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D&D 5E 5e Updates: Monstrous Compendium

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So I play tested a new monster concept against my party last night. It went okay, the monsters did well but the mechanics were a bit clunky and ultimately the monster was too grindy. So I've taken a pass to polish it up and streamline. See what you think. The name is in progress, I've given that honor to my party who faced it first:)

This monster resembles a giant cockroach, with a large flat carapace body and six legs. It has a large stinger similar to a scorpion, but with a trident like protrusion instead of a single barb.

Custom Monster X (Name Pending) - WIP (Version 2)
Large Aberration, Neutral

Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 100
Speed 50 ft., burrow 50 ft.

18 (+4)12 (+1)14 (+2)4 (-3)10 (+0)6 (-2)

Savings Throws Con +6
Skills Perception +4
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing that is nonmagical
Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception: 14
Languages None (understands Telepathy)
Challenge 7

Prone Vulnerability: While prone, CMXs speed is 0, and it must use an action to remove the condition.

Environmental Adaptation: If CMX is in an environment naturally attuned to an energy type (such as the plane of fire), after 1 minute CMX becomes immune to that energy type until it leaves the environment.

: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 17 (3d8 + 4) piercing damage plus 36 (8d8) poison damage.

Energy Absorption
: CMX can use this reaction when hit by Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Necrotic, Radiant, Thunder, or Force damage. CMX gains resistance to the triggering damage type. In addition, its Stinger deals 3d6 (10) of the triggering damage type. This effect lasts until the end of CMXs next turn.

Anti-magic Carapace: CMX can use this reaction when hit by a magic weapon. All magic weapons that strike CMX become non-magical for 1 minute. Ranged ammunition becomes non-magical, but the ranged weapon itself is not affected. These effects last until the end of CMXs next turn.

--Designer's Notes: So I am assuming the party will be doing half damage the vast majority of the time, so I doubled its effective HP for defensive CR. Or if you want to go a little less it puts the defense at 8, but also energy absorption bumps the offense to 11 so we are still dancing around the CR 9 regardless.

This guy came around as a similar idea to the rust monster, a way to change it up by effecting the opponent's gear as much as the opponent itself. I combined that with a general energy absorption concept and created a "cockroach" that can basically live anywhere. The prone vulnerability concept is one I've been wanting to try for a while, and players really took to it, they were using athletics left and right to keep these creatures down while handling the other monsters, as these monsters were doing lots of damage to them.
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So I play tested a new monster concept against my party last night. It went okay, the monsters did well but the mechanics were a bit clunky and ultimately the monster was too grindy. So I've taken a pass to polish it up and streamline. See what you think. The name is in progress, I've given that honor to my party who faced it first:)

This monster resembles a giant cockroach, with a large flat carapace body and six legs. It has a large stinger similar to a scorpion, but with a trident like protrusion instead of a single barb.

Custom Monster X (Name Pending) - WIP
Large Aberration, Neutral

Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 100
Speed 50 ft., burrow 50 ft.

18 (+4)12 (+1)14 (+2)4 (-3)10 (+0)6 (-2)

Savings Throws Con +6
Skills Perception +4
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing that is nonmagical
Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception: 14
Languages None (understands Telepathy)
Challenge 9 (Defensive 9, Offensive 9)

Telepathic Enslavement: A creature that can use telepathy gains advantage on all charisma checks against CMX and CMX has disadvantage on charm saves against the creature.

Prone Vulnerability: While prone, CMXs speed is 0, and it must use an action to remove the condition.

Environmental Adaptation: If CMX is in an environment naturally attuned to an energy type (such as the plane of fire), after 1 minute CMX becomes immune to that energy type until it leaves the environment.

: Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 22 (4d8 + 4) piercing damage plus 31 (7d8) poison damage.

Energy Absorption
: When hit with energy damage, CMX gains resistance to the triggering damage type. In addition, its Stringer deals 3d6 (10) of the triggering damage type. This effect lasts until the start of CMXs next turn.

Anti-magic Carapace: When hit by a magic weapon, CMX gains damage resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing weapons. Any melee magical weapon (not an artifact) that strikes CMX becomes non-magical for 1 minute. These effects last until the start of CMXs next turn.

--Designer's Notes: So I am assuming the party will be doing half damage the vast majority of the time, so I doubled its effective HP for defensive CR. Or if you want to go a little less it puts the defense at 8, but also energy absorption bumps the offense to 11 so we are still dancing around the CR 9 regardless.

This guy came around as a similar idea to the rust monster, a way to change it up by effecting the opponent's gear as much as the opponent itself. I combined that with a general energy absorption concept and created a "cockroach" that can basically live anywhere. The prone vulnerability concept is one I've been wanting to try for a while, and players really took to it, they were using athletics left and right to keep these creatures down while handling the other monsters, as these monsters were doing lots of damage to them.
Look interesting. I will give you some more in-depth feedback tomorrow.


Thank you for sharing! Let's take a look and see what we have. First, I am going to review and comment as if this was to be published. Therefore, so of the comments might not be needed for you, but someone else wanting to use it.
So I play tested a new monster concept against my party last night. It went okay, the monsters did well but the mechanics were a bit clunky and ultimately the monster was too grindy. So I've taken a pass to polish it up and streamline. See what you think. The name is in progress, I've given that honor to my party who faced it first:)

This monster resembles a giant cockroach, with a large flat carapace body and six legs. It has a large stinger similar to a scorpion, but with a trident like protrusion instead of a single barb.
Got it - sounds interesting. Once you give it a name can I post it on this thread (credit to you of course)?
Custom Monster X (Name Pending) - WIP
Large Aberration, Neutral

Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 100
Speed 50 ft., burrow 50 ft.
Burrow speeds can be nasty and fit the theme you seem to be going for.
18 (+4)12 (+1)14 (+2)4 (-3)10 (+0)6 (-2)
Everything looks good here
Savings ThrowsCon +6

Skills Perception +4
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing that is nonmagical
Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception: 14
Languages None (understands Telepathy)
Challenge 9 (Defensive 9, Offensive 9)
I would probably give it another save proficiency, either Wis or Dex I think. But not a requirement. Obviously listing defensive and offensive CR is not standard (but I can see it being helpful to DMs) and you didn't list the XP. No big deal there. However, I would probably have this guy at CR 8. I calculated it at CR 8.5 and would round down because of prone vulnerability.



Telepathic Enslavement: A creature that can use telepathy gains advantage on all charisma checks against CMX and CMX has disadvantage on charm saves against the creature.
Personally I am not understanding the reason for this one, maybe it has something to do with an idea you have not explained. It seems like it could be a significant vulnerability in the right situation.
Prone Vulnerability: While prone, CMXs speed is 0, and it must use an action to remove the condition.
This is interesting and fun, but it is also a big nerf. I didn't do it, but I think there is an argument for taking out a whole round of attacks when figuring its offensive CR. If you do that, I get a CR of 7 for this monster.
Environmental Adaptation: If CMX is in an environment naturally attuned to an energy type (such as the plane of fire), after 1 minute CMX becomes immune to that energy type until it leaves the environment.
Like it. Question: Is "energy type" defined anywhere in the PHB or DMG? More on that later.
: Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 22 (4d8 + 4) piercing damage plus 31 (7d8) poison damage.
Ok a have a few comments on this:
  1. I generally prefer to have more than one attack option and at least one option that does more than just damage. This attack doesn't even inflict the poisoned condition. So I would like to see it have a least one more method of attack or course of action.
  2. Shouldn't this be +8 to hit?
  3. I like high damage single attacks, however...
  4. I don't like that the attack does 22 (4d8 + 4) piercing damage. To me that implies the stinger is about 4x the size of a sword (i.e. a Gargantuan sword). I realize that is not a requirement in 5e monster design, but I like my damage to make sense and this doesn't make sense to me. If you want more DPR I would give it a multiattack option, most CR 9 monsters have them.
  5. I don't see anything in this attack the reflects the stinger is like a trident. You made a point of noting that, I would like to see it represented in the mechanics if possible. Maybe a save or be grappled / restrained?
Could it have a grapple option? Combine that with a bite or advantage on the sting? Or maybe knock enemies prone with a claw attack to set up the stinger? Or just add the poisoned condition to the stinger.
Energy Absorption
: When hit with energy damage, CMX gains resistance to the triggering damage type. In addition, its Stringer deals 3d6 (10) of the triggering damage type. This effect lasts until the start of CMXs next turn.
I like it. Similar to the 4e demon variable damage resistance. I do have two comments:
  1. Does the CMX take the energy damage first and then become immune or is it immediately immune?
  2. What is energy damage? Is it defined (IDK). I could see arguments over what that is, so I would rather list out the damage types. For instance are force and psychic "energies?"
Anti-magic Carapace: When hit by a magic weapon, CMX gains damage resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing weapons. Any melee magical weapon (not an artifact) that strikes CMX becomes non-magical for 1 minute. These effects last until the start of CMXs next turn.
I can see this being an interesting (and frustrating) twist. Is there a reason to limit it to melee weapons? If I hit over the head with my magic box, is it still magical? Is a magic arrow that hits it still magical? I also guess I am a bit more evil, I might not limit the effects to just 1 minute:unsure:
--Designer's Notes: So I am assuming the party will be doing half damage the vast majority of the time, so I doubled its effective HP for defensive CR. Or if you want to go a little less it puts the defense at 8, but also energy absorption bumps the offense to 11 so we are still dancing around the CR 9 regardless.

This guy came around as a similar idea to the rust monster, a way to change it up by effecting the opponent's gear as much as the opponent itself. I combined that with a general energy absorption concept and created a "cockroach" that can basically live anywhere. The prone vulnerability concept is one I've been wanting to try for a while, and players really took to it, they were using athletics left and right to keep these creatures down while handling the other monsters, as these monsters were doing lots of damage to them.
Like your description this seems more like a support monster than a 1v1 type. After looking over it I really think the CR is too high. It has a fun puzzle that can make it a fairly trivial encounter on its own, but helps the PCs out in a large numbers situation. It sounds like you used it perfectly. Nice work!


Thank you for the detailed review! Lets dig in.
Personally I am not understanding the reason for this one, maybe it has something to do with an idea you have not explained. It seems like it could be a significant vulnerability in the right situation.
The flavor that I forgot to add is that the creatures have been cultivated by Aboleths (or mainly mind flayers I hadn't settled on it yet). So that was the reason, and I also did it frankly because one of my players has telepathy. But for a more general just cockroach like monster it may be best to remove that.

This is interesting and fun, but it is also a big nerf. I didn't do it, but I think there is an argument for taking out a whole round of attacks when figuring its offensive CR. If you do that, I get a CR of 7 for this monster.
I can be on board with that. Note that on the defensive CR if we assume resistance all the time that actually doubles the effective hitpoints I believe, but with appropriate vulnerabilities we can knock it back down.

Like it. Question: Is "energy type" defined anywhere in the PHB or DMG? More on that later.
So I based this off of the Aborb Elements spell, which looking at it actually defines the energy types in the reaction itself, so I will update based on that.

  1. I generally prefer to have more than one attack option and at least one option that does more than just damage. This attack doesn't even inflict the poisoned condition. So I would like to see it have a least one more method of attack or course of action.
  2. Shouldn't this be +8 to hit?
  3. I like high damage single attacks, however...
  4. I don't like that the attack does 22 (4d8 + 4) piercing damage. To me that implies the stinger is about 4x the size of a sword (i.e. a Gargantuan sword). I realize that is not a requirement in 5e monster design, but I like my damage to make sense and this doesn't make sense to me. If you want more DPR I would give it a multiattack option, most CR 9 monsters have them.
  5. I don't see anything in this attack the reflects the stinger is like a trident. You made a point of noting that, I would like to see it represented in the mechanics if possible. Maybe a save or be grappled / restrained?

So in the design I wanted the creature to just be a nice solid brute option for a DM, but with a defensive twist. I wanted to go with a single big attack because so many of the current monsters use multi-attack. However, there were mechanically a few reasons as well:

1) I wanted the Opportunity Attack to be a real threat. I found that my party members would often move in, prone the creature, and then leave to deal with something else. I want the creature's counter OA to be something the party has to think about (even if the attack is at disadvantage for the prone).

2) It helps scale the energy boost, otherwise the creature gains +20 damage instead of +10. Now I could have the energy damage only apply to the first attack (which is how absorb elements works), but I want to keep things as simple as possible, as deal with the defensive options is already some DM work.

3) Very few monsters at this level are an actual "kill threat". This monster does enough damage on its attack to actually kill a 0 hp party member with a good roll. So in this case, the "condition" it can impose is death...and I think that is plenty scary, so no reason to throw in more tricks. In fact it may be too much damage for a CR 7 considering its a kill threat, I'll have to think about that one.

Now I am fine adjusting the damage to be more poison and less piercing if that helps the flavor. The trident thing was just because I don't have a picture to show, so I was trying to be descriptive:)

I can see this being an interesting (and frustrating) twist. Is there a reason to limit it to melee weapons? If I hit over the head with my magic box, is it still magical? Is a magic arrow that hits it still magical? I also guess I am a bit more evil, I might not limit the effects to just 1 minute:unsure:

the reason I limited it to magic melee, was it seemed weird to me that an arrow fired from a bow would turn the magical bow non-magical. The idea is that the arrow does turn non-magical (that's why I actually upgrade the resistance in the description), but it doesn't turn the bow itself non-magical. Perhaps I need new wording, any suggestions there?

Alright I've made a few rewrites, see what you think.
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Thank you for the detailed review! Lets dig in.

The flavor that I forgot to add is that the creatures have been cultivated by Aboleths (or mainly mind flayers I hadn't settled on it yet). So that was the reason, and I also did it frankly because one of my players has telepathy. But for a more general just cockroach like monster it may be best to remove that.
Got it!
I can be on board with that. Note that on the defensive CR if we assume resistance all the time that actually doubles the effective hitpoints I believe, but with appropriate vulnerabilities we can knock it back down.
It is a trick one to pin down CR wise because of the resistances and nerfs. I feels somewhere between 7-8 to me.
So I based this off of the Aborb Elements spell, which looking at it actually defines the energy types in the reaction itself, so I will update based on that.
That is what I was thinking
So in the design I wanted the creature to just be a nice solid brute option for a DM, but with a defensive twist. I wanted to go with a single big attack because so many of the current monsters use multi-attack. However, there were mechanically a few reasons as well:
I can get behind that
1) I wanted the Opportunity Attack to be a real threat. I found that my party members would often move in, prone the creature, and then leave to deal with something else. I want the creature's counter OA to be something the party has to think about (even if the attack is at disadvantage for the prone).
That is a good point - the OA is something to be feared.
3) Very few monsters at this level are an actual "kill threat". This monster does enough damage on its attack to actually kill a 0 hp party member with a good roll. So in this case, the "condition" it can impose is death...and I think that is plenty scary, so no reason to throw in more tricks. In fact it may be too much damage for a CR 7 considering its a kill threat, I'll have to think about that one.

Now I am fine adjusting the damage to be more poison and less piercing if that helps the flavor. The trident thing was just because I don't have a picture to show, so I was trying to be descriptive:)
My biggest issue was always how the damage was obtained, not the total. I just like to have some consistency in figuring my b,p, & s damage, I would up the poison damage, but that is just me personally.
the reason I limited it to magic melee, was it seemed weird to me that an arrow fired from a bow would turn the magical bow non-magical. The idea is that the arrow does turn non-magical (that's why I actually upgrade the resistance in the description), but it doesn't turn the bow itself non-magical. Perhaps I need new wording, any suggestions there?
I wasn't suggesting the bow becomes non-magical, just the arrow. I just don't think you need to specify it. Everyone realizes you don't hit the monster with the bow, just the arrow you are shoting. So basically anything that hits it becomes non-magical, done.
Alright I've made a few rewrites, see what you think.
I will check it out.


Custom Monster X (Name Pending) - WIP (Version 2)
Large Aberration, Neutral
I like all of the revisions.
Anti-magic Carapace: CMX can use this reaction when hit by a magic weapon. All magic weapons that strike CMX become non-magical for 1 minute. Ranged ammunition becomes non-magical, but the ranged weapon itself is not affected. These effects last until the end of CMXs next turn.
I personally don't think you need the bold part, but I understand some would like it. I might simply say
Anti-magic Carapace. When the CMX is hit by a magic item, it drains all magic from the item and any magical item that hits it until the end of its next turn. An item drained in this way becomes non-magical for 1 minute.



Ref Sheet: Vandir by Remarin

Large monstrosity (titan), chaotic evil

Armor Class 17
Hit Points 297 (22d10 + 176; bloodied 148)
Speed 80 ft., fly 120 ft.

1 (-5)24 (+7)26 (+8)22 (+6)16 (+3)28 (+9)

Savings Throws Dex +13, Con +14, Wis +9
Skills acrobatics +13, arcana +12, perception +9, stealth +19
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing that is nonmagical and not adamantine
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone
Senses blindsight 240 ft., truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 19
Languages All, telepathy 240 ft.
Challenge 20 (25,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6

Abominable Nature. The phane is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form, control its mind, detect its thoughts, ascertain its emotions, or magic that would put it to sleep.

Shadowy Movement. The phane can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object. Additionally, the phane can Disengage or Hide as bonus action in dim light or darkness.

Limited Magic Immunity. The phane is immune to cantrips. Additionally, the phane has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects and any creature that makes a spell attack against the phane has disadvantage on the attack roll.

Magic Weapons. The phane’s weapon attacks are magical.

Null Time Field. When a creature starts its turn within 30 feet of the phane, it must make a DC 19 Intelligence saving throw or be stuck in time until the start of its next turn. A creature stuck in time cannot move or take Actions, and cannot be acted upon except by the phane’s Stasis Touch or a Wish spell.

Time Step (Recharge 4-6). The phane can use a bonus action to teleport to a space it can see within 120 feet of it.

Time Stop (1/Day). The phane uses a bonus action to slow the passage of time. On its next turn it can move twice its speed and take two actions.

The phane makes two attacks: any combination of Stasis Touch or Chronal Bolt attacks.

Stasis Touch Melee Spell Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: The target is put into a state of suspended animation. For the creature, time ceases to flow and its condition becomes fixed. The creature cannot act, it does not grow older, its body functions virtually cease, and no force or effect can harm it. The state persists until the magic is removed by an 8th level dispel magic spell, wish, or similar powerful magic. Additionally, at the end of each of its turns the creature may attempt a DC 23 Intelligence saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Chronal Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +15 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 49 (14d6) force damage and the target’s speed is reduced in half and it cannot take bonus actions or reactions until the end of its next turn.

Time Leap (1/Short or Long Rest). The phane leaps through time gaining knowledge of the future. Until the end of the phane's next turn, the phane has advantage on all of its attacks, it automatically makes all saving throws, and all attacks that target it and saving throws against effect it causes have disadvantage.

Summon Time Duplicate (1/Day). The phane summons a duplicate of a creature it has encountered in the past. The summoned creature must be CR 15 or below. The summoned creature is completely loyal to the phane, and obeys its commands as in the spell Dominate Monster. The summoned creature is banished if the phane is reduced to 0 hit points or the phane dismiss it as a bonus action.

Time Leach.
The phane siphons time from a creature that is within 120 feet of it and under the effects of its Stasis Touch. The creature suffers one level of exhaustion and ages 10 years each time the phane uses the effect. If a creature dies from this effect, it is released from the stasis and its body is a desiccated husk that turns to dust from the slightest touch or breeze, and the phane regains 50 hit points.

Shadowy Escape (Recharge 5-6). When the phane would be hit by an attack or is targeted by a spell, the phane is unaffected by the spell or missed by the attack and may teleport up to 30 feet. This ability does not work on area effects.
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I have posted 3 more Epic Level Handbook abominations:

InfernalFiend (titan)23

Before a I move forward with the rest of the ELH, I was requested to do an avatar of the god Kord. So I plan to post that later today if I get time.
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