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James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
It doesn't help that a lot of the controlers were subpar too.
It especially didn't help that the first Controller class to be printed not only naturally got the lion's share of support, it was the flagship class, and it was bloated with non-controller powers because of "legacy reasons". The other controllers had to make do with a lot less.

Also a Warlord stan btw!


WotC can of course include whatever classes they want, as it's their game. I'm pushing back on the idea that the Warlord class needs the 4e structure to work.
I ran a levelup game from level one up to 11 or 12. Monster AC doesn't keep up with an expertise die from flanking and a size bump from "and as a bonus action I mark this guy, everyone gets an expertise die on it". Without old style iterative attack penalties, multiattack penalties, or maybe even black flag style first attack gets a bonus there just is not enough room in the math for it.


You think there'd have been a problem with a 5e Warlord?
Problem? No. But absent the arbitrary constructs of "Power Source" and "Role" there is no point.
WotC can of course include whatever classes they want, as it's their game. I'm pushing back on the idea that the Warlord class needs the 4e structure to work.
Of course it doesn't need the 4E structure to "work," but without the 4E structure there is nothing there to speak of.


Not a fan of most of the playtest so far. Seems like change for changes sake, or someone trolling forums like these trying to fix problems that 90 percent of the base don't even percieve.

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