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Recent content by AvangionQ

  1. AvangionQ

    Question regarding Ranger's Hunter's Quarry

    "The hunter's quarry effect remains active until the end of the encounter, until the quarry is defeated, or until you designate a different target as your quarry." - PHB 104 ... does that mean that every round, with a minor action, a Ranger can designate the nearest new target with Hunter's...
  2. AvangionQ

    D&D 4E variant game in Brooklyn New York seeking players

    Hello. I'm looking to start a 4th edition Dungeons and Dragons high magic, high powered variant campaign in Brooklyn New York and am seeking up to five new players to do so ... scheduling for gaming days are negotiable, but the early runnings indicate either a Wednesday or Saturday weekly...
  3. AvangionQ

    Need a feat for my sniper

    There's a few from Races of the Wild that I would recommend for you ... Able Sniper, Plunging Shot and Woodland Archer ... also, from Complete Warrior, Ranged Pin can be fun on occasion ...
  4. AvangionQ

    About Enervation

    Cleric 3 / Wizard 6 ... wow, even as an example, what an inefficient multi-class combination! I would have figured for sure that you'd go Cleric 3 / Wizard 3 / Mystic Theurge 3 ... then, for the moment, the enervation would affect the top level spells of both your wizard and cleric classes, but...
  5. AvangionQ

    Need more spells per round!

    Celerity is from the Player's Handbook II ... and thanks for the idea!
  6. AvangionQ


    Thanks for answering the first part of the question. I've picked up Swift Concentration skill trick from Complete Scoundrel for the character. Now would the usage of Swift Concentration allow the character to simultaneously concentrate one and detect two types of effects (as per the previous...
  7. AvangionQ


    Hello. I have two quick questions. First, if a caster is concentrating on a spell such as Detect Magic and casts another spell or takes any other standard action such as attacks in melee, is the concentration on the original spell automatically broken? Or is concentration on the initial spell...
  8. AvangionQ

    Enlarge Person vs. Charge into combat

    The original reason for my question was to see if there were any other means, aside from high ranks in tumble skill, to avoid provoking attacks of opportunity from large sized creatures when first going into melee with them. Yes, I know its only one AoO per creature per round, but what happens...
  9. AvangionQ

    Enlarge Person vs. Charge into combat

    Thanks - just wanted to make sure, as giant sized creatures with this would become seriously annoying to any character without tumble skill. Thanks much.
  10. AvangionQ

    Enlarge Person vs. Charge into combat

    Hello. I have a question concerning larger than medium sized creatures with reach and multiple threatened squares, such as those generated by the Enlarge Person spell, and the charging into combat attack option. Here's my two potentially not-so-simple questions: If moving through two...
  11. AvangionQ

    Seeking Players for a new game in Brooklyn NY

    My campaign has been delayed until Sunday, June 4th. At the moment, the campaign is now full. I will edit this reply if an opening presents itself. Thank you for your instant messages.
  12. AvangionQ

    Seeking Players for a new game in Brooklyn NY

    Hello. I will be starting up a new campaign in mid May and am seeking anywhere from two to four additional players. The game will be a D&D 3.5E variant in a house realm and players will start off at 2nd level, unless if the players have an overwhelming majority and wish to play an Eberron or...
  13. AvangionQ

    D&D group in Brooklyn New York seeking player

    Hello. I'm currently running an ongoing D&D 3.5E variant game that's been going on for nearly a year. One of my players had work scheduling conflicts and had to drop out of the group, so I'm looking for one new player to join into the fold. The game is played in Brooklyn New York, usually on...
  14. AvangionQ

    Ongoing D&D 3.5E campaign in Brooklyn NY seeks players

    Hello guys. I am currently running a D&D campaign on Saturdays which has an opening for up to two players. The campaign is running an InuYasha anime theme and uses primarily 3.5E rules with a few variants. New players will join the group at 9th level. We currently have in our group, a human...
  15. AvangionQ

    Centaurs, Natrual Attack and Armed Attack

    Thanks for taking the time to add this in here ... I'm the game's DM and am also slightly confused ... Which feat does the character need? Two weapon fighting, multi-attack or multi-weapon fighting, or other ... Thanks in advance for any advice on this ...