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D&D 5E Unearthed Arcana: Draconic Options

The latest Unearthed Arcana from WotC is called Draconic Options. It includes three variant Dragonborn races and a new kobold race, as well as a handful of new spells and feats. Dragonlance fans might do a double-take when they see Fizban's platinum shield (two Forgotten Realms dragons are referenced in the spells, too -- Icingdeath and Raulothim -- as is the FR god of fey dragons, Nathair)...

The latest Unearthed Arcana from WotC is called Draconic Options. It includes three variant Dragonborn races and a new kobold race, as well as a handful of new spells and feats. Dragonlance fans might do a double-take when they see Fizban's platinum shield (two Forgotten Realms dragons are referenced in the spells, too -- Icingdeath and Raulothim -- as is the FR god of fey dragons, Nathair).

Harness the power of dragons in this installment of Unearthed Arcana! This playtest document presents race, feat, and spell options related to dragons in Dungeons & Dragons.

First is a trio of draconic race options presented as an alternative to the dragonborn race in the Player’s Handbook, as well as a fresh look at the kobold race. Then comes a handful of feat options that reflect a connection to draconic power. Finally, an assortment of spells—many of them bearing the names of famous or infamous dragons—offer a variety of approaches to manifesting dragon magic.


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Just having a look at this now. Instantly, I see they've improved the dragonborn breath weapon, making it a bit chunkier with d8s and upping the uses with the new standard of proficiency bonus/long rest. Being able to use it in place of an attack is going to see the breath weapon actually get used. The additional ability at 3rd level is also pretty cool, chromatics become immune, metallics use an alternate breath weapon. I think if anyone had complaints about the dragonborn before, this will fix it, though let's face it, they won't update the PHB dragonborn.

Oh wait, just spotted gem dragonborn, I know they've created stats for at least one gemstone dragon so this is cool. Not too fussed about the gem flight though, I'd have rather they gained something "psionic" at 3rd level.

Kobold doesn't fit my image of the kobold, I probably won't use it, or at least, I won't use it as a kobold. Also not sure if these replace traits on the kobold or if this is a new kobold altogether since there aren't any ability boosts there.

I like the feats and the spells are cool. Some names on the spells I instantly recognised, others the names look familiar and I wonder if they were from Dragonlance or from the dragon articles detailing Faerun's dragons. I hope these name drops mean that Dragonlance is coming soon but it could just as easily be the designers having fun with the names.

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Just one mention, actually, from the table for random origins for the Drakewarden Ranger:

"You had a vivid dream of a mysterious man, accompanied by seven yellow canaries, who warned you of impending doom. When you awoke your drake was there, watching you."


Just having a look at this now. Instantly, I see they've improved the dragonborn breath weapon, making it a bit chunkier with d8s and upping the uses with the new standard of proficiency bonus/long rest. Being able to use it in place of an attack is going to see the breath weapon actually get used. The additional ability at 3rd level is also pretty cool, chromatics become immune, metallics use an alternate breath weapon. I think if anyone had complaints about the dragonborn before, this will fix it, though let's face it, they won't update the PHB dragonborn.

Oh wait, just spotted gem dragonborn, I know they've created stats for at least one gemstone dragon so this is cool. Not too fussed about the gem flight though, I'd have rather they gained something "psionic" at 3rd level.

Kobold doesn't fit my image of the kobold, I probably won't use it, or at least, I won't use it as a kobold. Also not sure if these replace traits on the kobold or if this is a new kobold altogether since there aren't any ability boosts there.

I like the feats and the spells are cool. Some names on the spells I instantly recognised, others the names look familiar and I wonder if they were from Dragonlance or from the dragon articles detailing Faerun's dragons. I hope these name drops mean that Dragonlance is coming soon but it could just as easily be the designers having fun with the names.
We discussed this earlier in the thread, but we have two Forgotten Realms Dragons, one generic Dragon deity (Intermediate, god of fairy dragons), and the last member of the Wizards Three (Fizban of Dragonlance, the only one of the Wizards Three who has not narrated a 5E rulebook).


I think if anyone had complaints about the dragonborn before, this will fix it ...
Nope. As I said upthread, I still think the dragonborn is too much of a one trick pony.

Kobold doesn't fit my image of the kobold, I probably won't use it, or at least, I won't use it as a kobold. Also not sure if these replace traits on the kobold or if this is a new kobold altogether since there aren't any ability boosts there.
They're using the same "choose your own ability boosts and languages" thing that they did with the fey races UA, so yes, this is meant to be a new / replacement version of the Volo's kobold.

Just one mention, actually, from the table for random origins for the Drakewarden Ranger:

"You had a vivid dream of a mysterious man, accompanied by seven yellow canaries, who warned you of impending doom. When you awoke your drake was there, watching you."
That's a reference to Bahamut, no?


Possibly a Idiot.
Here be dragons!

Draconic Races
In the new fashioned tradition set by previous UA, these races have fully custom ASI spreads. Unlike previous UA's these races already existed, with multiple prints of stats even. Is this precedent for all the previous races getting this mechanical overhaul? Possibly. Maybe a sign of the mythical 5.5e? Who knows?

A common trait these revamps share is that their scales can be whatever color. Which is nice because everyone already did that anyway.

Chromatic Dragonborn
Originally in 5e, dragonborn were all one race entry regardless of ancestry. Then they got a few new variants in Wildmount in order to make them more desirable for playing because the PHB dragonborn were kind of lackluster for most things. In this UA, instead of making one race with a few Sub-Races (which would have been obvious considering they share a significant portion of their mechanics) they made them into 3 new core races. As such, I will condense all the similar mechanics into this entry. Aside from that, they still don't have even basic darkvision, which is odd considering that the True Dragons they are ostensibly related too have both an extended darkvision range and blindsight.

Breath Weapon
Now for the main event, the thing that supposedly makes a Dragonborn feel like a Dragonborn: Burninating all the peasants and there thatched roof cottages! It's objectively better than the old Breath Weapon, because it has better damage, and if you have multiple attacks it doesn't eat your full action. On the downside, it still isn't that great for some classes, namely Rogues and most Casters, who don't get the luxury of splitting up their action in such a fashion. For a bit of variation, Chromatics get a Line, while Metallics/Gems get a Cone. and now I have a question: Could, say a high level fighter, use this ability multiple times per attack action for a massive nova?

Draconic Resistance
Now here is an interesting conflict. Chromatic and Metallic Dragonborn have the better elemental types for defense (based upon the number of creatures that attack with those elements), while Gem Dragonborn have the better elemental types for offence. Even trade? Depends on the campaign.

Chromatic Warding.
With the Chromatic Unique Power, you can do your best t-800 impression while walking naked through a wall of fire unscathed. This is one of those powers that players will absolutely find a use for due to the cool-factor.

Metallic Dragonborn
Basically the same as there Chromatic cousins, save for the final ability.

Metallic Breath Weapon
Metallic dragons have two breath weapons, one for melting faces, and one that is the less lethal approach. You get to pick which kind you want to have every time you use it, but you only get to use it once per day. That said, a STR save AoE knockback +prone is really good.

Gem Dragonborn
Gems get to have two different unique powers in addition to having more exotic elemental damage types!

Psionic Mind.
Telepathy is always fun, even if it is one-way only.

Gem Flight.
So the other thing dragons are famous for is flying. Unfortunately only Gem Dragonborn get this in any capacity. Fortunately, this has a limited duration, so your DM is far more likely to let you play as one than an Owlfolk. You know, if they allow psionics that is.

This could have easily been one race with subraces. And I could totally see myself having a fun time with any of these, which is a unique thing to say, as I normally disagree with at least one of the options in these kinds of UA.

Now with less sensitive vision and begging!
A small sized race with 30 speed is nice, only 60' of darkvision but doesn't suffer in the sunlight.

Draconic Legacy
Your choice of : Advantage vs fear (like anyone is going to pick this), a Cantrip (ooh shiny), or using your tail as a weapon?
That last one is a real head scratcher, I've never seen kobolds depicted as attacking with their tails, unless it was a monk maybe. I've seen both claws and teeth used for attacks however, and why one of those wasn't picked is a bit beyond me.

Draconic Roar.
Better than Grovel, Cower, and Beg in every way possible, especially the way that counts: It doesn't make you beg.

So here is the big question: Did you ever want to play a kobold, but hated the thought of being a pathetic worm or having your eyeballs fry in the sunlight? And here is the answer to that. There isn't anything particularly wrong with it (other than that tail weirdness) and it has some highly desirable traits.

Anyone can take these feats for a splash of the old draconic blood.

Gift of the Chromatic Dragon
The Artificer's Elemental Weapon is back, in Feat Form. Only the cool part is once per day. One of those cases were PB/LR makes sense, but wasn't used for reasons. There is a reaction to give you resistance, but that got the pb/lr treatment instead of that just happening whenever.

Gift of the Metallic Dragon
You learn the Cure Wounds spell and get the ability to cast it for free once per day. Handy I suppose. The reaction ability this time lets you subtract a d4 from an attack as a reaction. Which could turn a hit into a miss, if your DM lets you see them roll.

Gift of the Gem Dragon
The most underwhelming of the bunch, a half-feat that gives you a force push, that only works when you take damage from a creature. This should really give you telepathy or something.

I wish these were just a bit better. Feats are kind of a premium currency when it comes to character creation: You might get one or two and you really want them to be character defining to the point where it would be significant rather than just a sometimes thing. GotMD is just barely there, the other two aren't.

Slightly unexpected, but a nice cherry on the top of the shortcake none the less.

Draconic Transformation
Flying, Blindsence, and a BA attack breath weapon. nice package, but I'm not sure of the level 7 price tag.

Fizban’s Platinum Shield
Half cover (+2 AC/Dex saves), Resistance to elemental damage, and evasion. Also you can swap targets. It's a 6th level spell, but it feels like they added a bunch of extra minor stuff like the target swap to try and justify making it a 6th level spell instead of making it 5th.

Flame Stride
A beefed up Expeditious Retreat that can also be used to hurt people. Finally a spell that fits it's level.

Icingdeath’s Frost
A 2nd level spell that can trade an action for speed. I like this one too, despite the lowish damage and Con save, it's geared more for control, and it shows.

Nathair’s Mischief
It's wild magic, but you only role once and you get to move the AoE if you get something that doesn't fit. Still, I can't see myself using this as more than a joke.

Raulothim’s Psychic Lance
Now that's a mighty lance, lots of psychic damage, INT save, and it makes the target incapacitated. The part where you can name someone so the lance will strike them without being able to target them directly is wild and fun.

Summon Draconic Spirit
It's a summon spirit, in draconic form. But you can also use it as a flying mount because it's a large dragon. Ironically, this is also a great case for why Draconic Transformation should be lower level.

I can see using actually most of these spells, it's just that a few of them are below par.
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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
It was always an action, so this is a boost for the extra action people. It's still better than a cantrip for casters. For rogues, it's less useful, though, unless they can catch like 3 people in it. A 12d6+dex vs 4d6 with dex for half could be a good trade if you catch a fair number in it.

My dragonborn PC uses it whenever he gets frightened and has a penalty on attack rolls. Gets scared, spits acid in their face.
Also good for rogues when they can’t get SA.
No it just means you're sane. Because it's hard to believe a Drow famed for being some kind of badass straight out of Menzoberranzan would call his swords... Twinkle and Icingdeath... or that anyone would take him seriously after he did... Yet that is the lore.
Why would those names lead to people not taking him serioualy.

I swear y’all’s minds have been warped by too many action movies and decades of cynical western media in general.


I never use kobolds as written. If I do use them they are more like the ones in German folklore. It kinda irritates me how d&d just takes the name of an important archetype in folklore and uses it in a very poor way.

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