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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
The ghast lashes out at the dwarf next to it. Hoping to add to its growing feast of flesh. It manages to bite the dwarf and the white bearded warrior goes numb. All he can do is stand there. His female compatriot tries to move to help him but Elle orders her to stand fast.

"I will deal with this... thing," she says. She steps away from Tarrak and raises her holy symbol and directs the power of Inanna to try to turn the creature. It is to no avail. The halfling gala isn't powerful enough to turn the ghast. But her attempt did get its attention. It hisses at her and licks its lips with its long tongue.

"Oh no."


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World of Kulan DM
Ummm...no. that's my base AC...read a bit lower where it says current AC.
with shield of law assuming of course the troll is chaotic in which case shield of law could slow it.

And to be clear, the above is with haste only, shield of law adds 4 more above it, sorry :(
OOC: Okay, while I understand you like to list everything in your spoilers (which can be both helpful and overwhelming), the most important information I need should really be a top so I don't have to hunt for it through the whole thing. I had a feeling that 25 didn't hit, but I wasn't sure. I shouldn't have assumed you'd put Maur's actual AC at the top but if you can do that for me, it would be great.

I should have just asked you where it was but I wasn't sure you were online and Edmonton is having another heatwave. I'm tired, hot, and a bit cranky. I will change my post shortly.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: No problem. I bolded the relevant, actual part, I'll simply move the current stats up and spoiler the details.
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World of Kulan DM
No problem. I bolded the relevant, actual part, I'll simply move the current stats up and spoiler the details.
OOC: And can you please put mark your out of character comments posted to the IC thread like this one. That's mainly so I don't forget which thread I'm in while flipping back and forth between my browser and my OpenOffice documents and Worldographer. :p

OOC: Man, I'm in a mood today. :(
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World of Kulan DM
Angus takes a swipe at the wolftroll before heading towards Lady Pendour. The wolftroll tries to bite him but the undead creature only snaps at air. The Harqualian centaur moves up the slope past Maur and Phar towards the gathered soldiers of Carnell who have little hope of holding off Tarrak. He does note that Sir Ghal and Wieland are already beside her, so she has some stronger protection. He sees that Meridith has fallen while trying to run away from the sound of the rooks' cawing. He moves past her and Henry carefully, trying not to step to close to the edge of the crevasse.

The slope slows his progress. It will take him a few seconds more to reach the so-called ghast lord.

He can see Syndra crouched down over the lifeless corpse of the bard. Her husband, Benedict, has fallen to his knees and dropped his bow. His head is hung low and he is sobbing. The militia fighter standing next to Benedict tries to turn and flee. He trips over a small stalagmite and falls down the slope next to Angus.

He watches as all but one of the human members of the militia try to flee the fear gripping them. One of the female fighters (Angus can't remember her name) tries to slip by the flying rook closing in on her. She gets to close to the edge and slips over the edge. somehow she manages to catch onto the edge of the crevasse but she is barely hanging on.

"Hang on, Annabel, I'm coming!" Angus watches as Zephora tries to save her fellow militia member. She drops her blade and shield and steps towards the woman. She dives and grabs onto the woman's hand. She tries to pull Annabel up, but the weight is too much for her.

A female militia soldier panics and falls prone next to Benedict. She puts her hands over her head and cowers in fear. The other two militia soldiers try to flee from the rooks attack them. One gets bite by the ghoul and becomes rigid from the paralysis while the other gets smacked on the head by the rook on the wing. The man goes down and does not move.

Angus also notes the rooks don't seem to be affected by the stench of Tarrak or the ghast. Maybe they are immune?

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: And can you please put mark your out of character comments posted to the IC thread like this one. That's mainly so I don't forget which thread I'm in while flipping back and forth between my browser and my OpenOffice documents and Worldographer. :p

OOC: Man, I'm in a mood today. :(
OOC: I'm on a phone, I simply didn't realize we're on IC thread. Grimm game makes for grimmood.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Awkwardly, Caerth uses the talons he has as a dire bat to mimic plucking a flower and throwing it in the direction of the enemy wizard. A few high screeches -- almost too high for most people to hear -- and the wild shaped druid manages to cast his spell.

Immediately, a set of huge spectral dinosaur jaws appears next to the elven wizard, and they start biting at him immediately.

Satisfied for now, Caerth flies further, easily evading the rooks. Soon his owl friend Screech is flying behind him, looking for an undead enemy to distract.

OOC: Caerth casts Spiritjaws at Galzadar (the elf on the shelf); line of sight and reach confirmed in the OOC thread.

The spell (link) lasts for 9 rounds, and each round it can make attacks (and free grapple attempts) using Caerth's BAB + WIS modifier (grapple is BAB +4). First round it gets one attack and possible grapple attempt. Each succesful attack deals 2d6 force damage, and opponents in a grapple get dealt 2d6 force damage automatically. It can pin an opponent in a grapple, and it cannot be attacked because it is a force effect. And: The grappled opponent can cast a spell only if the spell has no somatic component, the material components are in band, and a Concentration check (DC20 + spell level) is made. :devilish: A creature grappled by the set of jaws can attempt to escape by succeeding on a grapple check against the jaws or by making a successful Escape Artist check as a standard action opposed by the set of jaws' grapple check. Caerth needs not concentrate on the spell; it just keeps going. :)

First attack from Spiritjaws this round: Spiritjaws: 1D20+6+3 = [16]+6+3 = 25
2D6 = [4, 3] = 7 damage

If that's a hit, free grapple attempt: 1D20+6+4 = [9]+6+4 = 19

Then Caerth flies further down the map, to find a new spot to hang around.

Where can Screech move to?


second birthdate : 15 Dec 2011
Pre posting plausible play perpetually pointed pontifications:

After knocking the priestess down the crevasse he pushes the palisade on top of her, looks to Caerth Dire-bat and says with a shrug, "oops".
Quinn looks back at the shelved elf but sees Caerth dire-bat screech something and nasty jaws springforth and attack the trator. He then looks up and sees a flying .. .. .. .. thing .. .. .. ..in one direction, and his bow 5 feet away in another. he steps to the Bow, picks it up while drawing an arrow smoothly from his quiver, nocks it and shoots.
OOC: too bad I can't use spring attack here

[if he gets a second shot] he then, since he is hasted still, shoots again.

da big battle: 1D20+16 = [10]+16 = 26;1D20+11 = [8]+11 =19
da big battle: 1D8+6 = [3]+6 = 9;1D8+6 = [2]+6 = 8
I have it seperated incase he only gets 1 attack with the haste effects.

Quinn's combat stats:
Hp: 113/113 depends on if chaos hammer beat the sr 25 or not .. .. ..
AC: [27] +1 [haste]; +4 [deflection]; +3 [natural]; +5 [breastplate]; +2 [magic]; +2 [dex]
fort: [+13] +3 [moral]; +4 [resistance]; +3 [class]; +3 [con]; +1 [cloak]
ref: [+13] +1 [haste]; +3 [moral]; +4 [resistance]; +3 [class]; +2 [dex]; +1 [cloak]
will: [+12] +3 [moral]; +4 [resistance]; +3 [class]; +2 [wis]; +1 [cloak]
SR vs chaotic spell or caster: 25
energy resistance: fire 5 [red sash]

BAB: [+15] +9 [class]; +4 [str]; +1 [haste]; +1 [moral]
dam: +1 [conviction] +1 [bard song]
Longbow +1 att; 1d8 +5 dam
+1 composite +4; threat range: 20 [x3]

bastard sword +1 att; 1d10-1 dam
mwk, alchem silver; threat range: 19-20 [x2]

Cruel Justice, Scimitar +1 att; 1d6+1 dam
(Adamantine/Intelligent/Keen); threat range: 15 - 20 [x2]

Spiked chain +1 att; 2d4+1
threat range: 20 [x2]
[edit] fixed grammar infractions
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World of Kulan DM
Awkwardly, Caerth uses the talons he has as a dire bat to mimic plucking a flower and throwing it in the direction of the enemy wizard. A few high screeches -- almost too high for most people to hear -- and the wild shaped druid manages to cast his spell.

Immediately, a set of huge spectral dinosaur jaws appears next to the elven wizard, and they start biting at him immediately.

Satisfied for now, Caerth flies further, easily evading the rooks. Soon his owl friend Screech is flying behind him, looking for an undead enemy to distract.
The spiritjaws appear next to Galzadar and try to attack him. However, the elf's considerably magical protection causes the spell to fail to affect the enemy wizard. Caerth finds an another stalactite to hang from closer to where Sir Ghal and wieland are confronting Tarrak.

Caerth perches about 80 feet above the battle. He and screech can see the entire field of battle including the incoming rooks and bleak eagle. Caerth has to admit the winged creature is quite impressive, however...

In the air above the battle, the bleak eagle calls out due to fear effect of the rook's cawing. It tries to bank sharply and fly from the cave, carrying its rider with it. The man, Crisenth, tries in vain to control the mount, but the bleak eagle turns and begins to wing away from the battle. The man tries to quickly dismount from the magical beast but he cannot find the right moment to properly jump from the saddle.

Tarrak watches as his ally is flown away from the battle out of the cave. The bleak eagle wings away as fast as it can and the two of them are soon out of sight.

"Useless," Tarrak says. "Must I do everything myself."

Near the two remaining palisades, Aureus takes a step back towards Quinn and aims her bow towards the winged ghast. "Let's take that blasted thing out." She fires two quick shots, but not hasted fast. The first arrow comes close but the monstrous ghast avoids it midair. The second shot goes wide. The rooks cawing has her a bit shaken. "Damn, I hate those things," Aureus mumbles.

Phar manages to shrug off the worst of the rooks unnatural cawing. He steps back out the reach of the wolftroll's claws and teeth. The paragon elf knows Maur has the wolftroll well under control, so Phar turns his attention to the winged ghast. He'd like to fireball it but knows that his allies are too close. He choses a scorching ray and casts the spell, hoping the creature doesn't has spell resistance. The first ray is a perfect shot but the flying ghast does indeed have spell resistance and magic fizzles against its protection. The second shot misses completely and hits the far wall.

"They all have spell resistance," he shouts to Maur. "We can't rely on magic against the cultists."

Crisenth - Ride check (control mount DC 20): 1D20+12-2 = [1]+12-2 = 11 (failed)
Crisenth - Ride check (fast dismount DC 20): 1D20+12-2 = [2]+12-2 = 12 (failed)

The bleak eagle has perfect maneuverability, so it turns around and flees four times its 80 foot fly speed, so 320 feet. That effectively removes both it and its rider from the battle area. After 170 feet the eagle and rider are no long on the map. :p

Aureus - Composite Longbow (Full Attack): 1D20+14 = [9]+14 = 23 - 2 = 21
1D20+9 = [6]+9 = 15
-2 = 13 (both misses)

Phar Scorching Ray spell (point blank): 1D20+9 = [20]+9 = 29
1D20+9 = [2]+9 = 11
(hit and miss)
Phar - Caster Level Check: 1D20+11 = [9]+11 = 20 (failed)

Omen casts gaseous form.


World of Kulan DM
Tarrak speaks several profane syllables as incants a spell. Sir Ghal watches in horror as some of the damage he just did is knitted back together.

The rooks press their advantage. They fly over the battlefield and try to pick off several of the the defenders with their clubs.

"Watch out!" Lady Pendour warns her citizens.

One of the rooks wings over the raised section of the cave and down onto Ailward. It scores a hit with its club. Another attacks the halfling Gala of Inanna, but the spry halfling cleric manages to avoid the blow. One of them cravenly attacks the paralyzed militia soldier but the club strike is minor.

The Gala strikes out at the rook that hit her as it flies by her on the left. Her swing is several feet under the rooks feet. "Come down here and face me, you ugly flocker!" The rook hisses at her.

Another strikes out at Lady Pendour and hits the noblewoman on the shoulder. She grimaces but bares the wound. The shield of law protecting her activates and rook is slowed. It squawks in displeasure and is forced to land.

Lady Pendour stabs her rapier into the rook once than again. The rook squawks in displeasure as it beats its wings in a vain attempt to continue flying.

One of the rooks flaps overhead above Wieland and thumps the soldier on the head. It is a minor blow at best and the young warrior slashes out with hit mithral sickle but misses. The rook hoots and flaps away right past Sir Ghal. The knight swings his bastard sword around nearly takes the rooks head off. Instead, he slices deep into its wing.

On the other side of the battlefield, the monstrous ghast flies straight up instead of forward. It rises beyond the reach of the damaging light from Maur's gem.

Heal Undead (from AEG's Undead, p. 76): 1 standard action, heals 4d8 points of damage + 1 point/caster level for undead only
Tarrak - Casts Defensively (Heal Undead DC, 18): 1D20+14 = [20]+14 = 34 (success)
Heal Undead: 4D8+9 = [4, 4, 4, 1]+9 = 22

Lady Pendour - Full Attack: 1D20+10 = [17]+10 = 27 -2 = 25
1D20+5 = [13]+5 = 18 -2 = 16 (two hits)
Lady Pendour - Rapier Damage: 1D6+1 = [3]+1 = 4
1D6+1 = [5]+1 = 6

Attacks for rooks and the AoOs against them are in the OOC thread.

Monstrous ghast climbs to 40 feet.
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