Recent content by ChrisTheS

  1. C

    Where is My Little RPG?

    I think it's more a case of the creative department and the marketing department not speaking to each other, as is so often the case. The show has always claimed to be inclusive of all audiences (one of its original goals was to make MLP not be a 'girls only' thing anymore) - it's just the toys...
  2. C

    D&D 5E Survivor 5e- What Core Class Needs to Go

    Ranger, because everyone keeps insisting Aragorn is one despite his being an armored two-handed sword wielder with a bonded warhorse who heals injuries by the laying on of hands.
  3. C

    D&D 5E What's the point of gold?

    Expensive material components. Paying henchmen. Buying castles. Bribing viziers. Carousing with gods.