Oh sure... even when a societal norm is a '5', there are people who would find themselves at a '3' or '2' or '1'. And more often than not, any discussion at a '10' level will be so antithetical to their feelings or beliefs that they will push back so greatly as to drop themselves further down. But the numbers of those people who drop down I think tends to be just as small as the number of people for whom the '10' is not only the expected or necessary level of societal norm, but is actually kind of low. I mean we have the identifiers Far Left and Far Right for a reason.Of course there is the contrary effect over on an anti-PC RPG site where Monte Cook gets called an 'RPG Maoist' by the board owner, and the discussion tends to push views down from a 5 towards a 4 or 3. So I think that process can work both ways.
The overall effect may tend to radicalisation, even while the great majority of commenters here are pretty reasonable, or at least try to be reasonable.
But for the most part I think those who would consider themselves a '1' or a '10' on a societal norm of '5' are people for whom just conversation or basic instruction or "just use common sense!" wouldn't really work for them anyway. There is something more ingrained in their psyche at play that the basics of societal discourse won't actually have an affect. Not that they're necessarily wrong for that... but it just just changes how they will interact with us and how we interact with them.