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Level Up (A5E) How Would You do the Rest of the Lineages


This one isn't for the LU writing team, but for the rest of the folks in the forums.

LU has the "main" lineages: human, elf, tiefling, etc. But we all know that there are a zillion races for D&D. With the more involved way lineages are presented--the base abilities, but also Gifts and Paragon Gifts, and even some "Racial" Origins--how would you guys homebrew some of these other lineages for LU?

Some of my thoughts:

Gith could be a lineage. Githyanki and Githzerai--or rather, Astral and Limbo Gith--are origins. The Gith from Spelljammer and Dark Sun could also be origins, although they'd have to have names that were better than "pirate" and "savage." Gifts would include different psionic passages, and Paragon gifts would be more potent psionics.

Goblin could be a lineage. Gifts would could enhace their goblininess or turn on into a hobgoblin or bugbear. Origins could include things like "Skulker," for those who survive in other people's cities or in the sewers beneath them; "Militarized" for those who are, well, more military than that, as they tend to be more organized than the Warhordeling origin would suggest.

Genasi could be a lineage, if it hasn't been brought into tiefling already. Much like the Dragonborn, it could be greatly expanded, with all the quasi- and para-elemental varients as well as the main four. At least one origin could be something that indicates that they are from a (genie-run) elemental kingdom.

Beastfolk could be a lineage that encompasses basically all the anthro races, or at least all the mammalian ones. Gifts would help to differentiate each species from the other: sharp teeth, sharp claws, horns, climbing or leaping abilities, etc. Optionally, this could be like the list of "subraces" the dragonborn have. The Origins could further do this, with Hunter, Hider, Climber, and Runner-type origins.

Any thoughts?

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For ZEITGEIST I've worked up versions of gnoll, goblin, kobold, lizardfolk, and minotaur.

Thing is, the tropes of ZEITGEIST's setting are a bit different from those of, say, Greyhawk or Golarion. Even setting aside the culture side of character creation, Z's different types of humanoids have a different vibe.


For ZEITGEIST I've worked up versions of gnoll, goblin, kobold, lizardfolk, and minotaur.

Thing is, the tropes of ZEITGEIST's setting are a bit different from those of, say, Greyhawk or Golarion. Even setting aside the culture side of character creation, Z's different types of humanoids have a different vibe.
Do they work like LU's lineage/gift/paragon/origin deal?

Yup. I designed them first for a 5e "Adventures in ZEITGEIST" book, but when we were commissioning art Russ started work on Level Up, and so there's an LU version. I'm not sure if we're going to try to release two versions, or just the LU version.


So, nobody seemed too interested in starting, so I'll go. This is a catfolk, adapted from the tabaxi, leonin, and Pathfinder catfolk. Any feedback is appreciated, as are ideas for origins.

Catfolk Traits

Catfolk have slightly shorter lives than humans do: they typically reach maturity in their middle teens and can live to be about sixty or seventy.

Size. Catfolk range in size from a short four feet to a tall seven-foot-six. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a climb speed equal to your walking speed.

Cat’s Claws. As a catfolk, you have retractable claws. Extending or retracting the claws requires no action. The claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed attacks. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + either your Strength or Dexterity, instead of the normal bludgeoning damage for an unarmed strike.

Curious Cat: You’re good at finding out things by sniffing around, even if their curiosity sometimes leads them into trouble. Choose one of Insight or Investigation; you gain an expertise die in that skill.

If I Fits. You are proficient in the Acrobatics skill, and you can move through an area large enough for a Small creature without squeezing.

Ambush Predators. Felines are some of the fiercest hunters, and they nearly always hunt by sneaking up on their prey before they strike. Catfolk are no exception. You are proficient in the Stealth skill.

Feline Senses. You have very keen senses, and gain an expertise die on Perception checks that rely on smell and hearing.

Catfolk Gifts

Little Cat Feet

You have the following features:

Always Lands On Your Feet. As long as you’re not incapacitated, you can use your reaction to reduce the amount of damage you take from a fall by an amount equal to twice your proficiency bonus.

Feline Agility. Your reflexes and agility allow you to move with a burst your speed. When you move on your turn, you can double your speed until the end of the turn. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you move 0 feet on one of your turns.

Soft Steps. You have an expertise die when you make Stealth checks to move silently.

The Magic and Music of Cats
Cats are musical creatures; unlike them, though, catfolk can actually hold a tune. You have the following features.

Magic Adept. You learn two cantrips of your choice from the Bard spell list. Your spellcasting ability for this trait is Charisma.

Tool Proficiency. You are proficient in one musical instrument of your choice.

Supreme Predator
You have the following features:

Natural Hunter. You gain an expertise die on any check made to locate or catch game animals.

Powerful Leaps. You gain an expertise die on any Athletics or Acrobatics check made to jump, and if you take the Dash action, your jump distance is doubled for the turn.

Terrifying Roar. As a bonus action, you can roar. Creautres of your choice within 10 feet that can hear you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you until the end of your next turn. The DC of the save equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Tooth and Claw. If you are a member of a class that can take maneuvers, you may always take maneuvers from the Tooth and Claw tradition.

Catfolk Paragon
When you reach 10th level, you gain one of the following gifts:

Felines are good at getting into places they shouldn’t be able to get to. You can cast dimension door. Once you have done this a number of times equal to half your profiency modifier, rounded down, you must complete a long rest before you can do so again.

Feline Majesty
All who look upon you see your perfection shining out. Whenever you make a Charisma check, you may roll an additional 1d6 and add it to the roll. This effect is not an expertise die.

Murder Mittens
When you attack with your claws, you gain an expertise die on your attack roll and deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus. In addition, your claws are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming damage resistance.
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So I can't stop myself... a Catfolk Origin.

BTW, I'll gladly take any comments or criticism on this.

Catfolk Origin: Prideborn
You come from a people who group together in small, semi-nomadic, hunter/gatherer prides. Some of these prides mimic those of lions, with an individual, often but not always a male, in charge (although the leaders of these prides rarely go so far in mimicking lions as to kill unrelated young or to drive out other males as competitions). Many prides are more like feral cat communities, with no true leader. In either case, the members of each pride strive to work for the benefit of every other pridemember.

Each pride travels along a specific circuit, following the seasons or the herds, either on foot or on the back of a favored riding beast. At certain places along each circuit, they build and maintain more permanent structures—depending on the builders, these can range from simple longhouses to almost estate-like buildings. There, a pride can stop for a while until it’s time for them to move on.

Characters raised in the Prideborn culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.

Fast Movement. Your walking speed is increased by 5 feet.

Hunters and Gatherers. You are proficient in spears and shortbows, as these weapons are typically used for hunting. You are also proficient in the Survival skill, and you gain an expertise die with it when foraging.

Living off the Land. You are capable of creating a fire, no matter the circumstances. You know either the control flames (from XGE) or druidcraft cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can also cast purify food and drink. Once you have done so, you can’t do so again until you have completed a long rest. If you are a member of a spellcasting class, you can use that spellcasting ability when you cast these spells. Otherwise, choose one of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as your spellcasting ability.

Wildnerness Native. You’re used to roughing it, to the point that “civilized luxury” is just plain odd to you. You can regain Fatigue and Strife even when not at a haven.

Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common, Catfolk, and one additional language of your choice.

Edited with @Steampunkette's suggestions.
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Rules Tinkerer and Freelance Writer
Worth noting, @Faolyn: Male lions aren't actually actually in charge of anything in the Pride. Their only purpose is to provide babies to the females of the species.

Yeah, they fight off weaker males, but that's only because if he didn't the female lions would ditch him and find a better male. But if the females decide they don't like a given male any longer they will drive him off and grab a new male to be the one guy who gets to get busy in the pride. They'll even kill him if he tries to stick around.

Not really relevant to your suggestion, but I'm nothing if not a complete nerd. :D

Not 100% sure about giving them both Control Flames and Purify food and drink. I think it might be better to just hand them the Druidcraft Cantrip as a "Catch All" wilderness lore type ability.

The rest seems pretty cool? Though would a Ranger Catfolk get 4 times as much food as normal or just 3 times or just double, even though they've got two features on the character that increase foraging?

Oh! Alternatively... you could make it that they gain an Expertise Die when foraging, so they almost always get something and play into a different mechanic?


Worth noting, @Faolyn: Male lions aren't actually actually in charge of anything in the Pride. Their only purpose is to provide babies to the females of the species.
Yeah, but D&D lionfolk (like wemics) typically always do the male-in-charge thing. I'm not great on fluff, so I just kind of went with that. If I were to do an "official" finished version of this, it'd be much more filled out and emphasize things like what you say.

Not 100% sure about giving them both Control Flames and Purify food and drink. I think it might be better to just hand them the Druidcraft Cantrip as a "Catch All" wilderness lore type ability.
Actually, what I think I'll do is a choice of druidcraft and control flames.

The rest seems pretty cool? Though would a Ranger Catfolk get 4 times as much food as normal or just 3 times or just double, even though they've got two features on the character that increase foraging?

Oh! Alternatively... you could make it that they gain an Expertise Die when foraging, so they almost always get something and play into a different mechanic?
An expertise die might just be the right thing here, instead of doubling the amount. Math is hard for me; I wouldn't know if it would be tripled or quadrupled.


A5E Designer and third-party publisher
Gith could be a lineage. Githyanki and Githzerai--or rather, Astral and Limbo Gith--are origins. The Gith from Spelljammer and Dark Sun could also be origins, although they'd have to have names that were better than "pirate" and "savage." Gifts would include different psionic passages, and Paragon gifts would be more potent psionics.
Gith are locked away behind the OGL's IP restrictions, so no Gith.

I'd definitely be down to see some more elemental/planar heritages. Wouldn't mind some undead/cursed ones, either; dhampirs are always a crowd pleaser.


Gith are locked away behind the OGL's IP restrictions, so no Gith.

I'd definitely be down to see some more elemental/planar heritages. Wouldn't mind some undead/cursed ones, either; dhampirs are always a crowd pleaser.
This is pure homebrew, not something to publish and sell, so it should be OK. Although I suppose Gith could be renamed to something else. Thoughts?

I may try to tackle Genasi (Elemental-Touched? Primalfolk? I suck at naming things) next. From All the para- and quasi-elemental planes as well. I imagine the Gift would actually address the plane its tied to. I can see "Genie-Court" as a possible origin.

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