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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
Maur shrugs off Tarraks spell. After all, it is called Chaos HAMMER and Moradin already said he is on his side. So, no hammer will harm Maur and what he hammers will stay down.

He calls out with as much disdain and volume (so that everybody hears it) as he can muster.

"You'll have to do better than that, ghoul. If you were a true leader, you'd surround yourself with capable people, not pitiable novices which you have to turn to zombies to even be semi-useful. Worse, they would be willing to die for you and not whimper in darkness.

The militia here cannot stop you but can keep your zombies away. And they are here voluntary. That's how you manage people, you incompetent piece of grave overflow!

Guards! Focus on lesser opponents, their lord is probably protected from non-magical weapons, missiles, and turnings, much as we are. Don't let simple ghoul eat the sorcerer."
Maur watches as the rider on the bleak eagle and the rooks swoop into the cave. The rooks flying is average at best but the bleak eagle moves flawlessly in the air. Its rider throws his javelin and the weapon tears through one of the soldier like paper. How the man remains standing... then the rooks begin to caw and the bulk of the militia begin to panic. Two rooks slam clubs into two of the militia soldiers.

Maur watches as the eagle seems to shudder in the air.

Tarrak hits Sir Ghal with the Star Arm. Luckily only once.

"Watch out," Aureus yells.

Then there is a blast of cold from behind Maur. He looks up to see the monstrous ghast flying near the palisade. The light from Maur's gem damages it but the creature tries to freeze the dwarven ordained champion and Aureus into blocks of ice. The flying ghast hits its own ally. These foes fight with reckless abandon.

Angus waits for an opening to rush up the slope.

Then Tarrak commands his elvish minion to kill the bard. His name is revealed and it seems he was once an ally to the Pendour Family. Galzadar casts a lightning bolt spell and the bard and one of the militia fighters fall. Ailward manages to save himself. The bard's husband screams out her name.

Syndra rushes to the bard's aid. Maur cannot see if the bard lives.

OOC: @Neurotic, Maur is up!

"Onto the spikes, Witch!" exclaims Quinn as he puts his shoulder to the palisade.
Having not stumbled, Quinn heaves the palisade, not once, but twice into her with the help of the haste spell!
Quinn slams the palisade into the priestess not once but twice. Eight of the barricade's spikes impale her. She screams and goes limp. She and the palisade teeters on the edge of the crevasse. Quinn only has to nudge it to send her and the whole thing over the side and into the depths below.

OOC: @ScottDeWar_jr, does Quinn push the palisade over the edge?

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: TL;DR: save critically against Tarrak stench (too bad, I rushed it, I won't be able to get there); saves against troll stench, cone of cold and fear
Smite probably misses with 23 vs AC, if hit 24 damage
Hits for sure (28 and 30) for 40 damage (MAX) on two attacks

brilliance adds additional 6 (also max!! :) )
Total damage taken so far 27

AC: 10 + 9(plate +1) +4 (heavy shield +2) +0 (DEX) +1 (deflection)
Total / Touch / Flat Footed
AC: 24 / 13 / 24
Initiative: 12

HP 54/81

+3 vs poisons, spells and spell-likes
+1 vs evil creatures (vestments))
Fortitude: +8+3+1+2(heroism) = 14
: +2+0+1+1 (haste) +2 (heroism) = 6
: +8+4+1 +2 (heroism) = 15

Current AC: 27/14/27 while immobile (+ haste)
When moving: 25/14/25

+2 alchemical silvered warhammer of disruption with heroism

Attack: +16/+11 (undead Will DC 14 on hit or be destroyed)
with haste, it is +17/+17/+12
Damage: 1d8+8+4
Critical: 20/x3

Active spells:
14 hours Consecrate gives -1 penalty on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves to undead
the area covers front barricades and 30' beyond (20' radius burst cast just beyond barricades)
Consecrate gives +3 to turning check

70 minutes Mass Conviction gives EVERYONE +3 MORALE bonus on saving throws
(cast while speeches were given so everyone should be inside the radius except maybe for the scouts)

7 days Celestial brilliance 35' emanation for damage with light reaching 70'
Undead creatures take 1d6 points of damage each round they are within the bright light.
Evil outsiders, as well as undead creatures that are specifically harmed by sunlight, take 2d6 points of damage each round in the bright light.

Turn undead
Check: 1d20+1 (cha) +2 (religion bonus)
HD turned 2d6+9 (level)+1 (cha) +1 (ephod od authority)

Smite: +1 (cha) to hit / +10 (effective turning level)

6/6 Amanuensis, Create Water, Detect Magic x3, Purify Food
4/5 Bless x2, Foundation of Stone, Hide from Undead, Lesser Holy Transformation, Animate Rope (D)
2/3 Consecrate, Ghosttouch armor, Remove Paralysis, Spiritual Weapon (D)
2/3 Holy Storm, Mass Conviction (+3), Downdraft, Stone shape (D)
1/2 Celestial Brilliance, Recitation, Spike Stones(D)


World of Kulan DM
OOC: yes, just to make sure she is dead
Quinn gives the palisade a final push and it and the priestess of Malotoch fall into the crevasse.

OOC: TL;DR: save critically against Tarrak stench (too bad, I rushed it, I won't be able to get there); saves against troll stench, cone of cold and fear
Smite probably misses with 23 vs AC, if hit 24 damage
Hits for sure (28 and 30) for 40 damage (MAX) on two attacks

brilliance adds additional 6 (also max!! :) )
Total damage taken so far 27

Maur tries to smite the wolftroll again but the undead beast senses the ordained champion's intent and avoids the blow. Maur swings again but the wolftroll flattens itself against the wall and Maur misses. The wolftroll makes a eerie chuckling sound. Maur swings again. The blow finds the creature's head, which damages it badly.

The wolftroll ignores Angus and turns its rage back towards Maur.

OOC: 28 was also a miss.


World of Kulan DM
Wieland drops his crossbow and steps between Lady Pendour and Tarrak. While the young guard doubts he'll be able to hurt the ghast lord, he knows he will give Sir Ghal an advantage. He strikes out with his mithral sickle and hopes for the best.

Meridith turns to run away, but as she tries to sidestep past Henry, she slips and falls onto the floor of the cave. Instead of trying to get up, she just curls up in a ball with her teeth chattering.

Ailward moves away from Tarrak and puts himself in a sport where he can cast disrupt undead against the ghast and hopefully the wizard high above him won't attack him. He fires his ray spell but all he hits is rock.

Henry works to try to reload his crossbow. He has trouble as his hands are shaking.

Sir Ghal counterattacks against Tarrak. He tries to not let the fear stop him from destroying the abomination in front of him. His first swing goes wide, but he quickly swings again and catches the ghast lord off guard. Tarrak hadn't been expecting another swing so quickly. Sir Ghal strikes out a third time and cuts a deep hole in Tarrak's midsection.

"You are a worthy foe," Tarrak growls at the knight. "But it will not be enough."



World of Kulan DM
A moment after Sir Ghal strikes out at Tarrak, Samantha turns to run in panic. She rushes away and the ghast lord strikes out at her with his great mace. The Gala of Inanna gets lucky that the blow wasn't more powerful. Samantha tries to keep her balance but catches her foot on a rock and falls down the slope to land next the freestanding sconce for the torches.

Benedict is grieving but enraged. He screams at the top of his lungs and aims his bow towards the elf wizard who took his love from him. He fires a single shot. The arrow embeds into the rock several feet below the elf on the raised stony shelf. The despondent ranger is shaking in grief more than from the fear that tried to end his heart. He falls to his knees, sobbing.

Benedict Stevyn - Fires bow at enemy elf wizard: 1D20+5 = [13]+5 = 18 -2 = 16
1D8 = [6] = 6 (miss)

Before anyone else says it: Elf on the Shelf!


World of Kulan DM
Maur expects to see the wolftroll continue to regenerate, but the wounds he inflicted remain on the undead creature's smelly body. The wolftroll counters with its two claws but the ordained champion just barely manages to avoid getting skewered. The wolftroll howls in frustration.

Meanwhile, Temperance backs away from the ghast and plants herself behind Lady Pendour where she curls up into a ball next to one of the stalagmites.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Undead Wolftroll - Full Attack with Claws: 1D20+11 = [14]+11 = 25
1D6+5 = [5]+5 = 10
1D20+11 = [14]+11 = 25
1D6+5 = [1]+5 = 6
(two hits based under @Neurotic's mini stats spoiler)

Special Attack
Undead Wolftroll - Rend damage: 2D6+5 = [2, 1]+5 = 8

So, that's a total of 24 damage to Maur for the two claws and the rend.
Ummm...no. that's my base AC...read a bit lower where it says current AC.
And with shield of law assuming ofcourse the troll is chaotic 31 in which case shield of law could slow it too
Current AC: 27/14/27 while immobile (+ haste)
When moving: 25/14/25

And to be clear, the above is with haste only, shield of law adds 4 more above it, sorry :(
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