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"The Marvels" - Teaser


Damn I gotta catch up on the MCU.

Bruce has a son in the MCU!? Is his story at all similar to his son in the comics?
Likely yes. So far he has only shown up for a very brief scene in the final She-Hulk episode.

About mid-way through the season, Bruce leaves in a spaceship for an at-the-time unknown reason. I don't recall if it's stated that he's going to Sakaar or not. And in the final episode, at a family dinner, he shows up again with son in tow. I don't think the lad in question has any lines.

I'd add that I think the idea of Hulk having a son from his time on Sakaar in the MCU is significantly creepier than in the comics. In the original Planet Hulk story, the "Green Scar" incarnation of Hulk is fairly intelligent. I'm not sure if he's Banner-smart, but he's definitely at least on the Joe Fixit level. And as the Green Scar, he falls in love with an alien lady and gets her pregnant before she's blown up by a malfunction in the spaceship that brought him there, but unbeknownst to the Hulk the child survives in some form of cocoon.

But the Hulk we see in Thor Ragnarok is mentally still a child. The reason this version of the Hulk is not quite as mindless as the one in the Avengers is that he's been Hulk constantly for several years, and has been developing mentally through this time – but he's still not an adult mentally. So either Sakaar is the result of genetic engineering, or someone took advantage of the Hulk in a reduced mental state.

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About mid-way through the season, Bruce leaves in a spaceship for an at-the-time unknown reason. I don't recall if it's stated that he's going to Sakaar or not. And in the final episode, at a family dinner, he shows up again with son in tow. I don't think the lad in question has any lines.
Let's not forget that it was that spaceship showing up in the very first episode that caused the crash that resulted in Jenn gaining her Hulk powers. Also, I thought it was pretty obvious at the time that it was a Sakaaran ship and that, when Bruce got on board, that was where he was going.

Didn't the one that Loki and Sylvie met mention that some of his variants were more collaborative than others (or words to that effect)?
Yeah, so I guess it's two Kangs that weren't collaborative and all the others that were against them.
Scott says in Endgame that the 5 years only felt like 5 hours for him. That doesn't mean it was only 5 hours, but perhaps Janet's 30 years felt like less than that as well? But also, as Janet says at the start of Quantumania, the quantum realm has worlds within worlds. Scott may have ended up stranded in an area where there isn't really any life.
It's a consistency issue they seem to have. 5-years = 5-hours in one instance and 30-years = 30-years in another.
As for Loki, the reason it's a bit frustrating for me is that they tied Quantumania back into Loki with the second credits scene.
I forgot what the 2nd post-credit scene was.

Is it just me, or is Kang just really boring? "Now, for my secret weapon, I with bore you to death with my monologing!"

She was gone for 30 years in the real world, but do we know it was 30 years in the quantum realm as well?
I'm going to assume it was 30-years in the quantum realm as well seeing as how she aged 30-years.
It looked like a preview clip from season 2 of Loki.
I'm going to need to look it up. I still can't remember it.
Yes it's just me, or yes Kang is boring?
That depends on which universe/reality/timeline you're asking this question in. It can be the former or the later or both. It's like Schrodinger's Kang.

So speaking of The Marvels, last night I rewatched Captain Marvel and I had a great time. Most of the old critiques people had sounded silly, like about Brie not being expressive or the final act being too easy since she was overpowered.

I found it fun. And the dynamic of her with the other characters - Fury, Maria, and Talos especially - was charming.

The only parts that really didn't land for me were whenever the Supreme Intelligence was talking. It was a bit too exposition-y.

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