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D&D 5E Chris Perkins drops 2020 hint!


Barovaria is the single worst, most boring Ravenloft setting, Starhd is a 2 dimensional Dracula clone, there are more interesting Ravenloft Domains. A lot of them. I like the one with Doppelgangers for example. But I agree I don't think it will be Ravenloft, because Perkin does adventures not setting books.

I don't think it will be a Dragonlance AP because you want a Setting guide out first. Plus that is too big a AP for just one book.

DoD on the other hand is an adventure in the Forgotten Realms. It won the same contest Saltmarsh did the year before. D&D 5e doesn't have a major desert themed adventure yet. It's widely believed to be one of the best adventures in D&D, and the first game product for the Forgotten Realms.

The only thing is is that because the original is already canon, I'm leaning on this being a sequel rather then an update, but I could be mistaken and they find away to get around that issue.
First. Strahd and barovia are great.
Second. Everyone should play the module “Hour of the Knife”. It is set in the domain Zherisia in the city of Paridon. PAridon is basically Victorian London or very similar.

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These hints always make me wonder. Do they ever turn out good? I mean, it keeps people talking and builds anxiety, but then since o ly a small fraction of people guess right, it seems a vast majority instead are upset by what is released and grouch and grunble.

Is this just a case of any publicity is good? Or does all the resulting griping and grumbling not actually mean anything?


These hints always make me wonder. Do they ever turn out good? I mean, it keeps people talking and builds anxiety, but then since o ly a small fraction of people guess right, it seems a vast majority instead are upset by what is released and grouch and grunble.

Is this just a case of any publicity is good? Or does all the resulting griping and grumbling not actually mean anything?
The hints can lead to disappointment for some.


If you go to dm guild to glance at, to take a gander, to have a look you can find a lot of titles. This means there is a great section of public who like this line. If we know nothing about the return of Ravenloft maybe it isn't because it may forgotten, but because they are working and need a lot of time. This would be like a comic publisher preparing other mega-event.

And we have to remember we are almost in 2020. It has rained a lot since then, a lot of time has passed. The new players will want to add their own favorite characters from other lines, for example Baby Bonnie Hood from Darkstalkers, Ruvik from the Evil Within, Alma Walde from "F.E.A.R", Hisako from Killer Instinct, or Eveline from Resident Evil 7. The "old" demiplane of Dread has become too small. We need a door for a bigger world.

Sorry, I am diverting the subject. I mean we will see the return of the demiplane of the dread, but not yet, and maybe with some really big changes, for example more domains with oriental cultures. And even it could be an complete reboot. What changes would you allow in a new edition of Ravenloft, vampire clans and werewolves tribes for example?

If finally there is a new module linked to Ravenloft or gothic horror, then we will see again fans asking about the date for the return of the setting.

I don't deny that they will likely do a Ravenloft Setting guide like Last War for Ravenloft, in fact I feel certain we will, I just don't think this is it, because I don't think Chris Perkins is the one you tap for that sort of job, he is an AP guy mostly.

Plus all the other reasons that I provided as to why I think it's DoD.


As others have said, Deserts of Desolation (not gothic horror, but more mummy-archaeology horror). There isn't anything full-on Lovecraft, but anything Tharizdun is. Plus, the Shackled City and Age of Worms APs were definitely pulling horror and eldritch vibes.

Desert of Desolation seems pretty likely to me. I think it won when I held the "best modules" elimination vote, excluding ones already released for 5e.

I think we are forgetting the possibility that this is a setting book, or even a boxed set, and Perkins is just writing the adventure portion while others tackle different sections.

There is a Eldrich Horror in the region that is split in two, one part mind and the other the body and it's capable of slaughtering Gods and destroying worlds if united. I forget it's name, starts with a P, but the Imaskari chickened out of using it against Mulhorand because their are fates worse then defeat sometimes.


Lost in Dark Sun
These hints always make me wonder. Do they ever turn out good? I mean, it keeps people talking and builds anxiety, but then since o ly a small fraction of people guess right, it seems a vast majority instead are upset by what is released and grouch and grunble.

Is this just a case of any publicity is good? Or does all the resulting griping and grumbling not actually mean anything?

I enjoy trying to figure out what each year’s list of official D&D books will be.
It’s fun for me, even though I’m usually 100% incorrect.

I also enjoy complaining about how almost all of the official 5e products are set in the Forgotten Realms, and most of those seem focused on the Sword Coast, which I consider the least interesting part of that fantasy world.

It doesn’t really mean much.
It’s just one of the ways that I voice my opinion, as a fan of 5e.


almost all of the official 5e products are set in the Forgotten Realms,

Besides re-designing the core mechanics/rulebooks and the Ravnica setting isnt everything WotC has put out for 5E pretty much a rehash of a previous setting or adventure with a few new ideas thrown in here and there?

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