Halo the series...spoilers

Looks like they indeed changed how Cortana works and let the backstabbing begin. I'm not sure I like how they reframed the relationship between John and Cortana, but since it's early I'll let it play out.

Also looks like they changed how they got the spartan IIs as kids.

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3 eps in and I stand by my questioning whether the human race is worth rooting for. Halsey is awful. Keys is awful. The council of people whose names I forgot is awful. The people on junk planet are awful. Also that guy from Torchwood is awful.

I'm sure there's nice people somewhere, but they ain't making themselves known. The kid is too young to be awful, except awful stupid.


Biological Disaster
The show isn't... terrible... so far, but if they make Covenant-lady and John fall in love I'm out.

And I second that I intensely dislike that besides John there's not a single likeable character on the show, and even then it's not because he's a good guy, he just hasn't proactively been an awful human being like everyone else on-screen yet. And Halsey better be playing the long-con to keep John safe.

Well, that was interesting. Jackals with swords and shields. I did chuckle a bit when John throw his gun at the Grunt, also seems Cortana has finally learned snark. They did a good job on the Brutes.


Well, that was interesting. Jackals with swords and shields. I did chuckle a bit when John throw his gun at the Grunt, also seems Cortana has finally learned snark. They did a good job on the Brutes.

They've done a good job on the looks of everything. Guns, covenant all easily identified.

It's not great but not bad. Probably better than Foundation not as good as Picard.

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