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Tolkien fanfic writer sues Tolkien estate over copyright

It appears to be a sequel rather than a prequel of the LOTR, so why is he is focusing on Rings of Power unless the complaint is "its set in Tolkien's world which is actually mine now and hence even more an insane lawsuit.

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It appears to be a sequel rather than a prequel of the LOTR, so why is he is focusing on Rings of Power unless the complaint is "its set in Tolkien's world which is actually mine now and hence even more an insane lawsuit.
If I remember rightly from back when this was first in the news, he was suing because RoP supposedly copied elements from his book. From the blurb, I gather that he writes about the history of the Rings in a prologue or something.

Of course he still stole that from Tolkien's writings, so...


Barnes and Noble seem to have not pulled the ebook yet:

I'm tempted to get a copy for posterity, but unwilling to give a fraction of $13.49 to its author.

By all accounts, it's even worse than you could possibly imagine. Worse than The Rings of Power, even.
You could likely salve your conscience with the fact that any and all profits will most likely be going to the Tolkien Estate.


The EN World kitten
Since it seems certain that the B&N sales page will go down soon, here's the blurb in full:

Long before Annatar, the original Rings of Power were forged by the Elven Lord Celebrimbor and the Dwarven smith Narvi in the Eregion, near the Misty Mountains. This first set of Rings were far more powerful than those that came after and were corrupted by Sauron, to be fought for in the War of the Ring.

Elanor, daughter of Samwise, is nervous the night before her debutante party in the Shire. In the 22nd year of the reign of the High King Elessar, the Blue Wizards return from out of the East bearing perilous news: the rest of the Rings of Power have been found and they are in deadly danger. Thus begins the War Of The Rings To End All Wars Of The Rings. Before it is over, Elves, Dwarves, Hobbits, Men and races long forgotten or never seen before will join the Quest to find Celebrimbor's originals and Sauron's corrupted Rings of Power.

Elanor, two Hobbit friends, the Crown Prince Eldarion of Gondor, his Elvish uncles Elladan and Elrohir join the Wizards Alatar in a war across Middle-earth fighting for their lives. If they fail, they will witness the return of the Vala Morgoth, this true Dark Lord is the source of Evil and the former master of the long-defeated Sauron. With all the Rings of Power at his command, Morgoth will enslave the whole of Middle-earth - forever.

"Thus begins the War Of The Rings To End All Wars Of The Rings."

Wow, just...wow.
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It's Lord of the Rings times ten! Extreme edition! Let's give the humans 90 rings! Yeah! An army of Ringwaiths! And when they go under Khazad-dum and Dumer, there are three balrogs there! And a Terminator! But the elves kill them while surfing on their shields. And then Smaug's dad turns up. Whoa! But he's all like, you're too powerful, I give up, I just want a hug. And then a boat turns up. 'We're the ghosts of Sam and Frodo, here from the Undying Lands to admit all the things we got wrong'. And then Gandalf turns up all in black and plays a killer riff on his electronic guitar. 'Party on my dudes!' he exclaimed. Yes, party on indeed.

The End

Long before Annatar, the original Rings of Power were forged by the Elven Lord Celebrimbor and the Dwarven smith Narvi in the Eregion, near the Misty Mountains. This first set of Rings were far more powerful than those that came after and were corrupted by Sauron, to be fought for in the War of the Ring.

Elanor, daughter of Samwise, is nervous the night before her debutante party in the Shire. In the 22nd year of the reign of the High King Elessar, the Blue Wizards return from out of the East bearing perilous news: the rest of the Rings of Power have been found and they are in deadly danger. Thus begins the War Of The Rings To End All Wars Of The Rings. Before it is over, Elves, Dwarves, Hobbits, Men and races long forgotten or never seen before will join the Quest to find Celebrimbor's originals and Sauron's corrupted Rings of Power.

Elanor, two Hobbit friends, the Crown Prince Eldarion of Gondor, his Elvish uncles Elladan and Elrohir join the Wizards Alatar in a war across Middle-earth fighting for their lives. If they fail, they will witness the return of the Vala Morgoth, this true Dark Lord is the source of Evil and the former master of the long-defeated Sauron. With all the Rings of Power at his command, Morgoth will enslave the whole of Middle-earth - forever.

Ugh and double-ugh! Even aside from the plot sounding terrible, the sheer hubris and moxie of trying to write a sequel to Lord of the Rings is unimaginable. And suing Amazon over copyright infringement!

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