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D&D (2024) How did I miss this about the Half races/ancestries

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Is it your contention that D&D of the 80s 90s 2000's 2010's and 2020's was too edgy for 12 and ups?
I mean, the D&D cartoon didn't use orcs or anything like that. Bullywugs ended up the go to minions

But D&D of those years wasn't aiming for 12 years olds in the slighest. Let's not forget BoVD and BoED which are both incredibly edgy and aiming for audiences over this (ironically having very immature looks at these two respective books, being the book that gave us the infamous 'these are poisons but named different so you can use them and still be good'). And... Those two books have gotten absolutely dragged in the decades since. I dunno what the reaction at the time was fully though. How were these two received because, given how the books are, I can't see it being well. So, yeah. D&D of the 00s at least absolutely tried to be too edgy for 12 year olds and stumbled in there with all of the grace of 'Here's Shadow the Hedgehog's stand-alone game where he has guns and rides a motorbike'

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No I don't realise how I've made things worse. These are fantastical creatures in a fantastical setting - now you're allowed to lean into these flaws or ignore them completely.
So you don't realize that using racist terminology is worse than not using racist terminology?

I also view these character options in the same way vampire clans have their flaws and perceptions of other vampire clans in VtM.
I'm not so familiar with VtM, but vampires talking about other vampires is not the same as one species talking about the other species.

If you feel insulted because the orcs carry the Mark of Gruumsh, that's on you in the same way someone who wishes to view He-Man as insulting to anyone who is not muscular and strong so they cannot be a hero.
I take it you're not familiar with the Mark of Ham?

I enjoy the races as they were designed. If you wish to draw parallels from reality to a fantasy race that's not on me.

Sounds like you dislike the elves. May I suggest playing a half-orc?
I have played half-orcs. And half-elves. But not in worlds where there was automatic racism against them. There was still plenty of conflict because, y'know, the DMs were capable of creating conflicts that didn't revolve around bigotry.


I believe I have clarified my position adequately in the last couple of posts. At this point if you don't agree or cannot understand we are like going to have just agree to disagree.
No, you haven't said why it's cool. You've said it creates conflict. But there are a lot of ways to create conflict in an RPG and you haven't said why racism is somehow better than any of the hundreds or thousands of other ways.


I don’t think you have made this case. TV, movies, novels, etc they have all been subject to this trend. I think anyone paying attention to the culture sees that. It doesn’t mean movies never depict difficult things. Some do. Some depict difficult things currently acceptable. But you clearly get the sense that there is a deep chilling effect on what is permissible. And plenty of people industries have commented on how this is the case.

Man. I must be utterly blind. According to you, I don't pay attention to games, books, movies, or television culture.

Instead of "plenty of people" how about you give examples. Heck, since we are now talking about movies and television, someone probably made a public statement. Give me that, since as a public statement you don't need to worry about anyone unfairly being drug through the mud.

I think it is very obvious media has grown more full and predictable in the past five to ten years. That doesn’t mean there aren’t some subjects that media has expanded its views on in a good way. But even then the prioritization if wholesomeness and radiating a message, I think has just made that content boring too.

Media has always been predictable. It follows tropes and patterns. It isn't more predictable know than it used to be.

Again I can’t comment on a medium I have zero experience with since the early 2000s (and even then I didn’t play much). But my view as a writer and as an appreciator if media, is let creatives explore topics, don’t leap to conclusions because it sounds awful, and if it is awful avoid it. I am not interested in deciding what should and should not be considered valid art or valid subject matter

And I am, because I am interested in making a better world. I'm interested in allowing people to express things that AREN'T just "we hate other people because they are different" and even to allow them to express that, even in fiction, "We hate others because they are different" is wrong, and not necessary.

First line never said you can’t say anything. I have been very clear I value free expression and that includes the right to critique. But I also don’t think we should set the bar inwhat is culturally permissible around preventing bad people from claiming artistic protection.

Why not? You can't use "but it is just art" as a protection for making something that promotes the ideals of hatred towards other people for their differences. Can you make that art? Sure. Can you sell that art? Sure. But you can't say "this is art, so I am beyond criticism!"

I think human rights are very important. And so think free expression is central to protecting the rights we have and expanding rights. And that’s why you should value artistic free expression because the tools (whether they be law or simple online trends) we establish for restriction art, will eventually be used by the people you don’t want using them to silence the people you want to protect.

Fear mongering and false. Sure, people try to use the "you won't let me be a bigot, so that's oppression too!" line, but it doesn't work. There is no threat that people will use our ability to criticize art for promoting hatred to turn around and remove our ability to create art expressing acceptance.

I think the whole culture war is sad. I don’t drink so I don’t care if the bud light spokesman is a trans person or Kid rock (personally I wish people drank less beer), but I think the culture war is out of control if people are firing guns to protest a beer commercial. Also free expression needs to go both ways. People calling for a beer commercial to be taken down are being censorious (and that is the thing since have been speaking against the whole thread). People shouldn’t be afraid of a beer commercial

See, the thing is though, I don't care if they call for it to be taken down. They are just exposing themselves in the process. "I hate this type of person so they shouldn't be allowed to do this thing" is a pretty clear message to me about the type of individuals they are. Protest away.

Where I get a problem with the "both sides" part of this, is that people like me are just being critical, while people like that are threatening violence and death. And sometimes people on my side cross that line, and I would call them out for it, because violence doesn't help. But it is our message of accepting people that is going too far, it is our message that gets constantly met with this barrage of "but what if you make it like the bad old days". And that is probably because those people on the other side are actually sad those "bad old days" stopped, so it wouldn't really be a vaguely threatening statement for them.

I am in an interracial marriage. It isn’t new to include interracial couples in media (I remember the Jefferson’s having such a couple gif example) but I am glad it is more common, however it is more complicated than you are saying. Like I said there have always been the right wing reactions to us, but more recently we’ve encountered more negative reactions from the left too. So I don’t think if you ask all interracial couples they are optimistic just because we appear in more commercials. Also look at things like Star Wars. They clearly intended Finn and Rose to be a couple. But they threw that story arc in the trash can (I assumed for fear of the global market but that was just my guess)

I don’t understand why you think I’d want to reverse course on this. My complaint isn’t about more interracial couples appearing in commercials

You can have progress in these areas and still have an issue because you aren’t allowing other things now deemed bad (even if they aren’t bad but just sometimes get mistaken for bad). And you can have a good message but a singular focus on that message can interfere with making work compelling. It can lead to things like putting your subject matter in a pedestal or making characters that are overly idealized. This happened to me with a game dealing in Christian themes. I tried too hard to maintain a message in keeping with the the theme and ended up with something vanilla and too message oriented. So took a break and returned to strip a lot of that out and restore rough edges to it.

My main complaint here has been about putting parameters on what is acceptable. It hasn’t been that so think there are too many diverse characters or something like that. Again, that stuff should be acceptable. Like I said before, if someone wants to make something like coyote and crow, great, I think that is cool. But I also think dark sun with slavery in it and half elves of evil orcs are also okay.

Edits for typos

Man, what kind of world we live in where "isn't a bigot" is making someone overly idealized. Because of course, I've never really seen any sort of arguments here about getting rid of violence, or anger, or greed, or selfishness or cowardliness, or really any individual flaws (remember, the racism in the game is all on the species-wide level).

But it gets back to this bizarre slippery slope. You think if we take out the racism, then the violence is next, and then the greed, and then there is no conflict. All because we dared to take out the racism and tumble down the slope. Of course, we took out the sexism (mostly) a long time ago... and it took near fifty years to get to the next thing. so, I mean I guess in two hundred years we might have completed that slope, but man I hope the world of two hundred years into the future isn't still dealing with much of the crap we are dealing with,

Man, what kind of world we live in where "isn't a bigot" is making someone overly idealized. Because of course, I've never really seen any sort of arguments here about getting rid of violence, or anger, or greed, or selfishness or cowardliness, or really any individual flaws (remember, the racism in the game is all on the species-wide level).
this isn’t even remotely close to what I was saying


So please by all means create something without drawing any parallels (for offense) and it must be more than just a skin.
~looks at 20 years of writing career~

I think I got that, chief. Made some mistakes along the way and lived up to my ignorance too it instead of accusing people of looking to be offended.

Would you like me to expound on the cultural impact of wings and hollow bones on the hailene?

The racial trauma of a people transformed by deific action among the minotaurs?

How the miare catfolk have adapted to cleave to, break or manipulate the stereotypes of them?

The positive discrimination of lasconti spiderfolk and its impact on them?

My own portrayal of mixed race people both contemporary human and fictional species?

Maybe the societal impact of literal superpowers and how social action changes nations?

Allegory of indigenous people without making use of the magical native of 'noble savage' tropes?

The research involved in portraying people of religions, races and sexualities different than my own?

I can do this all day.


Is it your contention that D&D of the 80s 90s 2000's 2010's and 2020's was too edgy for 12 and ups?

I certainly wouldn't have wanted to take the Fires of Zatal and give a 12 year old the pre-made "hero" fighter Kixitiloc who "desperately wanted to be free but at heart he dreamed of becoming a master with his own land and slaves."

The 2000's had a book all about edgy evil things, to the point it had a content warning. And a sex book.

In the 2010s, I had a friend come up to me before we started out 4e campaign, asking me to change the lore for Half-orcs, because it made him incredibly uncomfortable how sexual assault was so casually mentioned in their entry.

And by the 2020's, I often smoothed things over, but I have still had to consistently explain to my players "no, these are people" and we once had a discussion with a DM who was using themes of nazism (we were literally fighting neo-nazis) and how the "born inherently evil" side of the Nazi ally groups like the gnolls was... really troubling in that context.

So yeah, I think it is fair to say DnD has struggled with this concept for a bit.


I think it is very obvious media has grown more full and predictable in the past five to ten years. That doesn’t mean there aren’t some subjects that media has expanded its views on in a good way. But even then the prioritization if wholesomeness and radiating a message, I think has just made that content boring too.
Can you give some examples of media from the last 5-10 being more predictable and boring?

And has it occurred to you that it may just not be to your taste instead of objectively bad?

Again I can’t comment on a medium I have zero experience with since the early 2000s (and even then I didn’t play much). But my view as a writer and as an appreciator if media, is let creatives explore topics, don’t leap to conclusions because it sounds awful, and if it is awful avoid it. I am not interested in deciding what should and should not be considered valid art or valid subject matter
D&D has had nearly 50 years to explore in-game bigotry. They've basically done diddly squat with it, since it's been relegated to "the bad guys are slavers--go kill them" time and time again.

Therefore, let the creatives explore new topics. The old stuff is boring.

I think human rights are very important. And so think free expression is central to protecting the rights we have and expanding rights. And that’s why you should value artistic free expression because the tools (whether they be law or simple online trends) we establish for restriction art, will eventually be used by the people you don’t want using them to silence the people you want to protect.
Then you should be aware that freedom of speech--assuming you're an American or from a country that has similar laws--is supposed to prevent the government from censoring you. It says nothing about what companies choose to print or not print.

You, for instance, are perfectly capable and allowed to write anything you want, no matter how in-game bigoted it is, and publish it. If it's gaming material, you can even publish it on Drivethru or a similar site. Nobody is going to stop you.

I think the whole culture war is sad. I don’t drink so I don’t care if the bud light spokesman is a trans person or Kid rock (personally I wish people drank less beer), but I think the culture war is out of control if people are firing guns to protest a beer commercial. Also free expression needs to go both ways. People calling for a beer commercial to be taken down are being censorious (and that is the thing since have been speaking against the whole thread). People shouldn’t be afraid of a beer commercial
This is true.

People also shouldn't be afraid if a gaming company chooses to not put out material that uses bigotry as a crutch for plot hooks.

I am in an interracial marriage. It isn’t new to include interracial couples in media (I remember the Jefferson’s having such a couple gif example) but I am glad it is more common, however it is more complicated than you are saying. Like I said there have always been the right wing reactions to us, but more recently we’ve encountered more negative reactions from the left too.
Such as? I'm curious to see these things. I'm sure there are left-wing bigots as well, but I haven't encountered any who are against interracial marriage.

Then you should be aware that freedom of speech--assuming you're an American or from a country that has similar laws--is supposed to prevent the government from censoring you. It says nothing about what companies choose to print or not print.

I am an American. Freedom of speech Abd free expression are broader principles. The first amendment specifically protects against government censorship but the free speech movement and advocates of free expression are concerned about other forms of restriction like corporate censorship, efforts to get publishers to take down or change books, etc

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