D&D General IF D&D were for sale ...


Sure, the reality of who would/could buy D&D wouldn't likely be very promising. Fortunately, I'm not interested in that. I'd like to know who you would like to buy it.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Sure, the reality of who would/could buy D&D wouldn't likely be very promising. Fortunately, I'm not interested in that. I'd like to know who you would like to buy it.
Well, in that case, me.

I'd make it a not-for-profit and focus on bringing in new people to the hobby and using it to promote literacy and as a mental health tool.

I'd also make all of the stuff on their streaming channel available on demand.


No one. Let the IP die.
This is kind of how I feel too. I think that any established company will try and shoehorn D&D into whatever their flagship TTRPG ruleset is, and I don't think that'd work. If some unknown game designer ended up with it god only knows what they'd turn it into. I'm not saying that they couldn't improve the game but as has been stated on these boards before how much can you change the game before it stops being the same game. Seeing as WotC has owned D&D for 27 years now, which is longer than TSR did, I don't see the IP surviving another major edition change if its done by anyone other than WotC. I say this because most likely a good portion of the current player base don't even remember TSR owning the brand if they were even born yet, so to them WotC is probably synonymous with D&D. Myself, I'd just find another game to play.


If D&D survived the move from TSR to WotC I don't see why it can't survive under the ownership of another company again. I honestly don't know who I'd prefer to have it. There are a plenty of companies I like, but a lot of them kind of do their own thing that isn't D&D. What the hell? I'll just give it to Steve Jackson Games.

You know some times I like to speculate about possible mergers and acquisitions in the future, but now there is a lot of troubles in the global economy and even the biggest megacorporations worry more about survival than expanding. In the past I would say Disney, but not this is not in its best time. Microsoft? Not in this year, it has to fix a lot of internal troubles at home

My own theory is the possible buyer would be other company controlled by the same investement fund, and then the true top bosses wouldn't change.

I warn this is not only about money, but the "soft power" and the strategy value in the culture war, about how to use known franchises to influence into other societies.

Elon Musk could be interested. I say it seriously. And he would do it by practical reasons.

I doubt seriously to be sold to a no-American company.

Why not a merger LEGO-Hasbro?

Greg K

I would love D&D in the hands of one of the following.
1. Green Ronin if they put Steve Kenson in charge. I liked GR's 3e D&D stuff- especially, the stuff Steve wrote.
2. Pinnacle Entertainment Group for a change in mechanics: I would love to see Dark Sun, Ravenloft, and Greyhawk using Savage Worlds mechanics.


I would love D&D in the hands of one of the following.
1. Green Ronin if they put Steve Kenson in charge. I liked GR's 3e D&D stuff- especially, the stuff Steve wrote.
2. Pinnacle Entertainment Group for a change in mechanics: I would love to see Dark Sun, Ravenloft, and Greyhawk using Savage Worlds mechanics.

Forgot Green Ronin add them as my 4th.

Hmm new list.

1. Kobold Press
2. Larian
3. Paizo
4. Green Ronin
5. ENworld

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