Can WotC be forgiven?


WotC isn't a monolith
I read marilith and was picturing all the arms like brands in Hasbro looking for gold.


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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
This is actually one my concerns about the situation. Had the immediately come out and said this was just a working draft, we're not going to do this, I think their statement would have been more credible. Now it feels very much like they are hoping it'll blow over and any statement is going to feel increasingly calculated and insincere.
I think it's clear that what we saw is exactly what they intended to do.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
WotC is a company; they technically don't deserve praise or forgiveness. The management team running things are the ones who deserve credit/blame (in this case blame), and they seldom receive forgiveness. They've shown their motivation, short term gain over long term sustainability, and are unlikely to be forgiven. At least one high level executive is gonna have to fall on the sword for this, and even then it may not be enough (my group wants everyone in upper management fired).

Personally I don't care about the individuals involved. I want the situation corrected, with the company revealing they understand why they received this response. I'd really like them to add the understanding of the OGL being "non-revokable" by future management, although realistically this isn't necessary, as no future manager would try to repeat this disaster.
But the thing is, as far as I can tell management  still doesn't understand why they received the response they did. I really think they figured some of the big ones would have no choice but to sign on, thus encouraging others to do the same.


"Realizing 1.1 landed with a massive thud, suppose WotC announces that 1.1 is no longer a thing and 1.0a will remain for the indefinite future. They also say they are sorry. Really sorry. Really, really sorry. What would it take for them to be forgiven? Is there any going back at this point?
Even before the ORC License announcement, no. The threat of it ending is enough to end it's support. Now that the ORC License has been announced, why go back to a license that will definitely one day end?


But the thing is, as far as I can tell management  still doesn't understand why they received the response they did. I really think they figured some of the big ones would have no choice but to sign on, thus encouraging others to do the same.
I think that this is a whole paradigm issue, the problem is the paradigms that people are trained to operate under.
There is nothing we can do about that in this forum since it is a reflection of our society and they way it trains people that ultimately run business and is also party a result of the incentive structure in place in the operation of those business.
My view, of business is utilitarian, are they making something that I want. That makes my life easier or entertains me in some way. Then I buy the product. I really like 5e so I have bought 5e product.
I did not like that WoTC was doing with respect to the licences and that may have influence my future engagement but I was not going to stop the use of what I already have.
I have no interest in Level Up or Pathfinder but I would content if EN Publishing or Paizo can continue making them.


It's a matter of trust. They would have to get rid of the people who made these decisions, and replace them with people with a proven history of actually being protective of the industry instead of glowering in hunger at it.

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