EN World Privacy Controls: Two-Way Blocking

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I think the observation pertains more to the situation that the quoted person has blocked you.
It’s two way blocking.

But at the end of the day if things have broken down to that extent surely it’s best to completely disengage from that person. Regardless of who has blocked who.

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No flips for you!
It’s two way blocking.

But at the end of the day if things have broken down to that extent surely it’s best to completely disengage from that person. Regardless of who has blocked who.
I couldn't really care less to continue to engage that person, but that shouldn't force a disengagement in a discussion.


No flips for you!
Interstingly, I can, with these settings, use block in a way that let's me continue to see and respond to a poster, but they cannot see any of this. That seems like very unintended operation.

To do this, you uncheck the first option, giving you a notification that blocked content is present and the option to read/respond to it. You then check the second option, which removes all of your content from being seen by the blocked individual.


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
It’s two way blocking.
Yes, I understand this.

But at the end of the day if things have broken down to that extent surely it’s best to completely disengage from that person. Regardless of who has blocked who.
You seem like you don’t understand that the complaint isn’t about wanting to continue to engage with someone who blocked you. It’s about the resulting discussion being incoherent.


Yes, I understand this.

You seem like you don’t understand that the complaint isn’t about wanting to continue to engage with someone who blocked you. It’s about the resulting discussion being incoherent.
It’s only incoherent to the people blocked. For them the discussion should be over... with that individual. Continue with people not blocked.


No flips for you!
It’s only incoherent to the people blocked. For them the discussion should be over... with that individual. Continue with people not blocked.
Okay, once more. Let's say I'm blocked by a poster in a thread. I make a post in that thread. Then someone quotes a previous post by the blocked person, but, to me, it just appears like they've responded immediately after my post. The topic of their post will likely be similar to what I just said, but the context will be off because, to me, it looks like it might be a response to me rather than the response to the other poster, who has me blocked. I now have to guess/disentangle/assume what that poster was saying.

Let's further say this goes on for awhile, and now there's two threads of discussion going on -- one between me and other posters and one between my blocker and other posters. Other posters have no way of understanding that I or they cannot see responses, so the discussion becomes confusing even to them.

To be clear, I'm not a fan of blocking in general, but if it's just preventing me from seeing their posts, that's fine. When it edits posts on the fly to remove quotes by others, thus removing context, it's something I'll complain about. This isn't about wanting to continue with a poster that's used a feature -- couldn't much care less. It's about not wanting to be punished by having a confusing thread left tattered because someone decided that they wanted to use a feature.


Okay, once more. Let's say I'm blocked by a poster in a thread. I make a post in that thread. Then someone quotes a previous post by the blocked person, but, to me, it just appears like they've responded immediately after my post. The topic of their post will likely be similar to what I just said, but the context will be off because, to me, it looks like it might be a response to me rather than the response to the other poster, who has me blocked. I now have to guess/disentangle/assume what that poster was saying.

Let's further say this goes on for awhile, and now there's two threads of discussion going on -- one between me and other posters and one between my blocker and other posters. Other posters have no way of understanding that I or they cannot see responses, so the discussion becomes confusing even to them.

To be clear, I'm not a fan of blocking in general, but if it's just preventing me from seeing their posts, that's fine. When it edits posts on the fly to remove quotes by others, thus removing context, it's something I'll complain about. This isn't about wanting to continue with a poster that's used a feature -- couldn't much care less. It's about not wanting to be punished by having a confusing thread left tattered because someone decided that they wanted to use a feature.
Well I’d suggest taking each post you see at face value. Assume it’s not a direct response to you unless it quotes you and you won’t go too far wrong.

If you discuss things with people at face value it won’t matter that you’re not getting one persons viewpoint. Discuss with the people who’s viewpoint you can see.

To be fair most people on here are pretty smart. They can soon realize there is a blocked poster who they can’t read or see quoted. It’s likely only to be a problem with confrontational or argumentative posting.

I get this isn’t what you want but I think it’s pretty constructive actually. Though if this opinion offends you, please feel free to block me. 🤪


Mod Squad
Staff member
I do not understand why I must deal with a garbled discussion based on a unilateral choice of someone else.

Honest answer? You won't like it. I'll give you a chance to not read it...

Because, if this is done, it is probably because you have been extremely annoying or aggravating. Maybe not in a way that red text and warning points were brought to bear, but in a way that motivated someone to do their best to cut you out of their lives.

Maybe that's not so great a moment to consider yourself the victim of the piece.


No flips for you!
Honest answer? You won't like it. I'll give you a chance to not read it...

Because, if this is done, it is probably because you have been extremely annoying or aggravating. Maybe not in a way that red text and warning points were brought to bear, but in a way that motivated someone to do their best to cut you out of their lives.

Maybe that's not so great a moment to consider yourself the victim of the piece.
Really? This is insulting and petty of you, Umbran. You've no idea what post I was blocked for or for what reason, because that's not reported, so this is just your way to be able to insult me because you're not a fan of mine.

And, I really don't care that they did -- I'm not complaining I was blocked, I'm complaining that the new implementation fragments threads AND can be used in a way that defeats the intent (ie, I can prevent others from responding to me while being able to respond to them). It's the implementation that's the issue, not that I was blocked. Honestly, my feed gets better for the blocking, if it only stuck to hiding their posts and not disrupting the thread for those blocked.

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