shi'ar wizard

Wu Jen

Cosmic Sorcerer

Vice Paladin

Domain of Passion Cleric

Glorious Servitor Paladin

Holy Liberator Paladin

Werewolf/Weretiger Druid or Barbarian

Arborist Ranger

Vampiric Sorcerer

Brawler Fighter

Warlord Fighter

Death Knight Paladin

Mummy Lord Domain Cleric

Ringmaster Bard

Jester Bard

Urban Druid

Kraken Pact Warlock

Mordron Pact Warlock

Slaadi Pack Warlock

Primordial Pact Warlock

Elemental Domain Cleric

Tantric Monk

Zigiest Pact Warlock

Sworrowspawn Warlock

Ethereal Sorcerer

Seducteress Rogue

Hierodule Bard (divine magic Bard)

Aboleth Pact Warlock

Nishruu Sorcerer.

Psychic Warrior Fighter

Soul Knife Rogue

Ardent Bard

Wilder Sorcerer

Godmind Cleric

Dragon Shaman Druid

Beguiler Sorcerer

Lumberjack Ranger

Voyager Ranger

Conquestidor Fighter

Nethermancer Wizard
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