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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]

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World of Kulan DM
Aureus looks up at the flying ghast with disdain. "Damn flying thing, I can still hit you!"

She aims her bow straight up and fires two arrows. The first sinks deep into the ghast's lower torso but the other shot just misses its right wing. The ghast hisses angrily

She looks at Quinn and Phar, "We need to pincushion that thing!"


second birthdate : 15 Dec 2011
He nods in agreement as he draws and shoots an arrow then another and a third, as the Haste continues to aid him

[move] 5 feet diagonally to North East, activate sash fire shield [swift action] and shoot bow 3 times [+15/+10/+15] full attack round
Mathey stuff:
da big battle: 1D20+15 = [18]+15 = 33;1D20+10 = [9]+10 = 19;1D20+15 = [2]+15 = 17
da big battle: 1D8+6 = [3]+6 = 9;1D8+6 = [6]+6 = 12;1D8+6 = [3]+6 = 9

Quinn's combat stats:
Hp: 113/113 depends on if chaos hammer beat the sr 25 or not .. .. ..
AC: [27] +1 [haste]; +4 [deflection]; +3 [natural]; +5 [breastplate]; +2 [magic]; +2 [dex]
fort: [+13] +3 [moral]; +4 [resistance]; +3 [class]; +3 [con]; +1 [cloak]
ref: [+13] +1 [haste]; +3 [moral]; +4 [resistance]; +3 [class]; +2 [dex]; +1 [cloak]
will: [+12] +3 [moral]; +4 [resistance]; +3 [class]; +2 [wis]; +1 [cloak]
SR vs chaotic spell or caster: 25
energy resistance: fire 5 [red sash]

BAB: [+15] +9 [class]; +4 [str]; +1 [haste]; +1 [moral]
dam: +1 [conviction] +1 [bard song]
Longbow +1 att; 1d8 +5 dam
+1 composite +4; threat range: 20 [x3]

bastard sword +1 att; 1d10-1 dam
mwk, alchem silver; threat range: 19-20 [x2]

Cruel Justice, Scimitar +1 att; 1d6+1 dam
(Adamantine/Intelligent/Keen); threat range: 15 - 20 [x2]

Spiked chain +1 att; 2d4+1
threat range: 20 [x2]


World of Kulan DM
OOC: I'm a little confused on the height of the target. If within 30' then add one to attacks and damage rolls
Bow shots and damage: 1D20+9 = [11]+9 = 20
1D8+1 = [8]+1 = 9
1D20+9 = [6]+9 = 15
1D8+1 = [1]+1 = 2
1D20+9 = [16]+9 = 25
1D8+1 = [6]+1 = 7

Phar nods at Aureus and unlimbers his elven bow and sends three of his arrows whistling at the flying Ghast. His aim wasn't perfect, but maybe true enough...
OOC: The flying ghast is 40 feet up in the air. However, Phar is further up the slope, so I'd say he's in point blank range, but the revised 21 and 16 are still misses. The 26 is a hit.

The first two shots miss the flying ghast. The first shot comes close but close enough. The third shot finds its mark and tears through the ghast's bat-like wing. The ghast seems to waver in the air, but it doesn't fall.

Omen flies forward 10 feet in gaseous form.


World of Kulan DM
Tarrak looks at the foes gathered round him and decides that there too many blades aimed directly at him. He moves back 10 feet. Those around him lash out as he moves. Sir Ghal hits the ghast lord hard! Lady Pendour, however, fumbles her blade and drops it on the floor of the cave. It slides away from her down past Angus to stop underneath one of the flying rooks.

Tarrak looks at her with an evil stare and laughs. He isn't paying attention and Zephora manages to lash out at the ghast lord and hit it from her knees after picking up her blade lying beside her.

"What?" Tarrak turns towards the woman like he's going to attack her but the ghast lord controls himself and casts a spell instead. Tarrak undoes some but not all of the damage it just suffered. Then he motions to the rooks and then points down the slope toward Henry and Maur. "Go! Kill the dwarf! Destroy that light!"

Tarrak moves up the slope 10 feet. This costs him 20 feet of movement. Angus, Sir Ghal, and Lady Pendour all get AoOs. I'm not sure if Zephora gets one while prone. I'm going to roll for her anyway... holy moly! I got a Natural 20 for her! 😲

But, not a crit. ;)

Sir Ghal - AoO vs Tarrak: 1D20+16 = [17]+16 = 33
1D10+9 = [8]+9 = 17 (hit)

Lady Pendour - AoO vs Tarrak: 1D20+9 = [1]+9 = 10
1D6+1 = [6]+1 = 7 (critical miss)
Lady Pendour - Dexterity check (DC 10): 1D20 = [2] = 2 (drops her rapier)

Zephora Chyrche - AoO vs Tarrak: 1D20+6-4 = [20]+6-4 = 22
1D8+2 = [6]+2 = 8 (critical threat)
Zephora Chyrche - Confirm Critical: 1D20+6-4 = [16]+6-4 = 18
1D8+2 = [6]+2 = 8 (not a crit)

Tarrak - Heal Undead: 4D8+9 = [7, 1, 3, 5]+9 = 25

Will post attacks for the rooks and the AoOs against some of them on the OOC thread. @Tellerian Hawke, Angus get's an AoO vs Tarrak.


World of Kulan DM
The bulk of the rooks fly down the cave towards Maur and his shining light from the gem. Two of the rooks take strikes from Ailward, Syndra, "Gala" Elle, and the female dwarf fighter. The one between Ailward and the dwarf goes down in a pile of feathers and blood. Four of them get through and three try to take down Henry first, and one of them gets in a lucky shot against the seasoned wilderness rogue.

"Blasted rats with wings!"

One of them tries to hit Maur but to no avail. Two others attack Sir Ghal and Angus instead, trying to distract them from Tarrak. The other grounded rook swings its club at Lady Pendour but it is a poor strike.

The flying monstrous ghast flies forward and manages to stay high enough to stay out of Maur's damaging light, as it moves forward, it begins to descend until it lands just in front of Tarrak next to Lady Pendour.

"Ah, Phre, my dear, you finally have arrived," the ghast lord says. "Kill the centaur, if you can."

"Yes, my lord," the female monstrous ghasts says.

Lady Pendour stands without her weapon. She looks like she's going to flee and she looks at Sir Ghal.

"Do not move, my lady," the knight says. "Keep that shield in front of you."

She nods and holds the shield up in between her and the two ghasts.

The monstrous ghast double moves through the air and then lands. Angus, Sir Ghal, Lady Pendour, and Zephora must all save vs. the monstrous ghast's stench (DC 19). If Angus and Lady Pendour fail their saves, the time they are sickened for is extended not worsened. Rolls to be added to the OOC thread.

Note that the ghast isn't out of range of Quinn's bow shots, but he is now to be considered to be firing into melee (-4).


World of Kulan DM
"Galzadar, do it now!" Tarrak orders the elf wizard.

"I thought you wanted to toy with them for a while," Galzadar replies.

"Just kill some of them!" The ghast lord orders. "And don't hit the rooks."

"That won't be possible with this spell, my lord," the elf replies.

"Do it anyway," Tarrak commands with a laugh. "I tire of these buzzing gnats!"

The rook nearest to Tarrak squawks in fear. "No, no, no!"

The elf pulls another scroll from his case and casts one of the spells on it. When he finishes, a bank of yellowish-green fog spreads across the floor of the cave just behind Angus

Galzadar the Fallen - Caster Level Check for Cloudkill spell on scroll (DC 10): 1D20+7 = [15]+7 = 22 (success)

The enemy elf successfull cast cloudkill, which has a 20-ft. radius spread that is 20 feet high. Any living creature with 3 or fewer HD (no save). A living creature with 4 to 6 HD is allowed a save to avoid death, but even on a successful Fortitude save (DC 21), they take 1d4 Constitution damage each round on Galzadar's turn as long as they remain in the cloud (but see below for how the cloudkill reacts to the terrain). A living creature with more than 6 HD takes 1d4 Constitution damage each round on Galzader's turn, but a successful DC 21 Fortitude save halves the Con damage (min. 1?).

Con Damage from Cloudkill spell (two rounds only): 1D4 = [3] = 3
1D4 = [1] = 1
(3 Con damage in this round and 1 Con damage in the next round)

Spell resistance does not apply.

It encompasses Maur, Quinn, and Phar, as well as all the rooks around Maur. It also affects all these NPCs: Ailward (5 HD), Benedict (1 HD), Henry (8 HD), Meridith (5 HD), Samantha (1 HD), Syndra (3 HD), the female militia soldier (3 HD), and the male militia fighter (1HD). Benedict, Samantha, Syndra, and the two members of the militia automatically die. I will roll the saves for the NPCs on the OOC thread.

Angus, Caerth, and Aureus aren't hit by the cloudkill.

The vapors near Angus will sink down into the crevasses by the end of this round. The vapors near Aureus won't completely sink down into the crevasses until just before Galzadar's turn in the next round. After that, the cloudkill vapors will only be in the crevasses.


World of Kulan DM
Maur watches as the vapors from the cloudkill spell end Meridith's young life, at his feet. He can hear others dying in the deadly magical vapors and the laughter of the ghast lord.

"You evil bastard!" It is Sir Ghal's voice.


World of Kulan DM
At the same time, Angus and Caerth hear screams from within the deadly vapors. Caerth watches the horror from his perch on the ceiling. The flying ghast come close enough to him for the wild shaped druid to strike at the undead creature.

Angus stands just beyond the edge of the misty yellow death. Tarrak laughs. Sir Ghal yells at the elven wizard. The centaur hears the druid, Syndra, cry out in pain.

Then Angus's hear's Benedict's rasping voice... "I'll be with you soon, my love."

Tarrak's laughter resounds through the cave.

Voidrunner's Codex

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